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20 Cards in this Set

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What does the CCR5 gene do
It is a receptor for chemokines for internilazation of HIV into macrophages
What does the CXCR4 gene do
It is a receptor for chemokines for internilazation of HIV into T-lymphocytes
What virulence factor causes the rash with scarlet fever
pyrogenic exotoxin
What is the MOA of Vancomycin
Binds to D-ALA-D-ALA which is vital in the synthesis of Peptidoglycan bridges

Resistance to Vancomycin = the bacteria uses D-lactic acid in there peptide bonds. vanc cannot bind and inhibit
When do you use Aztreonam?
if a patient is allergic to penicillins/cephalasporins
What are the DOC for acute pylonephritis
Ampicillin and gentamycin
What are the 2 obligate intracellular bugs
***Cannot make own ATP***
What are the 5 Encapsulated bacteria
**Kapsules Shield SHiN**
Klebsiella pneumo
Streptococcus pneumo
Haemophilus Influ
Neisseria meningitidis

*** These have a capsule that makes IgA protease***(
What are the 4 Urease positive bugs
** Particular Kinds Have Urease**
Vibrio Cholerae Exotoxin
ADP-ribosylation of G-protein causes increase in adenylyl cyclase = increase Cl into gut lumen = decrease Na absorption = H2O moving into gut and cause rice water stools
What are CD16 cells
Natural Killer cells
What are CD 21 Cells
How does Acyclovir inhibit herpes outbreaks
inhibits the formation of viral DNA from pyrimidine and purine precursers.
it cannot make nucleic acids = cannot replicate
** for this medication to work needs virial thymadine kinase to activate it**
If sputum sample was taken on a measles patient what would you see
What is in the PPD tb test that causes the reaction
The outer surface protein
What is the most important pathogenetic feature of P. Aerginosa
The polysaccharide capsule
CD14 is associated with what disease
Mycobacterium leapre
Candida albicans will show what on microscopy
What is a monomorphic yeast that causes meningitis in HIV patients
cryptococcus neoformans
Shiga, Cholera, Diptheria, Strep. pyogenes, salmonella, and botulinum toxins are all genetically encoded where
Lysogentic phage genome