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74 Cards in this Set

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Acute conditions

Health problems that are severe and sudden in onset

Adult protective services

Social services provided to abused, neglected, and exploited older adults


Refers to ones ability to think, feel, and make decisions on ones own


A person who lives to 100 years of age and beyond

Child abuse and neglect

Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker that results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse, or exploitation or is an act or failure to act that presents an imminent risk of serious harm

Child protective services

A governmental agency that responds to reports of child abuse and neglect

Childhood obesity

Defined as having a BMI above the 95th percentile

Chronic conditions

Health problems or diseases that persist or have long lasting effects

Clinical conditions

This includes feelings of hopelessness, lethargy, and worthlessness that last two weeks or more

Daily living activities (ADLs)

These are self-care activities such as eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, and walking/transferring


A chronic disorder affecting mental processes and characterized by personal changes, memory impairment, and poor reasoning


The process of becoming autonomous or independent in ones thinking and feeling

Elder mistreatment

Abuse and neglect of the elderly

Ethnic disparity

In aging, this refers to the ethnic inequalities that exist in physical and mental health conditions, access to health care, and morality (death) rates

Frail elderly

These are older adults who suffer with a combination of chronic conditions, dementia, or ADL dependencies


Self-formed associations of peers that tend to engage in illegal activities

Homeless youth

Young people who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence

Iceberg effect of elder abuse

Refers to the fact that only a small proportion of elder abuse is ever reported

Instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs)

Refers to the more complex activities needed for daily living, including handling personal finances, shopping, meal prep, and using transportation

Low birth-weight babies

Babies born weighing less than 5lbs, 8ozs, which is a risk factor of health problems for some babies


Adults between 75-84 years old


Adults 85yrs and older


Engaging in a lethal activity that does not end in death


Youth who leave their legal residence without their parents consent


Refers to a complex group of behaviors resulting in the destruction of one's own tissues such as starching, burning, and cutting

Sexually transmitted infections

Infections transmitted from person to person through intimate sexual contact


The condition or process of biological aging


Adults ages 65-74yrs

Americans with disabilities act (ADA)

Protects and preserves the rights of people with disabilities, especially in the workplace and within institutional settings

Antisocial personality disorder

a pattern of behavior that displays a lack of regard for people and rules. people with this personality disorder lack feelings of guilt, seem to have no conscience, and usually have a history of criminal behavior


Found ongoing children who exhibit restlessness, inability to concentrate, impulsivity, and misbehavior

Bipolar disprder

Previously known as manic depression, this is an illness in which sufferers experience extreme mood swings, from feelings if elation to those of deep depression

Chronically poor

Includes those who are poor over many years, often over their lives, and commonly pass poverty on to their children


A disease or condition that occurs at the same time as another illness

Cycle of poverty

Occurs when living in a state of poverty becomes an accepted way of life that is passed down from parents to children

Cyclically poor

Include those who experience intermittent poverty, often due to cycling on and off public assistance, in congruence with economic highs and lows; such are often known as the working poor


A serious disturbance in a person's mental abilities that results in confused thinking and decreased awareness of his or her environment

Delusional disorders

A type of serious mental illness involving psychosis


A chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, a personality changes, and impaired reasoning

Deserving poor

Those that are vulnerable to poor social conditions and outcomes due to environmental and social reasons, not personal control

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-V)

Offers the criteria by which mental disorders are diagnosed in the United States


Defined families that are too emotionally distant from one another

Diversion programs

Form of sentencing designed to enable offenders of criminal law to avoid criminal charges and a criminal record

Eating disorders

A variety of food-related disorders in which sufferers become obsessively involved with body image and what they are eating and how it will affect their bodies; usually have unrealistic body images


Defined families whereby emotional boundaries and closeness are lacking


People are extremely poor people who have no financial resources whatsoever

Learned helplessness

The instability to escape poverty or an abusive relationship and instead accepting and living with the situation as if it's the only alternative

Major depressive disorder

A mental disorder characterized by a pervasive and persistent low mood that is accompanied by low self-esteem and by a loss of interest or pleasure in normally enjoyable activities

Medical detoxification

A procedure conducted in a hospital by a physician in which medication is used to help a person withdraw from alcohol or drugs addiction

Narcissistic personality disorders

These are characterized by a constant need for admiration and validation from others to counteract feelings if insecurity and a weak sense of self. People with this personality disorder are usually selfish and incapable of empathy for others

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

An anxiety disorder characterized by intrusive thoughts that produce uneasiness, apprehension, fear, or worry, by repetitive behaviors aimed at reducing the associated anxiety, or by a combination of such obsessions and compulsions

Panic disorder

An emotional disorder that involves recurring experiences of shortness of breath, sweating, chest discomfort, nausea, among other things, along with feelings of going crazy and if losing control

Personality disorders

A group of mental disorders that impair a person's ability to interact and experience the world rationally. They are typically caused from deprivations in early childhood

Pervasive developmental disorder

Used to describe a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, including the inability to socialize with others, to communicate, and to use the imagination

Psychiatric emergency team (PET)

A group of mental health professionals who evaluate the mental state of individuals to determine whether they need to be hospitalized involuntarily because they are a danger to themselves or others or just gravely impaired

Regional centers

Government-funded agencies that assist people who are physically and mentally disabled from birth

Substance abuse

Occurs when a person uses drugs or alcohol to the extent that they cause impaired social, behavioral, occupational, or academic functioning and whose friends also overuse drugs and alcohol

Substance dependence

When users suffer medical consequences of drug and alcohol abuse and are physically addicted to the substance


A psychotic disorder that causes people to have delusions and hear voices and prevents normal functioning

Personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act (PRWORA)

A federal law addressing poverty and welfare

Therapeutic community (TC)

A term applied to a participative, group-based approach to long term mental illness, personality disorders, and drug addiction

Twelve-step facilitation

Consists of a brief, structured, and manual-driven approach to facilitating early recovery from alcohol abuse or alcoholism and other drug abuse or addiction

AIDS-related complex (ARC)

A stage of HIV/AIDS during which a person infected with HIV begins having bouts of fever, vomiting, and other flu-like symptoms but has not yet developed full-blown AIDS

Battered women's shelter

A residential facility where battered women and their children may live for about 45 days while they manage legal issues, finances, employment, and emotional difficulties

Battered women's syndrome

Seen in women who repeatedly find themselves in abusive relationships. They often begin to lose hope about ever escaping the abuse and focus only on survival within the abusive relationship

Battering cycle

An ongoing pattern of behavior seen in couples involved in an abusive relationship during which a peaceful period of time, called the honeymoon, is followed by growing tensions that eventually leads to a violent explosion that is followed by another honeymoon period


Stands for eye movement desensitization situation and reprocessing. It's a firm of exposure therapy in which a trained therapist has the client follow a wand with his or her eyes while the client speaks if a traumatic event and processes emotions and cognitions associated with the trauma


Often linked together as the virus called HIV may lead to the fatal disease called AIDs because ones immune system become so weak it cannot fight off a series of opportunistic infections

Military sexual trauma

Occurs when someone serving in the military is sexually harassed, abused, or raped, often leading to PTSD


Refers to the recent war in Afghanistan called operation ending freedom


Refers to the recent war in Iraq called operation Iraqi freedom

Temporary restraining orders

Provided by the district attorney's office to persons who complain that someone has hurt them or is threatening to hurt them


Refers to the feeling of fear when being around transgenders

anxiety disorders
Group of mental disorders in which the primary symptoms are anxiety, fear, worry, and panic