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13 Cards in this Set

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Joux et al., 2006

Bacterial/phytoneuston communities created by an unpward transport of organisms by physical processes rather than insitu development

Agogue 2004

Bacterial microlayer similar to sea surface community

Franklin 2005

Bacterial community in surface micro layer different to surface water

Obernoster et al., 2016

Enrichment of surface microlayer POM = strongly correlated with wind history, but is independant of POM found in surface waters. Suggesting physical processes - turbulent moxing, transport of bacteria on rising bubbles is important to enrichment of the the microlayer and its formation

Queiroz et al., 2012

Diel vertical migration associated with foraging behaviour of blue sharks, not their ability to thermoregulate. Prey may have to migrate to thermoregulate and the sharks follow the prey.

Sharks forage within bathypelagic to surface waters meaning spactial overlap with longline fisheries = threat

Hassett and Gradinger 2009

Chytrid fungi parasatize diatoms = less chlorophyll in diatoms. Parasitizm on the rise with decreasing snow cover may result in rapid elevation of disease incidence and food web restructuring

Alldredge and Silver 1998

Marine snow aggregates are a host of rich flora and fauna and appear to be hotspots of heterotriphic activity in the water column

Smith et al 2008

Slope-Abyss-Source-Sink hypothesis (SASS) - abyss is food deprived, organisms below 4000m will have upper limites into 3000m. Food poor conditions constrain the evolutionary potential for diversity. Despite large area, abyssal ecosystems may not contribute greatly to global marine diversity.

Applicable to bivalve and gastropod planktonic larvae (importance of dispersal) maybe not so for other species which make up >90% species richness and frequently lack dispersing planktonic larvae

Thomas et al 2012

Mechanistic species models show rising temps will cause a pole-wise shift in species thermal niches. Sharp decline in tropical phytoplankton diversity in the absence of an evolutionary response.

Foote et al 2013

Ancient dna of Bowhead whale show it survived late Pleistocene climate change ... but changes in climate will likely halve the amount of suitable habitat by the end of the century

Yeates and Houser 2008

Air and water temp had minimal synergistic impact on bottlenose dolphines ability to thermoregulate...but adolescents, neonates and pregnant dolphins ability to thermoregulate may be more influential in residency patterns and population structure

Pilcher et al. 2014

Hawksbill turtles in the Arabian Gulf migrate to avoid high summer temps - 66 individuals tagged

- migrate to cool, deep water during peak temps (>30°C in summer)

Kiørboe 2001

- marine snow composed of aggregates glued together: detritus, phytoplankton, mucus feeding webs, diatoms, tests, moults etc.

- chemical trails produced by bacteria on marine snow mean plankton can detect and seek falling marine snow

- main vehicles for vertical material transport in oceans