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10 Cards in this Set

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Deformed front end, cracked windshield

Body clues: bruised or lacerated head or face.

Potential injuries: brain injury, scalp, facial cuts, cervical spine injury, tracheal injury

Deformed steering column

Body clues: bruised neck, bruised chest

Potential injuries: sternal or rib fracture, flail chest, myocardial contusion, paracardial tamponade, pneumothorax or hemothorax, exanguinashion from aortic tear

Deformed dashboard

Body clues: bruised abdomen, bruised knee and dislocated kneecap

Potential injuries: ruptured spleen, liver, bowel, diaphragm, fractured patella, dislocated knee, femoral fracture and dislocated hip

Deformed side of vehicle

Body clues: bruised shoulder

Potential injuries: clavicular fracture, fractured humerus, and multiple rib fractures

Door smashed in

Body clues: bruised shoulder or pelvis

Potential injuries: fractured hip, fractured iliac wing, fractured clavicle or ribs

"B" pillar deformed

Body clues: bruised temple

Potential injuries: brain injury, cervical spine fracture

Broken door or window handles

Body clues: Bruised or deformed arms

Potential injuries: contusions

Broken window glass

Body clues: dicing lacerations

Potential injuries: multiple lacerations

Posterior deformity to the automobile

Body clues: secondary anterior injuries, especially if the patient was unrestrained

Potential injuries: whiplash injuries, deceleration injuries of a head on impact.

Head rest not adjusted

Body clues: none detected

Potential injuries: bleeding, bruising, or tearing inside skull.