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8 Cards in this Set

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Self - actualisation

Desire to become the most that one can be

Self Esteem

Self-esteem is how we value and perceive ourselves.

Love and belonging

Friendship, intimacy, family, sense of connection

Safety and security

Health, employment, property, family and social ability

Physiological needs

Breathing, food, water, shelter, clothing, sleep

How is the maslows law inaccurate

- our needs are arranged in a hierarchy of greater needs meaning the lowest need exerts the strongest influence when not satisfactory

- the theory does not apply to everyone as some people value self esteem more then love

- importance of needs may differ according to gender or socioeconomic background

- maslows assumption that lower needs need to be fulfilled before a person can achieve their potential and self actualise

How is the maslows law inaccurate

- our needs are arranged in a hierarchy of greater needs meaning the lowest need exerts the strongest influence when not satisfactory

- the theory does not apply to everyone as some people value self esteem more then love

- importance of needs may differ according to gender or socioeconomic background

- maslows assumption that lower needs need to be fulfilled before a person can achieve their potential and self actualise

Maslows laws justifiable

- we are motivated by our needs as human beings

- if some of our needs are unsent we maybe unable to progress and meet our other needs which can explain why we might feel stuck or unmotivated

- it is a valid point that once our basic needs are met people progress to have their social and physiological needs met