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22 Cards in this Set

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young females b/w ages _________are at risk for sexual assault
12 to 19
-if attacked by spouse or intimate –what follows is

(if by stranger, what follows:
sexual distress:

fear and anxiety)
Psychological effects of sexual assault

-long term effects of sexual assault may include
depression, suicide, anxiety and fear, difficulty with daily functioning, low self-esteem, sexual dysfunction, and somatic complains
Psychological effects of sexual assault

-a history of sexual abuse in psychatric patients is associated with what chatacteristic patterns of symptoms
anxiety disorders
chemcial dependency
suicide attempts
self mutilation
compulsive sexual behavior
psychosis like smyptoms
-sustained abuse:
-self mutilation: build up of negative emotions, there is mood disregulation and the person feels overwhelmed, and cut, and then there is a release of negative emotion, and they feel relief, it is reinforcing
you see chemical dependency, self mutilation, impulsive sexual behavior (why do we have to know…we may have a tendency to not get why someone may self mutilate, and we don’t get it, but they can’t cope with their history of trauma and they bury it.
rape trauma syndrome (primary diagnosis)

-ultimate goal:
be free of s/s of post traumatic stress (b/c RTS is link to PTSD) and then they resume their pre crisis level of functioning
rape trauma syndrome
-Acute Phase

-when does it occur?
-pts are usually seen where?
-who deals with initial pt reaction?
-occurs immediately after the assault and may last for 2-3 weeks
-pts are usually seen by ER department personnel

-nurses are most involved in dealing with initial reaction
rape trauma syndrome
-Acute Phase

-there is a great deal of _______in the persons lifestyle and _________ symptoms are common

rape trauma syndrome
-Acute Phase

-common initial reactions are: (3)
shock, numbness, disbelief
rape trauma syndrome
-what phase??

-outwardly, the person may be self-contained and make remarks as “it doesn’t seem real or I don’t believe it happened to me”
acute phase
rape trauma syndrome
-Acute phase

-cognitive functions an be impaired
and the person may appear:
-extremely confused
-difficulty concentrating and making decisions
-may even become hysterical
-may cry/smile
rape trauma syndrome
-Long term reorganization phase

-occurs when?
2 or more weeks after the rape
rape trauma syndrome
-Long term reorganization phase

3 characteristics of this phase
-intrusive thoughts of the rape that break into the survivors conscious mind during the day or sleep
-thoughts include anger, violence, flashbacks, dreams with violent content, and insomnia

-increased activity: moving, taking trips, changing phone numbers, making frequent visits to old friends
-this activity stems from the fear that the assailant will return

-increased emotional lability: intense anxiety, mood swings, crying spells, and depression
rape trauma syndrome
-Long term reorganization phase

-have certain phobias
-have certain phobias
levels of anxiety:
-pt experiencing severe to panic (will or will not) be able to problem solve or process information
will not

(support, reassurance, appropriate therapetuc techniques can help)
coping mechanisms:-behavioral responses include
crying, withdrawing, smoking, abusing alcohol and drugs, talking about the event, becoming extremely agitated, confused, disoriented, incoherent, laughing , or joking (examples of expressed style of coping)


cognitive coping mechanisms: thoguhts people have to help them deal with anxiety (a positive coping response or negative "it's my fault this happened"
sexual assault
-logn term goal:
absence of any residual symptoms after the trauma
psychological effects of sexual assault
-chronic: what is seen
dissociative disorders because they can't handle it
psychological effects of sexual assault
-severe reactions is seen with
general assessment
-available support systems
available, size, usefulness of pts support system.
-partners or family members dont understand the pts feeligns about the assault and they may not be the best support
-pay attention to verbal vs nonverbal cues
general asssessment
-what 3 things does the nurse assess:
1) level of anxiety
2) coping mechanisms
3) available support systems
rape trauma syndrome
-ultimate goal:

be free of signs any symptoms of the post traumatic stress and then they resume their pre crisis level of functioning

why do we want them to do this?
post traumatic stress is linked to PTSD