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38 Cards in this Set

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Anemia (low Hemoglobin in blood) Types:

Due to impaired production of RBC are: Aplastic Nutritional pernicious sideroblastic Due to Destruction of RBC: hemorrhagic sickle cell and Thalassemia

Coagulation Disorder

ThroboCytoPenia Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Hemophilia


Leukemia hodgkin Lymphoma Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Multiple Myeloma

Hematocrit (HT)

They Call it Packed Cell Volume (PCV) it is a relative % of Packed RBC in a given volume of Blood

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

series of test including Cell Count, PCV or Hematocrit , hemoglobin and Cell Volume Measurement

Reticulocyte counts for anemia

Increase nb# of Reticulocyte (new born RBC) indicate increase red cell formation as a response to hemorrhage or cell destruction . Decrease nb# means deficiency in RBc formation due to Aplastic Anemia (or red bone marrow unable to make enough RBC)

Thrombocytopenia (Coagulation Disor)

most common deficiency in # of paletelets caused by bone marrow cancer or Aplastic anemia or infection. symptoms: bleeding into skin or mucus membrane know as (petechiae) or ecchymoses (bruises) or Purpura (purple lesions)

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)

symptoms: widespread clotting followed by diffuse Hemorrhage ones clot removed. Causes: infection, cancer, injury, allergy or hemorrhage

hemophilia (coagul)

symptoms: bleeding into tissues and joints. Caused: hereditary deficiency of a clotting factor. it is a sex linked disease that is passed from mother to son

Activated partial Thromboplastin time

measure time for clot formation

bleeding time

measure capacity of platelets to stop bleeding

Thrombin time

measure how quickly a clot forms

Leukemia (one of Neuplasms)

high # of WBC in the Blood but they are incompetent and cause crowd out on stream symptoms : anemia , fatigue , easy bleeding, SPLENOMEGALY (or mega Spleen) cause : unknown

Myelogenous Leukemia:

originate in the BONE Marrowand involve mainly the Granular Leukocytes

1-Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML):

1-AML is more common in adult men, cancer of myelobast, where myeloblast stop maturing and crowds the blood stream with blast cells . worsen with age . 75-90% achieve remission and there is a 50% 5 years survival rate

lymphocytic leukemia

affects B-cells and the Lymphatic system causing Lymphadenopathy ( or swollen lymph nodes)

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL):

too many lymphoblasts or lymphocytes in bone marrow and peripheral blood and can spread to spleen, lymph nodes , liver and CNS . it is most common type of cancer in children (and is curable )

Chronic Myelogenous leukemia:

in CML too many Granulocytes or sometime called leukemia cells . caused by Philadelphia Chromosome, where bone marrow makes Tyrosine Kinase that causes too many Stem cells to become WBC (granulocytes or Blasts) treated by : tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs)

Lymphoma - Hodgkin Disease:

disease in the lymph system that can spread to tissues, begins a enlarged lymph nodes in the Cervical neck Region , diagnostic show giant cells in the lymph node called REED-Sternberg Cells. curable by radiation and chemo

Lymphoma - Non Hodgkin disease

same as Hodgkin disease BUT does not show Reed-Sternberg Cells, and it is more common than hodgkin disease and has higher mortality rate. Curable by chemo or bne marrow transplantation

Multiple Myeloma

cancer in Bone marrow

Anaphylactic reaction

Severe allergy reaction could lead to death. treated by immediate admin of epinephrine (adrenaline ) , or O2, antihistamine, and corticosteroid. caused by drugs especialy penicellin vaccine, food and some venon.

Delayed Hypersensitivity reaction

involves the Tcells and takes more than 12 hours to develop. Eg: plant irritant like poison ivy...

Urticiria - hives

skin rash last long could be autoimmune reaction , acute viral infection.or sometime sun light


any failure in the immune system eg: AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)


Rapid swelling or (Edema) of the Dermis of subcutanious tissue

Intrinsic Factor

a substance produced in the stomach that aid in the absorbtion of B12, necessary in the amnufaturing of RBC. lack of intrinsic would cause Pernicious Anemia.


pinpoint, purplish -red spot caused by bleeding within the skin

Sjogren syndrome

Autoimmune disease involve the disfunction of the Exocrine Gland effecting the secration of tears saliva, and could lead to Dry mounth, tooth decay, corneal damage ..

Systemic lupus erythematus

inflammatory disease of connectie tisse like skin,, patients are sensitive to light and may have a butterfly shaped rash ove the nose and cheeks

CD4-T Lymphocyte count

count of T Cells that has the CD4 receptors fo HIV .if count is less than 200 per micro L ,of blood that would signify severe Immunodeficiency

Plasmin (or Fibrinolysin)

an enzyme that dissolve clots


A decrease in the nb of Neutrophils with increase susceptibility to infection, could be cause by drugsm irradiation or side effect of a treatment for malignancy


A decrease in ALL the blood cells as in Aplastic anemia


any condition in which there is a relative Increase in the % of RBC in the whole blood. may result from excessive production of RBC because of lack of O2caused by high altitude , heart failure...

polycythemia vera

overactivity of bone marrow causes high production of RBC


presence of MicroOrganism in the blood

Von Willebrand disease

a hereditary bleeding due to lack of von Willebrand factor , a substance necessary for blood cloting