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44 Cards in this Set

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what temp is considered serve

102-103 F what is

what is the average body temp in celsius

37 c

what is volume

force or strength of the pulse

what is genogram

patients family history (with pics)

why is it important to obtain a work history on a patient

contain industrial chemicals and disease

what should you consider when your with patient

know info beyond your scope of practice

how far can microorganism travel from a cough

3 feet

what is another dise called whopping cough


the proper temp measures for a Bp cuff

80 of the arm and 20 around

which pulse is palpated during cpa


the relaxation phase of BP is called

diastole phase

what is dyspnea

difficult or labored breathing

some ways to prevent health care providers can help with not spreading germs

wash hands. don’t touch patients with open wounds

what is screening

process in which determine what wrong with the patient and determine treatment

what is reservoir

place where conditions are ropes for replication

what color is oral probe used with electronic thermometer


how long should you wash hands

15 seconds

what is the incubation period for conjunctivitis

24 hours

what temp does the autoclave teach


what component of an exposure control plan includes devices that isolate/remove the blood borne pathogen hazard at work

engineering controls

different pluses between male and female

female is 10 beats higher than males

what kind of physical conditions can lead to hypertension

thyroid problems and kidney problems

what is normal range for a an oral temp

97.6-99.6 F

what is the primary symptoms is MRSA

pimple filled with puss

what blood pressure readings indicate controlled blood pressure in adults up to 60 years old

100-199 : 70-79

how is pain measured

subject pervied

object- measured

what are the goals from the in person screening

why. main problem . concerns and remedies of tried

how long can the sterilize package last

after 30 days

what are the types of blood-born pathogens


average pulse rate in 30- 40 years old


how should the chief complaint be recorded

in patients own words using “. “

what are the 5 classification of infection microorganisms

bactria, fungus, virus. parasites and ricksettiae

when taking an oral temp what should the patient do and what should you do

the patient should not drink hot or cold drinking or smoking

MA should wait at least 15 mins

what is recommendations to treat chicken pox


what do vital signs indicate

body functions that essential to life

what is autoclaves used for

sterilize and deep clean tools

strawberry tounge is what

scarlet fever

which stage does a disease reach its height point of delelopment?

acute phase

what does febrile mean

with fever

type of low level disinfectant

house hold bleach

what is tachypnea

fast breathing

what are some ways to creat non threatening environment with patient

be friendly. let them ask questions and explain things

what are the advantages of measuring tem with a temporal artery thermometer,

appropriate for all ages

accurate by all science.

how do you treat chicken pox?
