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14 Cards in this Set

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Alprazolam(Xanax),PO diazepam(Valium),PO lorazepam(Ativan) PO, IM

Anti-anxiety Side effect: sedation, hangover effect, ataxia, confusion, dizziness, anticholenerigc effects. Nsg: short term use only, addictive, do not use in pregnancy. Caution in elderly, don’t operate heavy machinery. Do not abruptly stop taking.


Atypical anxietySide: headaches, dizziness, GI upset, lightheaded ness. Nsg: 3-6weeks to work. Non habit forming little sedating effect. Lag time. Not used with MAOI


Carbamazine (tegretol)

Mood stabilizer, anticonvulsant. Action: antikindling effect, affect GABA receptors. Side: dizziness, drowsiness, blurred vision, nausea, headache, weight gain, blood dyscrasias. NSG: use cautiously with MAOI, elderly, liver, renal, or cardiac disease, and pregnancy PO


Anticonvulsant, mood stabilizer. Action: antikindling effect, affect GABA receptors. Side: nausea, vomiting, ataxia, dizziness, drowsiness. NSG: don’t use pregnancy, caution in elderly, caution in patients with liver/renal disease. PO


Anticonvulsant, mood stabilizer. Action: antikindling effect, affect GABA receptors. Side: nausea, vomiting, ataxia, dizziness, photosensitivity, rash, Steven-Johnson syndrome. NSG: caution pt to use sunscreen, and to reports signs of rash. Avoid with breast feeding. PO

valporic acid (depakote)

Anticonvulsant, mood stabilizer. Action: antikindling effect, affect GABA receptors. Side:nausea, headache, menstrual disturbances, weight gain, hair loss, lethargy, tremors. NSG: caution with hepatic toxicity, monitor for bleeding, don’t use pregnancy, loading does may be ordered for acute mania. PO


Lithium Carbonate(eskalith)

Antimanic, mood stabilizer. Action: decreases postsynaptic receptor sensitivity. side: thirst, nausea/vomiting, weight gain, tremors, skin rash(acne), hair loss, hypothyroidism. NSG: narrow therapeutic range increases risk for toxicity, monitor blood levels, don’t use in cardiac/renal disease, don’t use if pregnant, don’t use with diuretics. PO




Anti Parkinson, Action: control EPSE s/s associated with antipsychotic drugs. Side: anticholinergic effects, nausea, GI upset, sedation, dizziness, orthodontic hypotension. NSG: caution with hypersensitivity, glaucoma, history of urinary retention. PO IM

Clorpromazine(Thorazine) PO, IM

Haloperidol( Haldol) PO IM, long acting IM

Fluphenazine(Prolixin) PO IM long acting IM

Typical anti-psychotic action: block dopamine receptors. older class. side: EPSE, Parkinsonism, akathisia, dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, photosensitivity, gynecomastia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome. NSG: monitor for EPSE, use sunscreen. Don’t use alcohol/other CNS depressants. Avoid use during 1st trimester. Rise slowly to prevent dizziness

Clozapine(Clozaril) PO

Risperidone(Risperdal) PO IM long acting IM/PO fast dissolving tabs.

olanzapine(zyprexa) PO fast dissolving tabs

Atypical antipsychotics. action: block dopamine and serotonin receptors side: agranulocytosis(clozaril) weight gain, type 2 diabetes, dose related EPSE(risperdol) lowers seizure threshold. NSG: monitor CBC(clozaril) monitor weight gain, and onset of type 2 diabetes

Fluoxetine(Prozac) PO once weekly. Sertraline(Zoloft) PO Paroxetine(Paxil) PO

Escitalopram ( lexapro) PO

anti depressant, SSRI. Action: Block the reuptake of serotonin at the presynaptic receptor. Fewer side effects than TCA/MAOI. Side: excitation, nausea/vomiting. Decreased libido, anorexia, weight loss. NSG: allow time for side effects to subside, don’t administer after 3pm to prevent excitation form affecting sleep, 2-4 weeks for therapeutic effects to occur(linger with Prozac) avoid alcohol. Don’t stop abruptly





Antidepressants, Tricyclic. Action: partially block the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine at the presynaptic receptor. Side; anticholinergic effects, sedation, weight gain, orthostatic hypotension, tachycardia. NSG: decreases effects of antihypertensives, lower seizure threshold, will affect oral contraceptives, 2-4 wks for therapeutic effects to occur PO

Venlafaxine(Effexor, Effexor XR)


Antidepressant SNRI. Side: anxiety, abnormal dreams, dizziness, nervousness. NSG: monitor BP for systolic hypertension. PO


Tranylcypromine (parnate)

Isocarboxazid( Marplan)

Anti depressant MAOI. Action: block the action of monamine oxidase. Side: anticholinergic effects, orthostatic hypotension, interacts with foods containing tyramine, hypertensive crisis, headache. Nsg: teach tyramine free diets. Interacts with many prescribed/OTC meds. Serious fatal reactions with SSRI or SNRI. Don’t stop taking abruptly.