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54 Cards in this Set

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woman who is pregnant
woman who has had two or more pregnancies
woman who has completed 2 or more pregnancies to stage of fetal viability
woman who has never been pregnant
woman who is pregnant
woman who has had two or more pregnancies
woman who has completed 2 or more pregnancies to stage of fetal viability
woman who has never been pregnant
number of pregnancies in which fetus or fetuses have reached viability, not the number of fetuses born
-Postdate or postterm:
pregnancy that goes beyond 42 weeks of gestation
pregnancy that has reached 20 weeks gestation but before completetion of week 37
woman who is pregnant for the first time
woman who has completed 1 pregnancy with a fetus or fetuses who have reached stage of fetal viability
pregnancy from the beginning of week 38 to end of week 42 of gestation
capacity to live outside the uterus
-Gravidity and parity may be described with 2 digits:

-the 1st represents the # ___
-The parity is the # of ___

ex: if the woman had twins at 38 weeks with her first pregnancy, parity would still be counted as 1 birth
-Gravidity and parity may be described with 2 digits:
-the 1st represents the # of pregnancies the woman has had, including the present one.

The parity is the # of pregnancies that have reached viability.

( gravidity 1, para 1)
The acronym GTPAL means:

-for ex if a woman pregnant only once gives birth at week 34 and the infant survives and the abbreviation that represents this
(gravidity, term, preterm, abortions, living children)

info is “1-0-1-0-1” during her next pregnancy, the abbreviation is “2-0-1-0-1” p. 334 for more examples
Integumentary System

hyperpigmentation is stimulated by the anterior pituitary hormone _______ is increased during pregnancy
pregnancy from the beginning of week 38 to end of week 42 of gestation
capacity to live outside the uterus
-Gravidity and parity may be described with 2 digits:

-the 1st represents the # ___
-The parity is the # of ___

ex: if the woman had twins at 38 weeks with her first pregnancy, parity would still be counted as 1 birth
-Gravidity and parity may be described with 2 digits:
-the 1st represents the # of pregnancies the woman has had, including the present one.

The parity is the # of pregnancies that have reached viability.

( gravidity 1, para 1)
The acronym GTPAL means:

-for ex if a woman pregnant only once gives birth at week 34 and the infant survives and the abbreviation that represents this
(gravidity, term, preterm, abortions, living children)

info is “1-0-1-0-1” during her next pregnancy, the abbreviation is “2-0-1-0-1” p. 334 for more examples
Integumentary System

hyperpigmentation is stimulated by the anterior pituitary hormone _______ is increased during pregnancy
Integumentary System

-darkening of the (4) occur about the 16th week of gestation
nipples, areolae, axillae, and the vulva
Integumentary System

- facial melasma, also called cholasma or mask of pregnancy is

what makes the pigmentation worse:
a blotchy brownish hyperpigmentation of the skin over the cheeks, nose, and forehead especially in dark complexioned pregnant women. Cholasma appears in 50-70% of pregnant women, beginning after the 16th week and increasing gradually until term.

--the sun intensifies this pigmentation in susceptible women.
Integumentary System

a pigmented line extending from the symphysis pubis to the top of the fundus in the midline; this line is known as the linea alba before hormone induced pigmentation.
- linea nigra

-not all pregnant women develop linea nigra and some women notice hair growth along the line with or without the change in pigmentation.
Integumentary System

striae gravidarium also known as:

-what are they caused by
striae gravidarium- or stretch marks (seen over lower abdomen) appear in 50-90% of pregnant women during the second half of pregnancy. It may be caused by action of adrenocorticosteroids.
Integumentary System

-striae reflect:
separation within the underlying connective
(collagen) tissue of the skin.

These slightly depressed streaks tend to occur over areas of maximal stretch (abdomen, thighs and breasts). the marks can cause a sensations that resembles itching
stretch marks
---do they go away?
---after birth they usually fade although never disappear completely.
-angiomas commonly referred to ______ occur as a result of:

-they come during ___ months of pregnancy and ____ after birth
as vascular spiders, occur as a result of elevated levels of estrogen.

-they are bluish in color..they appear during the 2-5 mo of pregnancy..disappear after birth
-gum hypertrophy may occur. an epulis is a red raised nodule on the gums that bleeds easily.
-nail growth may be accelerated
-oily skin and acne vulgaris may occur during pregnancy

hair growth
-hirsutism, excessive growth of hair or growth of hair in unusual places is commonly reported

-increase blood supply to the skin leads to increased _____
Cholestasis of pregnancy
-what's the importance of this
-bile acids (what you would see as a patient itches) the bile salts make her itch.
Musculoskeletal System

-what curve develops?
- an increase in the normal lumbosacral curve (lordosis) develops and a compensatory curvature in the cervicodorsal region (exaggerated anterior flexion of the head) develops to help her maintain her balance. aching, numbness, and weakness of the upper extremities may results.
Musculoskeletal System

what happens to the pelvic joints?
-slight relaxation and increase mobility of the pelvic joints are normal during pregnancy. These adaptations permit enlargement of pelvic dimensions to facilitate labor and birth.
Musculoskeletal System

-what happens to the abdominal wall

-what happens to the umbilicus?
stretches and lose some tone. during the 3rd trimester, the rectus abdominal muscles may separate at the midline.

the umbilicus flattens or protrudes
Musculoskeletal System

-Relaxation and (increased or decreased) mobility of pelvic joints, why?

to delivery a baby
Musculoskeletal System

tell me about muscle tone

with each pregnancy?
-Muscle tone lost (first pregnancy is when your muscles are the strongest. They are weaker with the 2nd pregnancy)
Neurologic System

-Compression of pelvic nerves caused by enlargement of the uterus may results in
sensory changes in the legs
Neurologic System

-painful lordosis b/c of the traction on
nerves or compression of nerve roots
Neurologic System

-edema of peripheral nerves leading to
carpal tunnel syndrome (abnormal sensation such as burning or tingling)
Neurologic System

-what kind of headachces?
-fainting, why?
-where is pain in the leg?
-tension headaches
-fainting (hypoglycemia, orthostatic hypotension)
-sciatic pain
Neurologic system

-what can hypocalcemia cause?
-acroesthesia (numbness and tingling of hands)
-hypocalcemia may cause muscle cramps or tetany
Gastrointestinal System- Appetite

-early in pregnancy, some people have nausea with or w/o vomiting (morning sickness) in response to
increase levels of hCG and altered carbohydrate metabolism
Gastrointestinal System- Appetite

-morning sickness or nausea and vomiting of pregnancy appears when? when does it subside?
4-6 weeks of gestation and subsides by the end of the 3rd month
Gastrointestinal System- Appetite

-by the end of the 2nd trimester, the appetite (increases or decreases) in response to (increasing or decreasing) metabolic needs

Gastrointestinal System- Appetite

-nausea and vomiting rarely have harmful effects on the fetus or woman

true or false
woman have changes in their sense of taste, leading to
-cravings and changes in dietary intake. some women have nonfood cravings (pica) such as ice, clay, laundry starch. usually they are not harmful to the pregnancy if the women has adequate nutrition with appropriate weight gain
Renal System-Anatomic Changes

-changes in renal structure during pregnancy result from
Renal System-Anatomic Changes,

as early as the ___ week of pregnancy, the renal pelves and ureters dilate
hormonal activity (estrogen and progesterone), pressure from an enlarging uterus, and an increase blood volume.

as early as the 10th week of pregnancy, the renal pelves and ureters dilate
Renal System-Anatomic Changes

early in pregnancy - a woman experiences urgency/frequency, why?

-why is uterine flow rate slowed?
– Urgency/frequency (early in preg. It goes away, then comes away). Early in preg- neck of uterus is on bladder)

-a larger volume or urine is held in the pelves and ureters and urine flow rate is slowed
Renal System-Anatomic Changes,

-why are pregnant woman more susceptible to UTIs?
because stagnated urine is an excellent medium for growth of microorganisms

(contains more nutrients, glucose, which increases the pH and makes it more alkaline)