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5 Cards in this Set

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What are indices?

This is a shorthand way of writing repeated multiplication. It tells how many times a number is multiplied by itself.

10 to the 7th power equal 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10 * 10


1.a to the m power + a to the n power= a to the m+n power.

2.a to the m power / a to the n power=a to the m-n power.

3.(a to the m power) to the n power= a to the m*n power.

4.a to the - n power= 1 over a to the n power.

5.a to the 0 power= 1.

What is Standard Form?

Standard form is written in formats a x 10 to the n power. Where a is greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10.

What are significant figures?

1.All non zero digits are significant these are 123456789.

2.0's between significant figures are indeed significant. Eg 2005.

3.0's to the left of significant figures are not significant. Eg 0.0007205

4.Zeros at the end of a number are significant only if they are to the right of a decimal point and follow a significant figure.

What is a number pattern?

The diagram below shows the final three figures sequences of figures.