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341 Cards in this Set

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Cell body (aka soma)

contains nucleus, ER and ribosomes; part of a neuron


appendages coming off the soma that receives incoming messages from other cells and sends this to soma

axon hillock

integrator of incoming signals


long structure starts at the axon hillock and ends with nerve terminal(s)


1. insulation of the electrical signal within a single neuron

2. increases speed of conduction in the axon

3. produced by oligodendrocytes in CNS and Schwann cells in PNS

Nodes of River

small breaks in myelin sheath that exposes the axon membrane

critical for rapid signal conduction

nerve terminal (synaptic bouton or knob)

structure is enlarged and flattened to maximize neurotransmission and ensure proper release of neurotransmitters

synaptic cleft

small space between neurons where neurotransmitters are released to bind to dendrite of the postsynaptic neuron


collection of the nerve terminal, synaptic cleft, and postsynaptic membrane

tracts versus nerve

multiple neurons bundled together

in PNS = nerve - can be sensory, motor, or mixed

in CNS = tracts - only carry one type of information

Glial Cells (neuroglia)

Types of Glial Cells include:

1. Astrocytes

2. Ependymal cells

3. Microglia

4. Oligodendrocytes and Schwann Cells

Glial Cells - support and myelinate neurons

1. Astrocytes - nourish neurons and form the blood-brain barrier

2. Ependymal cells produce cerebrospinal fluid (shock absorber)

3. Microglia - phagocytic cells in CNS

4. Oligodendrocytes (CNS) and Schwann cells (PNS) - produce myelin

Action Potential in Neurons

Resting membrane of -70 mV

1. AP triggered if axon hillock received enough excitatory input to be depolarized to threshold (-55 mV to -40 mV)

2. voltage-gated Na+ channels open (from closed state) generating depolarization

3. when Vm nears 35 mV, Na+ channels inactivated and voltage gated K+ channels open --> repolarization then hyperpolarization

4. Na+/K+ ATPase now works to restore resting Vm

Na+/K+ ATPase

maintains a -70 mV resting membrane potential by moving 3 Na+ ions out of the cell for every 2 K+ ions moved into the cell

Absolute versus relative Refractory Periods

absolute = no amount of stimulation can cause another AP to occur

relative = greater than normal stimulation required for AP to occur

one of the consequences of refractory periods is the uni-directionality of AP

Factors impacting conduction

speed depends on length and CXA of axon (CXA > length)

saltatory conduction - hoping effect from node to node due to the Nodes of River

potential difference remains constant; intensity of stimulus reflected in frequency of firing


postsynpatic gland or muscle cell


1. stored in membrane-bound vesicles in the nerve terminal

2. when AP reaches nerve terminal, voltage-gated Ca2+ open

3. increase in intracellular Ca2+ triggers exocytosis of the neurotransmitter

What is effect of a neruotransmitters binding to ligand-gated ion channel receptors versus G protein-coupled receptors?

For ligand-gated, the postsynaptic cell will either be hyperpolarized or depolarized

For G protein-coupled receptors, changes in cyclic AMP or an influx of Calcium

Methods of Neurotransmitter Regulation

1. broken down by enzymatic reactions (e.g. acetylcholine by acetylcholinesterase)

2. reuptake carriers bring back to presynaptic neuron (e.g. dopamine and norepinephrine and serotonin use this mechanism)

3. diffuse out of the synaptic cleft (e.g. NO)

What are the 3 types of nerve cells?

1. Sensory (aka afferent neurons) transmit sensory info from receptors to the spinal cord and brain

2. Motor (aka efferent neurons) transmit motor information from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands

3. Interneurons (between other two) - most abundant and predominately located in the spinal cord and brain

white matter vs. grey matter

white matter - axons encased in myelin sheaths

grey matter - unmyelinated cell bodies and dendrites

brain - white matter deeper than grey matter

spinal cord - white matter outside cord

What are the 4 divisions of the spinal cord?

1. cervical

2. thoracic

3. lumbar

4. sacral

Spinal cord

protected by the vertebral column

motor neurons exit ventrally

cell bodies of sensory neurons found in the dorsal root ganglia

sensory neurons enter on dorsally

Pre-ganglionic and Post-ganglionic neurons

ANS contains 2 neurons

preganglionic neuron is in CNS and its axon travels to a ganglion in the PNS, where it synapses with cell body of the post-ganglionic neuron

What is a reflex arc?

What is the difference between monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex arcs?

reflex arc = nerve pathway that makes immediate response to a stimuli possible

monosynaptic - single synapse between sensory neuron and motor neuron (e.g. knee-jerk reflex)

polysynaptic - at least one interneuron involved (e.g. withdrawal reflex "stepping on a nail" --> leg flexes (this is monosynaptic) but other leg remains planted to balance (this is the polysynaptic part)


What are the three types of hormones by chemical structure?

signaling molecules that are secreted directly into the bloodstream to travel to a distant target tissue

The three types of hormones by chemical structure are peptide, steroids, and amino acid derivatives.

Peptide hormones

charged; cannot pass plasma membrane so requires an extracellular receptor but travels freely in the bloodstream

when peptide hormone binds to its receptor this is considered the first messenger

a second signal is triggered called the second messenger

There is amplification at each step of the signaling cascade

effect is rapid but short-lived

Secondary messengers

responsible for transmission of signal after peptide hormone binds to surface receptor

common examples: cAMP, Calcium

Steroid Hormones

derived from cholesterol and produced primarily by the gonads and adrenal cortex

easily cross cell membrane and binds to intracellular or intranuclear receptors

upon steroid hormone binding, the receptor can directly bind to DNA --> increased or decreased transcription of particular genes

effects are slower but longer-lived compared to peptide hormones

require carrier proteins to travel through bloodstream

Amino Acid-Derivative Hormones

derived from 1-2 AAs with a few additional modifications

e.g catecholamines (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and thyroid hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxine)

catecholamines bind to G protein-coupled receptors are are fast and short-lived

thyroid hormones bind intracellularly ad are slow and longer-lived

direct vs. tropic hormones

direct - directly act on target

tropic - requires an intermediate and typically originate in the brain OR anterior pituitary gland

Endocrine Glands




pineal gland

gonad (ovaries and testes)





bridge between the nervous and endocrine systems

regulate pituitary gland through tropic hormones

release of hormones regulated by negative feedback

Hypophyseal portal system

blood vessel system that directly connects the hypothalamus with the anterior pituitary

What is special about prolactin-inhibiting factor (PIF) aka dopamine?

as long as hypothalamus releases PIF, no prolactin will be released by the anterior pituitary

Describe the hypothalamic negative feedback mechanism (ACTH and cortisol as the example).

1. hypothalamus secretes corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)

2. anterior pituitary secretes adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in response

3. adrenal cortex secretes cortisol

4. cortisol has a negative feedback on the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary

Describe the interactions between the hypothalamus and the posterior pituitary.

1. neurons in the hypothalamus send axons down the pituitary stalk directly into the posterior pituitary

2. posterior pituitary releases oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone


hormone from posterior pituitary that stimulates uterine contractions during labor and milk let down during lactation

has a positive feedback loop w/ endpoint being delivery

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH aka vasopressin)

secreted by the posterior pituitary in response to low blood volume OR increased blood osmolarity

action occurs at the collecting duct in the kidney by increasing permeability to water

increased water retention results in increased blood volume and higher blood pressure

What are the 7 products of the anterior pituitary?

FLAT (tropic) PEG (direct)

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) on gonads

Luteinizing hormone (LH) on gonads

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on adrenal cortex

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) on thyroid



Growth hormone (GH)


stimulates milk production in the mammary glands

hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary

expulsion of the placenta --> dopamine level drops raising the block on milk production


hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that decreases the perception of pain

Growth Hormone

hormone secreted by anterior pituitary that promotes growth of bone and muscle

stimulated by growth-hormone-releasing hormone from the hypothalamus

works by preventing glucose uptake in non-growing tissues and stimulating break down of fatty acids

What are the three conditions caused by abnormal growth hormone levels?

In children, excess causes gigantism and deficit causes dwarfism

In adults, smaller bones are the primarily affected and results in acromegaly (big hands, feet, and head)


controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the anterior pituitary, which is stimulated by TRH (thyroid releasing hormone from the hypothalamus)

located on the front surface of the trachea

2 primary functions

1. setting basal metabolic rate (follicular cells produce T3 and T4)

2. calcium homeostasis (C-cells produce calcitonin)

T3 (Triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)

both produced by iodination of Tyrosine

subscripts represent # of iodines

Increased T3 and T4 can lead to increased cellular respiration --> speeds up both synthesis and degradation of protein and fatty acids `


decreases plasma calcium levels

1. increased Ca excretion from the kidneys

2. decreased Ca absorption from the gut

3. increased storage of Ca in the bone

Parathyroid glands

4 pea-sized structures that sit on the posterior surface of the thyroid

releases parathyroid hormone

Main functions of parathyroid hormone

1. raise blood Calcium level (antagonistic to calcitonin)

2. phosphorus homeostasis - reabsorbs phosphate from bone and reduces reabsorption of phosphate from kidney

3. activates Vitamin D

Name some functions of Calcium

bone structure, regulation of muscle contraction, clotting of blood (acts as a cofactor), neurotransmitter release, exocytosis, cell movement

Adrenal Cortex

secretes corticosteroids

located on top of the kidneys


3 S's

salt (mineralocorticoids)

sugar (glucocorticoids)

sex (cortical sex hormones)


steroid hormones that regulate glucose levels and affect protein metabolism

common examples: cortisol and cortisone

cortisol and cortisone raise blood sugar by increasing gluconeogenesis and decreasing protein synthesis

release from adrenal cortex regulated by CRF --> ACTH pathway


used in salt and water homeostasis

examples include aldosterone

Cortical Sex Hormones (androgens and estrogens)

excessive production can lead to non-genotype specific phenotypic effects

Describe the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System.

1. decreased blood pressure causes juxtaglomerular cells in the kidney to secrete renin

2. renin cleaves angiotensinogen to active form of angiotensin I

3. angiotensin I converted to angiotensin II by angiotensin converting eznyme (ACE) in lungs

4. Angiotensin II stimuates the adrenal cortex to secrete aldosterone

Adrenal Medulla

located inside the adrenal cortex

derived from ectoderm layer

produces epinephrine and norepinephrine that are secreted directly into the circulatory system


both exocrine and endocrine functions

Islets of Langerhans perform endocrine functions

1. alpha - glucagon

2. beta - insulin

3. delta - somatostatin

exocrine vs. endocrine

exocrine - secretes substances directly into ducts to more superficial tissues; effect is faster acting and shorter lived

endocrine - ductless uses extracellular fluid and blood for transportation of hormones; effect is longer lasting and slower


secreted by alpha cells during times of fasting (low blood glucose) and stimulated by GI hormones

stimulates degradation of protein and fat and production of new glucose via gluconeogenesis

glycogen --> glucose


secreted by beta cells during high blood glucose

induces muscle and liver cells to take up glucose and store it as glycogen

stimulates fat and protein synthesis

counterregulatory hormones

net effect raise blood glucose hormones

growth hormone, glucocorticoids, epinephrine, and glucagon

Diabetes Mellitus

Describe the Two Types

clinically characterized by hyperglycemia, polyuria, and polydipsia

Type I (insulin-dependent) - destruction of beta cells leading to little to no production of insulin

Type II (insulin resistant) - receptor level resistance to the effects of insulin


secreted by delta cells when blood glucose or AA concentration are high

inhibitory of both insulin and glucagon secretion

also produced by the hypothalamus, where it decreases growth hormone secretion


testes secrete testosterone in response to stimulation of gonadotropins (LH and FSH)

ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone in response to LH and FSH

Pineal Gland

located deep within the brain

secretes melatonin, which is linked to circadian rhythms


produced in the kidney

stimulates bone marrow to increase production of erythrocytes in the context of low blood oxygen levels

Atrial Natriuretic peptide (ANP)

functionally antagonistic to aldosterone

lowers blood volume and pressure by promoting the excretion of sodium

produced by the heart when atria is stretched from excess blood volume


located directly behind the sternum

releases thymosin involved in T-cell development and differentiation


nasal hairs in the nasal cavity, whose function is predominantly filtration

Outline the pathway of air through your respiratory system

enters through nares --> nasal cavity --> pharynx and larynx --> trachea --> bronchi --> bronchioles --> alveolus

pharynx vs. larynx

pharynx is located behind the nasal cavity and is a pathway for both air and food

larynx lies below the pharynx and is for air ONLY

Larynx --- glottis and epiglottis and vocal cords

glottis is the opening of the larynx

epiglottis covers the glottis during swallowing to prevent food from going down the larynx

2 vocal cords are located in the larynx

alveoli (alveolus)

tiny balloon-like structures where gas exchange occurs

coated with surfactant to prevent internal collapse


bronchi continue to divide into bronchioles then alveoli

surround by membranes known as pleurae

adjacent membrane is called visceral pleura

outer membrane called parietal pleura

right lung (3 lobed) > left lung (2 lobed)

does not fill passively requires negative pressure for expansion with aid of skeletal muscle


thin muscular structure dividing the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity

under somatic control

Intrapleural space

space between the visceral pleura and parietal pleura

typically contains thin layer of fluid aiding in lubrication

if excess fluid or air enters intrapleural space open results in atelectasis (lung collapse)

Describe the stages of ventaliation

1. inhalation causes increase in thoracic cavity volume -> volume of intrapleural space increases leading to decrease in intrapleural space pressure

2. P in intrapleural space <<< P inside lungs at Patm

3. Lungs expand into the intrapleural space and P lungs decreases drawing air from environment

4. Negative pressure breathing driven by lower relative pressure in the intrapleural space compared to the lungs

5. As chest wall relaxes, lungs recoil --> volume becomes smaller --> pressure increases

6. P lungs > Pair so exhalation occurs


active process

use diaphragm and external intercostal muscles to expand the thoracic cavity


does not have to be an active process

during vigorous activity, internal intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles pull the rib cage down

attributed to recoiling of the lungs

Total lung capacity (TLC)

max volume of air in the lungs with one complete inhale (typically 6-7 liters)

Residula Volume (RV)

min vvolume of air in the lungs after a complete exhale

Vital Capacity (VC)

Difference between max and min volume of air in lungs

Tidal Volume (TV)

volume of air inhaled or exhaled in a normal breath

Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV)

Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV)

Volume of additional air that can be forcibly exhaled/inhaled after a normal exhalation/inhalation

Regulation Mechanisms of Breathing

Primarily controlled by ventilation center, which is a collection of neurons in the medulla oblongata

ventilation center contains chemoreceptors responsive to carbon dioxide conc. and to extreme hypoxia

cerebum to a limited extent can control rate of breathing but it is overridden by the medulla oblongata

Gas Exchange

driven by pressure differential of the gases

at alveoli, blood from right ventricle (deoxygenated blood) has high PCO2 and low PO2

both travel down their gradients with no energy expenditure

Thermoregulation via vasodilation and vasoconstriction

as capillaries expand --> more blood passes through --> larger amount of thermal energy dissipates

thermoregulation is predominately through capillaries and sweat glands in the skin or rapid muscle contraction

Immune defenses of the lungs

1. vibrissae trap particulate matter and potentially infecitous particles

2. nasal cavity contains lysozyme, which is able to attack the peptidoglycan walls of gram positive bacteria

3. mucus in internal airways trap invaders which can be propelled up the respiratory tract to the oral cavity and expelled or swallowed - mechanism is known as mucociliary escalator

4. mast cells in lungs - release inflammatory signals when antigen binds to surface antibodies --> often mediator of allergic reactions

Bicarbonate buffer system

CO2 (g) + H20 (l) -> <- H2CO3 (aq) -> <- H + (aq) HCO3- (aq)

Control of pH

during acidemia, acid-sensing chemoreceptors at BBB send signals to increase the respiratory rate

respiratory centers also responsive to the increasing PCO2 and promotes an increase in respiratory rate


left atrium = bicuspid

right atrium = tricuspid

Pathway of blood starting with deoxygenated blood

RA -> tricuspid valve -> RV -> pulmonary valve -> pulmonary artery -> lungs -> pulmonary veins -> LA -> mitral valve -> LV -> aortic valve -> aorta -> arteries -> arterioles -> capillaries -> venules -> veins -> venae cavae -> RA

Characteristics of the atria

thin-walled strucutres that contract to push blood into the ventricles

Electrical conduction of the Heart

sinoatrial (SA) node -> atriovewntricular (AV) node -> bundle of His (AV bundle) -> Prukinje fibers

atrial kick

atrial systole (contraction) causes pressure that forces more blood into the ventricles than passive filling, the additional volume of blood caused by contraction is known as the atrial kick

Purkinje fibers

located at near the apex these fibers help distribute the electrical signal through the ventricular muscle

Vagus nerve

10th cranial nerve responsible for the parasympathetic control of the heart


ventricles contract, AV valves close (S1), and blood pumped out of ventricles


heart relaxed, semilunar valves close (S2), blood fills ventricles

Cardiac Output


where HR is heart rate and SV is stroke volume


P-wave = immediately before atria contract

QRS complex = before ventricles contract

T-wave = ventricular repolarization

characteristics of arteries

highly muscular and elastic

creates resistance to blood flow


vessels w/ a single endothelial cell layer

allows easy diffusion of gases , nutrients, and wastes


thin-walled, inelastic vessels that transport blood to the heart

Name the three portal systems in the body where blood will pass through two capillary beds in series before returning to the heart

1. hypophyseal portal system - hypothalamus and anterior pituitary before returning to heart

2. hepatic portal system - gut to liver

3. renal portal system - golmerulus -> efferent arteriole -> vasa recta

Composition of Blood

plasma = liquid portion of blood

cellular portion = erythrocytes (RBCs), leukocytes (WBCs), and platelets


specialized cell designed for oxygen transport

contains hemoglobin which can carry up to 4 oxygens

no mitochondria, no nuclei, upon maturation

rely completely on glycolysis for the production of ATP

Granulocytes (type of WBCs)

neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils

contain cytoplasmic granules that release contents via exocytosis

involved in inflammatory reactions

agranulocytes (type of WBCs)

no cytoplasmic granules

lymphocytes (specific immune response) and monocytes

Lymphocytes - Difference between B-cells, T-cells

B-cells mature in lymph nodes or spleen and are responsible for antibiody generation

T-cells mature in thymus and kill virally infected cells


What are specific names of macrophages in 1) CNS, 2) skin, and 3) osteoclasts

monocytes that have exited the bloodstream and entered an organ

1. microglia

2. Langerhans cells

3. osteoclasts

Thrombocytes - Platelets

cell fragments released from megakaryocytes (in the bone marrow) whose function it is to assist in blood clotting


production of blood cells and platelets

RBC stimulated by erythropoietin (from kidney)

platelet development stimulated by thrombopoietin (from liver and kidney)

Erythroblastosis fetalis

hemolysis of fetal cells during pregnancy due to anti-Rh antibodies crossing the placenta due to prior exposure of Rh- mother to Rh+ fetus

Hydrostatic pressure

F/A blood exerts against the vessel walls

pushes fluid out of the bloodstream and into the interstitial space

Osmotic (oncotic) pressure

pressure generated by solutes as they attempt to draw water into the bloodstream

Starling forces

Why is balance of Starling forces important?

Starling forces = hydrostatic and oncotic pressures

balance is critical for maintaining proper fluid volume and conc. inside and outside of the vasculature


excess fluid in intersitital space

hydrostatic >>>>>> oncotic

What happens to part of the interstitial fluid normally?

Interstitial fluid gets taken up by the lymphatic system and returns to circulatory system via the thoracic duct


consists of coagulation factors and platelets and prevent/minimize blood loss

Describe the coagulation process briefly.

1. damage to endothelium and collagen and tissue factor are exposed

2. platelets aggregate at the site of injury AND coagulation factors initiate coagulation cascade

3. end point is activation of prothrombin to form thrombin

4. thrombin converts fibrinogen into fibrin

5. net formed that captures RBCs and other platelets forming stable clot

6. clot broken down by plasmin

Innate Immunity versus Adaptive Immunity

Innate Immunity is nonspecific, is always active against infection "first line of defense"

Adaptive Immunity is specific, slower to act, and maintain immunological memory of an infection for more rapid response to subsequent exposure


produced in bone marrow

activated in the spleen to become plasma cells that produce antibodies as part of adaptive immunity

when leaving bone marrow considered mature, but naive B-cells

Adaptive Immunity

1. humoral immunity - acts within blood rather than within cells and driven by B-cells and antibiodies

2. cell-mediated immunity driven by T-cells


adaptive immune cells that mature in the thymus and coordinates the immune system to directly kill virally infected cells

part of the cell-mediated immunity

What occurs in lymph nodes with respect to the immune system?

1. commnicate between immune cells to mount an attack

2. activation of some B-cells

Gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT)

immune tissue found in proximity to the digestive system

includes tonsils and adenoids, Peyer's patches in small intestine, and lymphoid aggregates in the appendix

What is the function of the spleen?

1. stores blood

2. filters blood and lymph

3. site where immune responses are mounted

What is the complement system? Describe the two pathways.

complement system = proteins in the blood that act as nonspecific defense against bacteria by punching holes in the cell walls of bacteria resulting in osmotic instability

1. classical pathway - binding of antibody to pathogen

2. alternative - does not require antibody


proteins (produced by virally infected cells) that prevent viral replication and dispersion by

1. decrease production of viral and cellular proteins in nearby cells

2. decrease the permeability of these cells

3. upregulate MHC class I and MHC class II mlcs


activated when bacterial invader enters a tissue

1. phagocytizzes the invader through endocytosis

2. digests the invader using enyzmes

3. presents little pieces of the invader to other cells using major histocompatibility complex (MHC)

4. release cytokines


chemical substances that stimulate inflammation and recruit additional immune cells to the area

Major Histocompatbility Complex (MHC) class I

displayed by all nucleated cells

endogenous pathway that binds antigens from inside the cell

MHC Class II

displayed by professional antigen-presenting cells (e.g. macrophages)

exogenous pathway = presents antigens originating outside of the cell

Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRR)

special receptors on macrophages and dendritic cells that can categorize the invader as a bacterium, virus, fungus, or parasite

Natural Killer Cells

type of non-specific lymphocyte detects down regulation of MHC and induces apoptosis of these cells


most populous leukocyte in blood

very short-lived

phagocytic and target bacteria using chemotaxis and can detect opsonized bacteria

collection of dead neutrophils = pus


contain bright orange granules primary function in allergic reactions and invasive parasitic infections

once activated release histamine (inflammatory mediator) -> vasodilation and increased leakiness of blood vessels allowing immune cells to move into the tissue from the bloodstream


contain large purple granules that are involved in allergic reactions

release large amounts of histamine in response to allergens -> inflammatory response

mast cells

related to basophils but have smaller granules and exist in the tissues, mucosea, and epithelium

release large amounts of histamine in response to allergens -> inflammatory response

does not leave the bone marrow mature like basophils; only matures at tissue site

Humoral Immunity

production of antibiodies

may take as long as a week to reach full effect after initial infection

What are the possibilities for antibodies secreted in bodily fluids?

1. antigen bound, it may attract other leukocytes to phagocytize these antigen immediately

2. agglutination to form large insoluble complexes for phagocytosis

3. neutralize the pathogen

What happens when antigen binds to a B-cell?

activation of that cell -> proliferation and formation of plasma and memory cells

What happens when antigen binds to antibodies on the surface of a mast cell?

degranulation (exocytosis of granule contents) allowing the release of histamine and inflammatory response

Describe antibody structure.

Y-shaped mlcs made of two idential heavy chains and two identical light chains held together by disulfide linkages and noncovalent interactions

antigen-binding regions at the variable region

Describe the mechanism of clonal selection.

B-cells undergo hypermutation of its antigen-binding region trying to achieve high affinity

only those with high affinity survive

1. In the absense of exposure of antigen, what does a B cell do?

2. Upon exposure to the correct antigen, what does a B cell do?

1. naive B-cells wait in lymph node

2. B-cell proliferates into two populations -> plasma cells and memory-B cells

this is known as primary response and make take up to 7-10 days to reach full effect

memory B-cells

stay in the lymph node waiting for a reexposure to the same antigen

may last a life-time

Secondary Response

memory B-cells when exposed to the same antigen again produced antibiodies specific to that pathogen in a more rapid and robust manner

Cell-mediated (cytotoxic) Immunity

involves T-cells, which undergo positive selection and negative selection

positive selection = maturing T-cells that respond to presentation of antigen on MHC

negative selection = apoptosis of self-reactive T-cells

What are the three major types of T-cells?

1. helper T-cells (CD4+)

2. Cytotoxic T-cells (CTL or CD8+)

3. Suppressor T-cells

Helper T-cells (CD4+)

1. recruit other immune cells and increase their activity

2. respond to antigens presented on MHC-II mlcs that present exogenous antigens therefore Helper T-cells are most effective against bacterial, fungal, and parasitic infections

Cytotoxic T-cells (CD8+)

1. directly kill virally infected ccells by injection of toxic chemicals

2. respond to antigens presented on MHC-I mlcs that present endogenous antigens so most effective against viral (and intracellular bacterial or fungal) infections

Suppressor T-cells

express CD4 but can be differentiated from helper T-cells because they also express a protein called Foxp3

help tone down the immune response once infection has been adequately contained

turn off self-reactive lymphocytes to prevent autoimmune diseases = self-tolerance

What is the adaptive immune system response to bacterial (extracellular pathogen infections)?

1. antigen-presenting cells and macrophages engulf bacteria releasing inflammatory mediators

2. mast cells activated inducing leaky capillaries and immune cells leave bloodstream for tissues

3. dendritic cell leaves affected site and goes to nearest lymph node presenting antigen to B-cells and activate the T-cell response (Helper T-cell)

4. B-cell activation produce antibodies which tag bacteria for destruction

5. plasma cells die, but memory T and B cells survive

What is the adaptive immune system response to viral (intracellular pathogen) infections?

1. infected cell produces interferons thereby reducing permeability of nearby cells, reduce rate of transcription/translation, and cause systemic symptoms

2. MHC-I presents intracellular antigens

3. CD8+ activated if MHC-I is not down-regulated, if it is Natural Killer cells come into play

4. Memory T-cells survive

What is the difference between active and passive immunity?

Active - immune system stimulated to produce antibodies due to exposure to specific pathogen

Passive - transfer of antibodies to an individual; transient because plasma cells not transferred

Structure of the Lymphatic System

made of one-way vessels that become larger as they move toward the center of the body

carry lymphatic fluid and join to comprise a large thoracic duct in the posterior chest and then into the left subclavian vein

bean-shaped structures along the lymphatic vessels are known as lymph nodes

Describe 3 main functions of the Lymphatic System.

1. Equalization of Fluid Distribution - returns some of the interstitial fluid back to the bloodstream

2. Transportation of Biomolecules - transports fats via lacteals into the bloodstream

3. Immunity - place for antigen-presenting cells and lymphocytes to interact and germinal centers in the lymph nodes are where B-cells proliferate and mature


lymphatic fluid carrying many chylomicrons

Trace the pathway of food through the digestive system.

oral cavity -> pharynx -> esophagus -> stomach -> small intestine -> large intestine -> rectum

Enteric Nervous System

collection of neurons that govern the GI system

oral cavity

mechanical digestion via mastication

Saliva produced by salivary glands aids in chemical digestion

Salivary amylase

hydrolysis of starch into smaller sugars


measure of pancreatic function

catalyzes the hydrolysis of lipids

What are the three parts of the pharynx?

1. nasopharynx - behind nasal cavity

2. oropharynx - back of the mouth

3. laryngopharynx - above the vocal cords


muscular tube connecting pharynx to stomach

upper third is skeletal muscle under somatic control

mid and lower third under autonomic nervous system control and a mix of both skeletal and smooth muscle

Upper esophageal sphincter

muscles of the oropharynx where swallowing is initiated

lower esophageal sphincter

muscular ring between the esophagus and stomach that relaxes to allow food passage

What are the main anatomical divisions of the stomach starting from the esophageal end?

1. fundus

2. body

3. pylorus

4. antrum

gastric glands

What are the three cell types of gastric glands?

found in fundus and body

respond to signals from vagus nerve of PNS

3 cell types

1. Mucous cells

2. Chief cells

3. Parietal cells

Mucous cells

produce bicarbonate-rich mucus (to protect the stomach lining)

Chief Cells

secrete pepsinogen which is cleaved to pepsin by hydrogen ions secreted by parietal cells

Pepsin cleaves peptide bonds near aromatic AAs

Parietal cells

secrete HCL

secrete intrinsic factor, involved in absorption of Vitamin B12

pyloric glands

contained mostly in the antrum and pylorus

contains G cells that secrete gastrin (peptide hormone) -> induces parietal cells to release more HCl

signals stomach contraction which mixes stomach content


acidic, semifluid mixture that results after digestion of solid food in the stomach

increases SA for maximal absorption of nutrients in the small intestine

Name the three segments of the small intestine and their primary functions

1. duodenum - chemical digestion

2. jejunum - absorption

3. ileum - absorption

What occurs in the duodenum?

1. presence of chyme activates release of brust-border enzymes (break down di/tri into monomers

2. secretes enteropeptidase, which activates other digestive enzymes from the accessory organs

Brush-border Enzymes

present on the luminal surface of the duodenum

examples: disaccharidases and peptidases

What happens with lack of a particular diasccharidase?

dissacharide is hydrolyzed by bacteria in the intestines with a byproduct of methane gas

undigested disaccharides can have osmotic effect leading to diarrhea


What is an Aminopeptidase?

What size can be reabsorbed?

Aminopeptidase - secreted by glands in duodenum and removes the N-terminal AA from a peptide

di- and tri- peptides can be absorbed across the small intestinal wall

Enteropeptidase (aka enterokinase)

activates trysinogen (a pancreatic protease) to trypsin, which initiates an activation cascade


peptide hormone that causes pancreatic enzymes to be released into the duodenum

regulate pH by reducing HCl secretion from parietal cells and increasing bicarbonate secretion from the pancreas


hormone, such as secretin, that slow motility through the digestive tract increasing time for digestion, especially of fats

cholecystokinin (CCK)

secreted in resposne to entrance of chyme in the duodenum

stimulates release of both bile and pancreatic juices

acts on brain to promote satiety through the ventromedial hypothalamus


complex fluid composed of bile salts, pigments, and cholesterol

Bile Salts

no direct chemical digestion, but factiliates the checmical digestion of lipids

in small intestine, they emulsify fats and cholesterol into micelles which is made accessible to pancreatic lipase


What are the accessory organs of digestion?

1. pancreas

2. liver

3. Gallbladder

Describe the exocrine functions of the pancreas.

acinar cell produc pancreatic juices, which is a bicarbonate-rich alkaline scretion containing digestive enzymes that digest proteins (peptidases), sugars (amylase), and lipase (fats)

Describe the pathway of pancreatic juices to the duodenum

acrine cells (production)-> pancreatic duct -> duodenum
What are the major components of bile and their functions?

1. bile salts - emulsify fats

2. pigment - bilirubin (byproduct of Hemoglobin breakdown). The inability to process or excrete bilirubin results in jaundice

3. cholesterol

What structures contribute to the digestion of proteins?

1. Pepsin in the stomach

2. peptidases (trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidases A & B) from the pancreas, digestion occurs in the duodenum

3.dipeptidases and aminopeptidases from the brush border of the small intestine

What structures contribute to the digestion of carbohydrates?

1. amylase in the mouth

2. pancreatic amylase

3. disaccharidases from the brush border in the small intestine

Describe the structure and purpose of microvilli

increase SA for absoprtion of nutrients

contain a capillary bed for absorption of water-soluble nutrients AND a lacteal, which is a lymph channel that takes up fats into the lymphatic system

How are simple sugars, small nonpolar fatty acids, and AAs absorbed in the small intestine?

secondary active transport and faciliated diffusion into the epithelial lining

epithelial lining -> intestinal capillaries -> liver via the hepatic portal circulation

How do larger fats, glycerol, and cholesterol move into the intestinal cells and back into circulation?

move into the cells separatlely but then reform into triglycerides

triglycerides + esterified cholesterol packaged into insoluble chylomicrons

chylomicrons -> lacteals -> thoracic duct

How are vitamins absorbed?

Fat-soluble go through chylomicrons to enter the body

water-soluble absorbed across endothelial cells into the plasma

Components of the large intestine

three major sections

1. cecum

2. colon

3. rectum


outpocketing that accepts fluid exiting the small intestine through the ileoceal valve

site of the appendix


ascending (right), transverse (upper), descending (left), and sigmoid (LLQ)

main function is to absorb water and salts from the undigested material from the small intestine

forms feces


storage site for feces

anus = opening for elimination with internal (autonomic control) and external (voluntary control) anal sphincters

What are functions of the excretory system?

1. regulation of blood pressure

2. blood osmolarity

3. acid-base balance

4. removal of nitrogenous wastes

Describe the structure of the kidney

outermost layer is called the cortex with an inner layer called the medulla

at the medial surface there is a deep slit called the renal hilum, where the renal artery, renal vein, and ureter enter and exit the kidneys

kidney portal system

enters cortex as afferent arterioles

afferent arterioles -> glomeruli -> efferent arterioles -> vasa recta (surround the Hoop of Henle

Describe the structure of a nephron.

glomerulus is surrounded by Bowman's capsule -> proximal convoluted tubule -> descending and ascending loops of Henle -> distal convoluted tubule -> collecting duct

Describe the bladder structure.

muscular lining known as the detrusor muscle, whose contraction is activated by Parasympathetic activity

contains two sphincters 1) internal (involuntary control) urethral sphincter and 2) external urethral sphincter (voluntary control)

Process of Urination

1. stretch receptors convey to the nervous system that bladder requires emptying

2. Parasympathetic neurons fire and detrusor muscle contracts and internal sphincter relaxes

3. relax external sphincter to urinate or maintain sphincter tone to prevent urination


What are the three processes?

1. Filtration

2. Secretion

3. Resorption

Elaborate on Filtration in the kidneys.

Under most circumstances fluid flows from glomerulus to Bowman's capsule

glomerulus acts as a sieve allowing small mlcs to pass but large mlcs to remain in the blood

Elaborate on Secretion in the kidneys.

mechanism for excreting wastes that are too large to pass through glomerular pores

salts, acids, bases, and urea directly into the tubule by either active or passive transport

Elaborate on Reabsorption in the kidneys.

solutes from filtrate to blood

glucose, vitamins, and AAs are always absorbed unless there is a significant abnormal process

ADH and aldosterone can alter water retention to regulate blood pressure

Name the layers of the skin working outward from inside.

hypodermis (subcutaneous layer), dermis, and epidermis

The epidermis

superficial to deep

Come, let's get sun burned

Stratum corneum

Stratum lucidum

Stratum granulosum

Stratum spinosum

Stratum basale

Stratum basale

proliferation of keratinocytes, which produce keratin

home of melanocytes, which produces melanin

Stratum spinosum

keratinocytes connect to each other

home of Langerhans cells (special macrophages) that present antigen to T-cells

stratum ganulosum

keratinocytes die and lose their nuclei

stratum lucidum

only present in thick, hairless skin, such as skin on the sole of the foot or the palms

stratum corenum

several dozen layers of flattened keratinocytes, forming a barrier that prevents invasion by pathogens and prevents loss of fluids and salts


pigment that serves to protect the skin from DNA damage caused by UV

more active melanocytes result in darker skin tones

Describe the dermis.

papillary layer consisting of loose connective tissue

reticular layer beneath the papillary layer

home of origins of sweat glands, blood vessels, and hair follicles

Merkel cells (discs)

sensory cells present at the epidermal-dermal junction

deep pressure and texture sensation within the skin

Meissner's corpuscles

respond to light touch

Ruffini endings

respond to stretch

Pacinian corpuscles

respond to deep pressure and vibration

Name the methods for achieving thermoregulation

sweating, piloerection, vasodilation, and vasoconstriction


excellent cooling mechanism that is controlled by the autonomic nervous system

evaporation of water from the skin absorbs body heat

post ganglionic sympathetic neurons utilize acetylcholine


contraction of arrector pili resulting in hairs of the skin to stand up

trap a layer of heated air near the skin

arterioles constrict


rapid contraction of skeletal muscle that requires a sizeable amount of ATP

Proximal Convoluted Tubule

destined for blood: AAs, glucose, water-soluble vitamins, majority of salts, and water

waste: H+, K+, NH3, and urea

Descending Loop of Henle

dives deep into the medulla before turning around

permeable only to water, which is reabsorbed into the vasa recta

medulla has an ever-increasing osmolarity as you travel deeper into it

Countercurrent multiplier system

flow of filtrate through the loop of Henle is in the opposite direction from the flow of blood through the vasa recta

this allows maximal reabsorption of water

Ascending loop of Henle

ascending limb is only permeable to salts and impermeable to water

Diluting segment

part of the ascending loop of Henle that is thicker due to enlarged cells containing large amounts of mitochondria that allow reabsorption of sodium and chloride by active transport

only portion of the nephron that can produce urine more dilute than blood

Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)

aldosterone promotes sodium reabsorption with water following it

waste: H+, K+, NH3

Collecting duct

final conc. of urine determine here depending on the permeability of the duct

responsive to both aldosterone and ADH

point of no return

Aldosterone versus ADH

ADH (peptide) only affects water reabsorption and lowers blood osmolarity

Aldosterone (steroid) cause both salt and water absorption and does NOT change blood osmolarity

Oncotic versus osmotic pressure

osmotic pressure draws water into the vasculature and is caused by ALL dissolved particles

oncotic pressure - draws water into the vasculature and is caused by dissolved proteins only

Characteristics of all muscle types


capable of contraction, which is reliant on Calcium ions

Name the three types of muscles

1. skeletal

2. smooth

3. cardiac

Describe Skeletal muscle

responsible for voluntary movement thus innervated by the somatic nervous system

made of sacromeres, which by microscope appears striated


Describe the two main types of fibers found in skeletal muscle.

1. Red fibers aka slow-twitch fibers = high myoglobin content and derive their energy aerobically with many mitochondria carrying out oxidative phosphorylation -> Think RED at traffic light

2. White fibers aka fast-twitch fibers = less myoglobin compared to red fibers and therefore lighter in color

White is predominate in muscles that contract rapidly but fatigue quickly

What are characteristics of smooth muscle?

1. involuntary action innervated by the autonomic nervous system, but can contract without nervous system input (aka myogenic activity by responding directly to stretch or other stimuli)

2. single nuclei

3. contain actin and myosin but no arrangement, so no striations seen

4. more sustained contractions


constant state of low-level contraction of smooth muscle often observed in blood vessels

Describe Cardiac Muscle `

1. primarily uni-nucleated, but can contain 2 nuclei

2. involuntary and innervated by the autonomic nervous system, but striated

3. communication method is a unique characteristic of cardiac muscle

Elaborate on the communication process between cardiac myocytes.

Intercalated discs connecting cardiac muscle cells contain gap junctions through which ions flow directly between the cells

coordinated muscle cell depolarization and efficient contraction occurs


basic contractile unit of skeletal muscle

made of thick filaments, which are organized bundles of myosin, and thin filaments, which is made of actin, troponin and tropomyosin

Divisions of a sacromere

Z line = defines boundaries

M line = middle of the myosin filament

I band = thin filaments only

H zone = thick filaments only

A band = all thick filaments regardless of overlap


sacromeres attached end-to-end

surrounded by sacroplasmic reticulum (SR) a modified ER with high conc. of calcium ions


cell membrane of a myocyte

capable of propagating an AP and can distribute the AP to all sarcomeres in a muscle using a system of T-tubules

muscle fiber/myocyte

myofibrils arranged in parallel


many myocytes in parallel

Hemizygous genotype

only one allele is present for a given gene (such as parts of the X chromosome in males)


percentage of the population with a given genotype who actually express the phenotype


varying phenotypes despite identical genotypes

4 Principles of Mendel's First Law: Law of Segregation

1. Genes exist in alternative forms (aka alleles)

2. organism has 2 alleles for each gene, one from each parent

3. two alleles segregate during meiosis, resulting in gametes that carry only one allele for any inherited trait

4. If two alleles are different, one will be fully expressed and one will be silent. (co-dominance and incomplete dominance are exceptions)

Each gamete carries only one allele for a given trait -> result of anaphase I of meiosis

Mendel's Second Law: Law of Independent Assortment

inheritance of one gene does not affect the inheritance of another gene

Gene Pool

all of the alleles that exist within a species


small pieces of DNA that insert themselves into another location in the genome

Name 4 types of nucleotide-level mutations

1. silent mutation = no change in AA sequence from a single point mutation

2. missense = change in AA

3. nonsense mutation = STOP codon

4. Frameshift mutation = 1 or more base pair deletions or insertions

Name 5 types of chromosomal mutations.

1. Deletion mutations = large segment of DNA lost from chromosome (note: small segment would be considered frameshift mutation)

2. Duplication mutations = segment copied multiple times in the genome

3. Inversion mutation

4. Insertion mutations = segment of DNA moved from one chromosome to another (if same chromosome = frameshift mutation)

5. Translocation mutations = segment of DNA swapped between 2 chromosomes

Genetic leakage

flow of genes within species such as when hybrid species can reproduce with one/both of the original species

Genetic Drift

changes in the composition of the gene pool due to chance

tendency to be more pronounced in small populations

Founder Effect

more extreme case of genetic drift

reproductive isolation from other populations as a results of bottlenecks that drastically and suddenly reduce the size of the population available for breeding

What is inbreeding and what are the complications associated with it?

Inbreeding is the mating between two genetically related individuals

It encourage homozygosity -> increases prevalence of of certain traits and diseases

inbreeding depression = reduced fitness of the population

Monohybrid Cross Patterns

Crossing Two heterozygotes for a trait with complete dominance results in

genotype -> 1:2:1

phenotype -> 3:1

Dihybrid Cross Patterns

Crossing Two Heteroygotes for 2 traits with complete dominance results in

phenotype -> 9:3:3:1

For each trait the phenotype ratio 3:1 still holds true


point of crossing over between genes

Recombination Frequency

likelihood that two alleles are separated from each other during crossing over

proportional to the distance between the genes on the chromosome

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

1. population is very large (no genetic drift)

2. no mutations that affect the gene pool

3. mating is random (no sexual selection)

4. no migration into or out

5. genes have equal success in producing offspring

Hardy-Weinberg Equations

p + q = 1

p^2 + 2*p*q + q^2 = 1

Natural Selection

aka survival of the fittest


1. Not all offspring survive to reproductive maturity

2. chance variations may be heritable; those variations with survival advantage are favorable

3. individuals who inherit more favorable variations have increased fitness

fitness = level of reproductive success


How does Neo-Darwinsim differ from Darwin's Theory?

1. Differential reproduction - favorable mutations or recombination gets passed; unfavorable fades out

2. inclusive fitness = success in population

3. punctuated equilibrium - changes in some species occur in rapid bursts rather than evenly over time

Describe the 3 modes of natural selection.

1. stabilizing = selects against extremes

2. directional = emergence and dominance of an initially extreme phenotype

3. disruptive = two extreme phenotype selected over the norm associated term is adaptive radiation, which is the rapid rise of a number of different species from a common ancestor


largest group of organisms capable of breeding to form fertile offspring

speciation = formation of new species through evolution

Methods of reproductive isolation.

prezygotic = prevent formation of zygote completely

postzygotic = gamete fusion but yields either nonviable or sterile offspring

Provide examples of prezygotic mechanisms.

1. temporal isolation = breeding at different times

2. ecological = different niches within same territory

3. behavioral = lack of attraction

4. reproductive isolation = incompatibility of reproductive anatomy

5. gametic isolation = intercourse can occur, but fertilization cannot

Provide examples of postzygotic mechanisms

1. inviability = zygote that cannot develop to term

2. sterility = offspring cannot reproduce

3. breakdown = first generation can reproduce, but second generation cannot

Describe the 3 patterns of evolution.

1. Divergent = common ancestor with independent development of dissimilar characteristics

2. parallel = related species evolve in similar ways due to analogous environmental selection factors

3. convergent = independent development of similar characteristics not sharing a recent common ancestor

What are the three stages of muscle contraction?

1. initiation

2. Shortening of the Sacromere

3. Relaxation

Elaborate on the initiation process of skeletal muscle contraction.

1. Nervous system communicates with muscles via motor neurons at the neuromuscular junction.

2. acteylcholine released into the synapse binds to sarcolemma receptors inducing depolarization

3. AP induced spreading to the T-tubules & T-tubules travel into muscle tissues to the SR

4. Ca2+ released in SR

5. Ca2+ bind to troponin and induces tropomyosin conformational change, thereby exposing myosin-binding sites on actin filament

Elaborate on the shortening process of skeletal muscle contraction.

Sliding Filament Model

1. myosin with hydrolyzed ATP binds to myosin-binding site on actin

2. Powerstroke occurs driven by dissociation of ADP and inorganic phosphate - sacromere contracts

3. ATP binds to myosin head releasing it from actin

4. ATP is hydrolyzed to ADP + inorganic phosphate and cycle

Rigor Mortis

Post mortem, absence of ATP prevents dissociation of myosin and actin so muscles cannot relax

Describe the relaxation process of skeletal muscle contraction.

1. acetylcholinesterase degrades acetylcholine resulting in decaying signal -> sarcolemma repolarizes

2. SR takes up Calcium from sarcoplasm

How is overall force of a muscle contraction controlled?

Strength of response from ONE muscle cell is constant

overall force is controlled by the number of motor units the neurons recruit to respond

Maximal response = all fibers within a muscle stimulated simultaneously

Describe the periods of a simple twitch.

1. Stimulus

2. Latent period - between reaching threshold and onset of contraction

3. Contraction period

4. Relaxation period

Frequency summation vs. tetanus

Tetanus occurs when frequency of contractions makes it so that muscles are unable to relax at all

Frequency summation = combining of frequent contractions for a stronger, more prolonged contraction

What are two supplemental energy reserves in muscle for when oxygen is low?

1. Creatine + ATP -><- Creatine phosphate + ADP

2. anaerobic metabolism via lactic acid production

Oxygen Debt

difference between amount of oxygen needed by muscles and the actual amount present

Exoskeletons versus Endoskeletons

Exoskeletons encase whole organisms and must be shed to accommodate growth

Endoskeletons are internal and able to accommodate growth better than exoskeletons

Axial versus appendicular skeleton

axial provides basic central framework and includes the skull, vertebral column, rib cage, and hyoid bone

appendicular = bones of the limbs, pectoral gridle, and pelvis

Name and contrast the 2 types of bone structures.

1. compact bone - dense and strong (strength), predominantly makes up the outermost portions of bone

2. spongy/cancellous - lattice structure consisting of trabeculae (bony spicules), predominately makes up internal core of bone

Where is bone marrow located and what are the two types of bone marrow?

Cavities between trabeculae are filled with bone marrow

Red marrow = hematopoietic stem cells

Yellow marrow = fat and relatively inactive


connective tissues

derived from embryonic mesoderm

harder than cartilage but lightweight (relatively)

Long bones

predominately makes up appendicular skeleton

characterized by diaphyses (cylindrical shafts) that swell at each end (metaphyses) and terminate (epiphyses)

surrounded by periosteum (fibrous sheath) for protection as well as site for muscle attachment

Epiphyseal (growth) plate

sits at the internal edge of the epiphysis

cartilaginous structure serving as site of longitudinal growth

during puberty, plate closes and vertical growth is halted

Tendons versus ligaments

tendons attach muscle to bone

ligaments attach bones to each other to stabilize joints

Haversian Systems or osteons

functional unit of compact bone

Describe a Haversian system.

contains lamellae (concentric circles of bony matrix surrounding a central microscopic channel)

Longitudinal Channels = Haversian canals

Transverse Channels = Volmann's canals

osteocytes are housed in lacunae (small spaces between the lamellae)

What is the function of the Haversian canals and Volmann's canals?

house the blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymph vessels that maintain the health of bone

connected to lacunae through canaliculi


mature bone cells

Osteoblasts versus osteoclasts

Osteoblasts build bone

Osteoclasts (specialized macrophages) chew bone

Name 2 hormones and a fat-soluble vitamin that affects bone metabolism.

Parathyroid hormone = promotes bone degradation

Vitamin D = promote bone degradation to form new stronger bone

Calcitonin = promotes bone formation

Endochondral ossification

hardening of cartilage into bone, which is how most of the long bones of the body are formed

Intramembranous ossification

undifferentiated embryonic connective tissue transformed into, and replaced by bone (common in skull bones)

Describe important characteristics of cartilage in contrast to bone.

consists of firm but elastic matrix called chondrin, which is secreted by chondrocytes

relatively avascular and not innervated

advantage over bone is flexibility


made of connective tissue

2 types

1. immovable

2. movable

Immovable joints

bones fused together to form sutures

predominately found in the head

Movable joints

permit bones to shift relative to one another

strengthened by ligaments, consisting of synovial capsule that encloses the joint cavity

Name features of the joint cavity.

enclosed by synovial capsule, synovium, and articular cartilage

contains synovial fluid produced by the synovium for lubrication

What is the purpose of the articular cartilage and what disease is associated with its degradation?

prevent bone on bone impact


Origin vs. Insertion

origin = end of muscle with a larger attachment to bone

insertion = end of muscle with shorter attachment to bone (typically distal connection)

antagonistic pairs

describes how muscles work; one relaxes while the other contracts

Flexor versus extensor

flexor =decreases the angle across the joint

extensor =increases or straightens the angle across a joint

Abductor versus adductor

abductor = moves part of body away from the midline

adductor = moves part of body toward the midline

What are the 3 basic tenets of the cell theory? And the fourth add on?

1. All living things are composed of cells.

2. Cell is the basic functional unit of life.

3. Cells arise only from preexisting cells.

4. Genetic information carried as DNA and passed from parent to daughter cell

Eukaryotic cells versus Prokaryotic cells

Eukaryotic cells contain a true nucleus, whereas prokaryotic cells do not

Prokaryotic cells do not contain any membrane-bound organelles


contains all the genetic material required for replication

surrounded by a nuclear envelope with nuclear pores that allow 2 way exchange

allows for compartmentalization of transcription and translation


linear strands of DNA that is woudn around histones (organizing proteins)


subsection of the nucelus where ribosome RNA (rRNA) is synthesized


aka power plants of cell

two layers - outer and inner membrane

contain some of their own genes and replicate independent of the nucleus via binary fission

Elaborate on the inner and outer membrane of the mitochondria.

inner membrane has numerous foldings called cristae, which houses necessary reactants for ETC

space between inner and outer is called intermembrane space

space inside the inner is called the matrix


contains hydrolytic enzymes for breakdown of cellular waste products

if enzymes are released, triggers autolysis

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Smooth vs. Rough

ER = series of interconnected membranes that is continuous w/ the nuclear envelope

Rough ER (RER) = studded with ribosomes for translation

Smooth ER (SER) = no ribosomes and used for lipid synthesis, detoxification, and transport of proteins from RER to Golgi Apparatus

Golgi Apparatus

aka packaging center

1. materials from ER (mail man) transferred in via vesicles (mail man car)

2. cellular product modification, sorting, and repackaging (mail room operations)

3. transfer to correct location via vesicles


contain hydrogen peroxide for the breakdown of long chain fatty acids via beta oxidation

participate in phospholipid synthesis

contain enzymes involved in pentose phosphate pathway

Name the three components of cytoskeleton

1. microfilaments

2. microtubules

3. intermediate filaments


solid polymerized rods of actin

involved in muscle contraction, cytokinesis (cleavage furrow)


hollow polymers of tubulin proteins

radiate throughout the cell, providing a pathway for motor proteins like kinesin and dynein to carry vesicles

Intermediate Filaments

diverse group of filamentous proteins (e.g. keratin and desmin)

high tension sustaining

Cilia and Flagella

motile structures composed of microtubules

cilia ar more for movement of materials along the surface whereas flagella are involved in movement of cell itself

9 + 2 structure = 9 pairs forming outer ring with 2 pairs of microtubules in the center

9 + 2 is only seen in eukaryotic organelles of motility


organizing centers for microtubules that is made of 9 triplets of microtubules with a hollow center

in mitosis, migrate to opposite poles and organize the mitotic spindle


complexes that connect chromosomes and microtubules from the centrioles

Name the Four Tissue Types

1. epithelial

2. connective

3. muscle

4. nervous

Characteristics of epithelial Tissue

epithelial cells are joined by layer of connective tissue called the basement membrane

constitute the parenchyma (functional parts of organ)

polarized with one side facing the lumen (outside world) and one side interacting with blood vessels and structural cells

Classification of epithelia by layers

simple = one

stratified = multiple

pseudostratified = appear to be multiple but actually one

Classification of epithelia by shape

cuboidal = cube-shaped

columnar = long and thin

squamous = flat and scalelike

Connective Tissue

supports body ad provides a framework for epithelial cells to carry out their functions

contribute primarily to the stroma, or support structure

What is a heterozygous advantage? Give a common example.

being a carrier offers a survival benefit

e.g. Sickle Cell Anemia protects some individuals from malaria

Define penetrance

individuals carry a mutant allele but do not show any signs of the disease

Define codominance

contributions of both alleles are visible in the phenotype

e.g. pink flowers when red is dominant and white is recessive

Elaborate on the 4 main types of RNA.


rRNA is the most abundant form of single stranded RNA that is produced in the nucleolus and important for ribosome functioning

hnRNA is premature mRNA that has not gone through any post-transcriptional modifications

mRNA is what is read by ribosomes during translation

tRNA is the smallest of the RNAs and used to transfer AAs to mRNA during translation