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19 Cards in this Set

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A ver

Let's see. Lit. "To see"

Vamos a ver

Let's see, alright then

Can also be used loudly to get attention in a crowded room.

En plan



I mean. To correct yourself.

O sea

I mean, that is

Es decir

That is


So, Therefor. used at the beginning of sentence

Así que

So, therefor. At beginning of sentence.

Así que bueno

So yeah, so anyways

Así que nada

So yeah, so anyways


Well. Can use it like pues at the beginning of a sentence when thinking of how to respond.

¡pero bueno!

A loud or drawn-out bueno can express exasperation, annoyance or disbelief. For extra emphasis, add the word pero beforehand.¿Todavía no habéis fregado los platos? ¡Pero bueno!(You still haven’t washed the dishes? Well then!)


Uh or um

Es que

Es que is a great filler word to use when you need to explain yourself or rationalize a decision. I’ve found it’s especially useful when you need to politely decline, deny or disagree with somebody.Teacher: ¿No has terminado la tarea? (You haven’t finished the homework?)Student: ¡Es que es muy difícil! (It’s just that it’s really difficult!)


You know?

¿Sabes que?

You know what?


That (primarily) Eso has many meanings in Spanish; primarily, it means “that,” as in, eso es muy bueno (That is very good). But on its own, you can use eso as a lead-in to a summary or conclusion of a conversation. It’s a good way to reiterate something that you’ve already said but want to repeat or emphasize.Pues, eso, que lo siento mucho pero vas a tener que volver mañana.(Well, like I said, I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to come back tomorrow.)

Es fin

So that's it. All in all. To wrap up a conversation.