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88 Cards in this Set

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Union of a single egg and sperm. It marks the beginning of a pregnancy
Male and female germ cell
The male germ cell is a
The female germ cell is an
ovum (egg)
The process by which gametes are formed and mature.
the process by which male gametes form and mature
The process by which female gametes form and mature.
Process of penetration of the membrane surrounding the ovum by a sperm
Fertilization takes place in the ______ of the uterine tube.
The membrane becomes impenetrable to other sperm, a process termed____.
zone reaction
The ______number of chromosomes is restored when this union of sperm and ovum occurs
diploid (46)
The first cell of new individual.
Within 3 days the zygote becomes a 16-cell solid ball of cells called
The developing structure of the morula becomes known as _______ when a cavity becomes recognizable within it.
The outer layer of cells surrounding the morula cavity
Attachment process whereby the blastocyst burrows into the _____.
_____ or Finger like projections develop out of the ______ and extend into the blood filled spaced of the uterine lining. The uterine is now called the ______.
chronic villi: trophoblast: decidua
The portion of the lining directly under the blastocyst is called the _____ and the portion of this lining that covers the blastocyst is called the ____.
decidua basalis: decidua capsularis
The term that refers to the developing baby from day 15 until about 8 weeks after conception.
The term that refers to the developing baby from 9 weeks of gestation to the end of pregnancy
Membrane that surrounds the developing baby and the fluid.
Amniotic membranes
The _______is the outer layer of the amniotic membranes and becomes the covering of the fetal side of the placenta. The _____ is the inner layer.
chorion: amnion
Fluid that surrounds the developing baby in utero.
Amnionic fluid
Structure that connects the developing baby to the placenta.
Umbilical cord
The umbilical cord contains 3 vessels, namely 2 _____ and 1______.
arteries: veins
_____ is the connective tissue that prevents compression if the blood vessels to ensure continued nourishment of the developing baby.
Wharton's Jelly
______ is the structure composed of 15-20 lobes called________.
Placenta: cotyledons
The placenta produces ________ essential to maintain the pregnancy, supplies the ________ and _________ needed by the developing baby for survival and growth, and removes _______ and ______.
hormones: oxygen: nutrients: wastes: carbon dioxide
Capability of fetus to survive outside the uterus.
Surface active phospholipid that needs to be present in fetal/newborn lungs to facilitate breathing after birth.
Pulmonary surfactants
A ________ ratio can be preformed using amniotic fluid as one means of determining the degree to which the pulmonary surfactants phospholipids is present in fetal lungs
Special circulatory pathway that allows fetal blood to bypass the lungs
Ductus arteriosus
Shunt that allows most of fetal blood to bypass the liver and pass into the inferior vena cava.
Ductus venosus
Opening between the fetal atria
Foramen ovale
Formation of blood
Maternal perception of fetal movement that occurs sometime between ____ and ______ weeks of gestation.
Quickening: 16: 20
Dark green to black tarry substance that contains fetal waste products. It accumulates in the fetal intestines.
Twins that are formed from 1 fertilized ovum that then divides. They are also called _________ twins.
Dizygotic: fraternal
Twins that are formed from one fertilized ovum that then divides. They are also called _______ twins.
Monozygotic: identical
The hereditary material carried in the nucleus of each somatic (body) cell; it determines an individual's physical characteristics.
A ________ ratio can be preformed using amniotic fluid as one means of determining the degree to which the pulmonary surfactants phospholipids is present in fetal lungs
Special circulatory pathway that allows fetal blood to bypass the lungs
Ductus arteriosus
Shunt that allows most of fetal blood to bypass the liver and pass into the inferior vena cava.
Ductus venosus
Opening between the fetal atria
Foramen ovale
Formation of blood
Maternal perception of fetal movement that occurs sometime between ____ and ______ weeks of gestation.
Quickening: 16: 20
Dark green to black tarry substance that contains fetal waste products. It accumulates in the fetal intestines.
Twins that are formed from 1 fertilized ovum that then divides. They are also called _________ twins.
Dizygotic: fraternal
Twins that are formed from one fertilized ovum that then divides. They are also called _______ twins.
Monozygotic: identical
The hereditary material carried in the nucleus of each somatic (body) cell; it determines an individual's physical characteristics.
The process by which germ cells divide; producing gametes that each contain 23 chromosomes.
Failure of a pair of chromosomes to separate
Small segments of DNA
Abnormality in chromosome number; the numeric deviation is not an exact multiple of the haploid number of chromosomes
Cells that contain half of the genetic material of a normal somatic cell
Union of a normal gamete with a gamete containing an extra chromosome resulting in a cell with 47 chromosomes.
X, Y
sex chromosomes
Genes at corresponding loci on homologous chromosomes that code for different forms or variations of the same trait.
Process whereby body (somatic) cells replicate to yield two cells with the same genetic makeup as the parent cell
Term that denotes the correct number of chromosomes
The copy of the genetic material in humans
human genome
Process by which genetic material is transferred from one chromosome to another different chromosome
Threadlike strands formed of DNA
Abnormality in chromosome number in which the deviation is an exact multiple of the haploid number of chromosomes
Somatic cell containing the full number of 46 chromosomes
Union of a normal gamete with a gamete missing a chromosome, resulting in a cell with only 45 chromosomes
A spontaneous and permanent change in normal gene structure
A mixture of cells, some with the normal number of chromosomes and others either missing a chromosome or containing an extra chromosome.
Environmental substance or exposure that results in functional or structural disability of the embryo/fetus
Analysis of human DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA), chromosomes, or proteins to detect abnormalities related to an inherited condition
Genetic testing
Direct examination of the DNA and RNA that make up a gene.
direct or molecular testing
Examination of markers that are coinherited with a gene that causes a genetic condition
linkage analysis
Examination of the protein products of genes
biochemical testing
Examination of chromosomes
Cytogenetic testing
Type of genetic testing that is used to clarify the genetic status of asymptomatic family members. This type of testing includes______ testing to detect a disorder that is certain to appear if the defective gene is present and the individual lives long enough and _______testing to detect susceptibility to a disorder if the defective gene is present.
Predictive testing: presymptomatic; predispositional
Test used to identify individuals who have a gene mutation for a genetic condition but do not show symptoms of the condition because it is a condition that is inherited in an autosomal recessive form.
Carrier screening
Use of genetic information to individualize drug therapy.
Therapy used to correct defective genes that are responsible for disease development; the most common technique is to insert a normal gene in a location within the genome to replace a gene that is nonfunctional
Gene therapy (transfer)
Matched chromosomes
Term that denotes an individual with 2 copies of the same allele for a given trait If the 2 alleles are different, the person is said to be _______for the trait.
Homozygous: heterozygous
The genetic makeup of an individual; an individual's entire genetic makeup or all the genes that the person can pass on to future generations
Observable expression of an individual's genetic makeup
Pictorial analysis of the number, form, and size of an individual's chromosomes.
Pattern of inheritance in which a single gene controls a particular trait, disorder, or defect.
Genetic disorder in which only 1 copy of a variant allele is needed for phenotype expression
Autosomal dominance
Genetic disorder in which both genes if a pair must be abnormal for the disorder to be expressed.
Autosomal recessive
Disorder reflecting absent or defective enzymes leading to abnormal metabolism.
Inborn error of metabolism
Pattern of inheritance involving a combination of genetic and environmental factors