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44 Cards in this Set

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What cells produce IF in the stomach?
Parietal cells

-necessary for absorption of B12
What part of the stomach is responsible for the bulk of absorption?
Where is B12 absorbed?
The terminal ileum
Where is iron absorbed?
Mostly the duodenum
If there is small bowel dysfunction will there be more or less stool production?
more because there will be decreased absorption
Where are serum proteins made and which is the largest quantity of serum protein?
Made in the liver

Albumen is in the largest quantity
Why do some people have gall stones that damaget the pancreas/
Their bile duct and pacnreatic duct empty through the same papillae which can be obstructed by the stone
The large intestine mostly absorbs...
salt and water
What do colonic cells use as a food source?
fatty acids
What nerve controls swallowing?
Auerbach's plexus
helps coordinate secretion and paristalsis in the muscularis layer of esophagus
Meissner's plexus
nerve plexuses in the submucosal layer
Cell changes in the esophagus
Abnormal cell changes in the distal esophagus
squamous cell --> columnar cells
Type of muscle in the esophagus
Striated voluntary in the top
involuntary smooth muscle in the bottom

(cant control swallowing after its initiated)
Causes of esophageal varicies
portal HTN or cirrhosis
Esophagus shifting upwards so the LES is in the chest
Hiatal hernia
What symptoms will you get with a hiatal hernia
reflux or heartburn
Manisfestation of hypersalivation causing heartburn and bringing up acidic fluid into the mouth
Most common cause intermittant solid food dysphagia
Schatski ring
When is a Schatzki ring always symptomatic?
if the lumen is < 13mm on X-ray
Treatment of a Schatski Ring
esophageal dilation via catheter
Most common esophageal diverticulum
Zenkers Diverticuli
S&S of Zenkers Diverticuli
Often Asx
Regurg of old food
Palpable mass
Dx of Zenkers Diverticuli
Barium swallow
Treatment of Zenkers Diverticuli
Cricopharyngeal myotomy with diverticuliectomy

Endoscopic stapling
Common causes of prehepatic portal HTN
splenic AV fistula
splenic or portal vein thrombosis
Common causes of intrahepatic portal HTN
hepatic fibrosis
alcoholic hepatitis
veno occulsive disease
Common causes of posthepatic portal HTN
right heart failure
budd-chiari syndrome (occlusion of the hepatic veins)
membranous IVC web
What causes ascites?
increased lymph and venous pressure, low albumen cauing seepage of serum into peritoneum
How do you treat ascites?
TIPS procedure

transhepatic intramuscular portosystemic shunt

or drainage?
Number 1 cause for liver transplant
Hep C
Side effect of shunt for portal HTN
may worsen encephalopathy because of increased unfiltered blood to the liver
How do you diagnose hiatal hernia?
barium swallow or EGD
Common motility disorders of the esophagus
diffuse esophageal spasm
Achalsia Hallmark
high resting pressure at LES
Incomplete relaxation of LES

BIRD BEAK at end of esophagus
globus pharyngeus
feeling of a lump lodged in the throat with unaffected swallowing
Difficulty with solids
Mechanical dysphagia
Difficulty with solids and liquids
late mechanical dysphagia and early motor dysphagia
Most common diagnosis to outpatient clinics
Typical sx of GERD
Chest Pain
Regurgitation of food or acid
Atypical sx of GERD
Asthma sx (try proton pump inhibitors if normal asthma tx isnt working)
Dental decay
GERD is a motility disorder and is not caused by..
hyper-production of acid
Possible complications of GERD
Barretts metaplasia, dysplasia, cancer, stricture