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12 Cards in this Set

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Egans and Pilbeams and whites equipment, wilkins clinical assessment


quizes 20, lab 10%, tests 20, 5 pps 5 final 45

Assignment 1

Egan fundamentsl RC chapter 46 page 1016-1021

Egan workbook Chapter 46 page 329-330


Pawo- mouth or airway opening pressure

Palv- alveolar pressure

Ppl- intrapeural pressure

Pbs- Body surface pressure

Paw- Airway pressure

Pl or Ptp= transpulmonary pressure (Pl = Palv - Ppl)

Pw or Ptt = Transthoracic pressure (Pbs-Palv)

Pta = transairway pressure (Paw- Palv)

Ptr = transrespiratory pressure (Pawo - Pbs)

Pressures and pressure gradients in the lung. Airflow is a function of the transairway pressure (Pta), which is the pressure gradient between the airway (Paw) and the alveoli (Palv)

Transpulmonary pressure (PtP) maintains alveolar inflation, and transthoracic pressure (Ptt) is the pressure needed to expand the lungs and chest wall

Transpulmonary pressure is P sub TP = P sub A - P sub PL, so alveolar pressure minus Pleural pressure

Compliance is Delta Volume over Delta Pressure

Elastance = Transthoracic pressure over Volume

Resistance is Delta transairway pressure over Delta Flow

Formula which states

Pvent + Pmuscles = elastance x volume + resistance x flow

Pressure, volume and flow are variables (functions of time) whereas resistance and elastance (or compliance) are constants

Changes in pressure, volume and flow during a single spontaneous breath at FRC, functional residual capacity

Pressures 0, then with inspiration, pressure negative in the lungs, and so on

a good V/Q is 80% so 400 to 500 for example

perfusion in excess of ventilation is a shunt

V(ventilation) greater than Q(perfusion) is deadspace, Increase PaCO2

Q greater than V is a shunt and thats decreased PaO2

Anatomical deadspace and alveolar deadspace is called physiological deadspace

Effect of spontaneous ventilation and PPV(positive pressure ventilation on gas distribution in a supine subject.

During spontaneous ventilation diaphragmatic action distributes most ventilation to the dependent zones of the lungs, where perfusion is greatest, however, next line...

PPV reverses this normal pattern of gas distribution, and most delivered volume is directed to the upper lung zones

PPV increases deadspace and shunting in some parts of the lung

negative pressure ventalation is more physiologic

negative pressure ventilation, in other words, Iron lung, decreases pressures outside the lung and pull the chest out.

Positive pressure ventilation increases ventilation in the upper airways, this leads to deadspace

Changes in pressure, volume and flow during a single decelerating flow, positive pressure breath.

Arrows into and out of the trachea represent airflow

Spontaneous ventilation and negative pressure ventilation are quite similar (physiologic)

Effects of mechanical ventilation

Increase P sub TP so an increase in transpulmonary pressure

P sup TP = P sub ALV - P sub PL. Transpulmonary pressure increases with mechanical ventilation

Also interpulmonary pressure is increased increase P sub IP

ALso it decreases venous return (preload) decreases Venous return

This decreases CO, known as starlings law, which states, the more a muscle is stretched, the more it will contract.

It also decreases Renal perfusion because cardiac output is decreased

This leads to an increase in ADH, which is anti diaretic hormone produced by the kidneys

This decreases urine output

this increases intercranial pressure

Goals of mechanical ventilation

Decrease the work of breathing

IPPB, CPAP, BIPAP, flutter valve, thereapep, all reduce work of breathing thats all positive pressure ventilation

:Pressure gradient change

:Decrease respiratory muscle work

Support of manipulate gas exchange

:Vsup A(alveolar ventilation)

:O2 delivery (DO2) - CaO2 x CO

:this increases surface area and FRC

Increase lung volumes as well:this increases surface area and FRC:Reverse/prevent atelectasis w/ PEEP:FRC

:Reverse/prevent atelectasis w/ PEEP


:Increase Lung Compliance

PaCO2 is inversely related to alveolar ventilation

Increase ventilation to the upper lung zones where there is less perfusion, increases Vd(deadspace)

Also, increase alveolar pressure in the better ventilation upper lung zones diverts blood flow away from these areas to those receiving the least ventilation leads to areas with decrease V/Q and Decrease oxygenation

Effects of positive pressure ventilation on lung mechanics

Increasing FRC is a desired effect for us, this increases surface area.

Effects are

Delivered pressure

:Peak inspiratory pressure (PiP) is the pressure necessary to overcome:

::Airway resistance (Raw) smaller airway, more pressure necessary to deliver gas

::Lung compliance (CL) Compliance is delta V over delta P

::Chest wall compliance

:PsubPLAT is static pressure after breath has been delivered

P (pressure)= 8nl over pie R to the forth

::Palv at full VT so alveolar pressure at full tidal volume

Normal compliance is 50 to 70 on a ventilator patient, but normal is 100 for us

Resistive pressure

Is the difference between the peak pressure and the plateau pressure

Elastic pressure is the difference between the plateau pressure and the empty

normal compliance is 100 ml

Normal airway resistance is 0 to 2 cmH20 per liter per second