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20 Cards in this Set

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Cardiogenic: Pronunciation: KAR-dee-oh-JEN-ik Elements: S/-ic {Pertaining to} R/ -gen {produce, create} R/CF cardi/o {heart}

Definition: Of cardiac origin.

Stethoscope: Pronunciation: STETH-oh-skope Elements: S/ -scope {instruments} R/CF steth/o - {chest}

Definition: Instrument for listening to cardiac and respiratory sounds

Necrosis: Pronunciation: neh-KROH-sis Elements: S/ -osis {condition} R/ necr- {death}

Definition: Pathologic death of tissue or cells.

Systemic: Pronunciation: sis-TEM-ik, Elements: R/ -ic {pertaining to} R/ system- {body as a whole}

Definition: Relating to the entire organism.

Interatrial: Pronunciation: IN-ter-AY-tree-al, Elements: S/ -al {pertaining to} P/ inter- {between} R/ -cusp- {point}

Definition: Between the atria of the heart.

Auscultation: Pronunciation: aws-kul-TAY-shun, Elements: S/-ation {process} R/ auscult- {listen to}

Definition: Diagnostic method of listening to body sounds with a stethoscope.

Cardioversion: (Also called defibrillation) Pronunciation: KAR-dee-oh-VER-shun, Elements: S/ -ion {action, process} R/CF cardi/o- {heart} R/ -vers- {turn}

Definition: Restoration of a normal heart rhythm by electrical shock.

Pacemaker: Pronunciation: PACE-may-ker, Elements: S/ -maker {one who makes} R/ pace- {step, pace}

Definition: Device that regulates cardiac electrical activity.

Cardiomegaly: Pronunciation: KAR-dee-oh-MEG-ah-lee, Elements: S/ -megaly {enlargement} R/CF cardi/o- {heart}

Definition: Enlargement of the heart.

Stenosis: Pronunciation: steh-NOH-sis, Elements: S/ -sis {abnormal condition} R/CF sten/o- {narrow}

Definition: Narrowing of a canal or passage, as in the narrowing of a heart valve.

Arteriosclerosis: Pronunciation: ar-TIER-ee-oh-skler-OH-sis, Elements: S/ -sis {abnormal condition} R/CF arteri/o- {artery} R/CF -scler/o- {hardness}

Definition: Hardening of the arteries.

Hypovolemic: Pronunciation: HIGH -poh-vo-LEE-mick, Elements: S/ -emic {in the blood} P/ hypo- {below} R/ -vol- {volume}

Definition: Having decreased blood volume in the body.

Substernal: Pronunciation: sub-STER-nal, Elements: -al {pertaining to} P/ sub- {under} R/ -stern- {breastbone}

Definition: Under the sternum, or breastbone.

Hypertension: Pronunciation: HIGH-per-TEN-shun, Elements: S/ -ion {action, condition} P/ hyper- {excessive} R/ -tens- {pressure}

Definition: Persistent high arterial blood pressure.

Sonograph: Pronunciation: SON-oh-graf, Elements: S/ -graph {to record} R/CF son/o- {sound}

Definition: Instrument that uses sound waves to create images of structures.

Chronotropic: Pronunciation: KRONE-oh-TROH-pic Elements: S/ -tropic {change} R/ ino- {sinew}

Definition: Affecting the contractility of cardiac muscle.

Stent: Pronunciation: STENT, Elements: Charles Stent, English dentist, nineteenth century.

Definition: Wire mesh tube used to keep arteries open.

Axillary: (Adj) Pronunciation: AK-sil-air-ee, Elements: S/ -ary {pertaining to} R/ axill- {armpit}

Definition: Pertaining to the axilla.

Vasodilation: Pronunciation: VAY-soh-di-LAY-shun, Elements: S/-ion {process} R/CF vas/o- {blood vessel} R/ -dilat- {open up}

Definition: Increase in diameter of a blood vessel.

Thromboembolism: Pronunciation: THROM-boh-EM-boh-lizm, Elements: S/ -ism {condition} R/ thromb/o- {clot} R/ -embol- {plug}

Definition: A piece of detached blood clot (embolus) blocking a distant blood vessel.