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14 Cards in this Set

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sudden and unexpected.I was surprised by the abrupt change of subject

synonyms: sudden , unexpected , without warning , unanticipated ,

مفاجئ غير متوقع


of an idea or suggestion) wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate.E.g : the allegations are patently absurd

synonyms: preposterous , ridiculous , ludicrous , farcical , laughable , risible , idiotic , stupid , foolish , silly , inane , imbecilic ,


1 (of a vehicle or other physical object) begin to move more quickly.E.g: the car accelerated toward her

speed up , go faster , gain momentum , increase speed , pick up speed , gather speed , put on a spurt


make more noticeable or prominent.

E.g: his jacket unfortunately accentuated his paunch

synonyms: focus attention on , draw attention to , point up , underline , underscore , accent , highlight , spotlight , foreground ,


able to be agreed on; suitable.E.g :has tried to find a solution acceptable to everyone

satisfactory , adequate , reasonable , quite good , fair , decent , good enough , sufficient , sufficiently good , fine , not bad , all right , average , tolerable ,


(of information, measurements, statistics, etc.) correct in all details; exact.E.g: accurate information about the illness is essential

Synonyms: precise , exact ,

2 (with reference to a weapon, missile, or shot) capable of or successful in reaching the intended target.reliable, accurate rifles

synonyms: well-aimed , on target , unerring , deadly , lethal , sure , true , on the mark


opposed to one's interests. (e.g. all the adverse publicity really caused the movie star's popularity to suffer.)

Antonyms: advantageous, favorable, friendly, positive, supportive, sympathetic, well-disposed;


having an often intentionally veiled or uncertain meaning. (e.g. the exact reason for the change in plans is ambiguous, but I suspect it has something to do with money.)


enough or more than enough; plentiful.E.g: there is ample time for discussion

synonyms: enough , sufficient , adequate , plenty of , more than enough , enough and to spare , plentiful , abundant , copious ,


old-fashioned or outdated.E.g: this antiquated central heating system

synonyms: outdated , out of date , outmoded , outworn , old , stale , behind the times , old-fashioned , anachronistic , old-fangled ,


attractive or interesting.E.g: the rural life is somehow more appealing

synonyms: attractive , engaging , alluring , enchanting , captivating , bewitching , fascinating , tempting , enticing , seductive , irresistible , winning , winsome , charming , desirable , foxy , -licious



بجدارة بكفاءة


turn away (one's eyes or thoughts).E.g: she averted her eyes during the more violent scenes

synonyms: turn aside , turn away


totally bewilder or perplex.E.g: an unexplained occurrence that baffled everyone

Synonyms: perplex , nonplus , cross , regulate