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15 Cards in this Set

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(ser eh bell EYE tiss)
inflammation of the cerebellum
cerebral aneurysm
type of cerebral vascular disease where a blood vessel that supploies the brain becomes dilated due to a weakening of its wall
cerebral arteriosclerosis
(ar tee ree oh skleh ROH sis)
type of cerebral vascular disease characterized by hardening of the arteries that supply the brain
cerebral atherosclerosis
(ath er oh skleh ROH sis)
type of cerebral vascular disease where a buildup of fatty plaque on the the inside wall of a vessel that supplies the brain results in reduced blood flow
cerebral embloism
presence of an embolism (floating blood clot in a blood) vessel that supplies the brain
cerebral palsy
condition of partial muscle paralysis that is caused by a brain defect or lesion present at birth or shortly after; ABBV. CP
cerebral thrombosis
a thrombosis (lodged blood clot)within blood vessels that supply the brain
cerebrovascular accident
disruption of the blood supply to the brain resulting in functional losses or death; also called stroke ABBV: CVA
cerebrovasular disease
a genderal disorder resulting from a change within one or more blood vessels that supply the brain
general term that describes several levels of decreased consciousness; AKA deep sleep
injury to the brain caused by violent movement of the head; includes symptoms of vertigo and loss ofconsciousness
declining impairment of mental function that is characterized by memory loss, disorentation and confusion; literally means not in the mind
inflammation of the dura mater
inflammation of the brain usually caused by bacterial or viral infection
softening of brain tissue, usually caused by deficient blood flow