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28 Cards in this Set

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What is Lean Manufacturing?

"A systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste (non value added activities) through continuous improvement by flowing the product through flow processes based on a signal from the customer"

What are we trying to achieve with LM?

How is it achieved?

What are the 3 types of system defined in Lean Manufacturing?

Push System

Pull System

Kanban System

What is 5S?

5S represents 5 Japanese words that describe the steps of a workplace organisation process:

1) Sort

2) Set

3) Shine

4) Standardise

5) Sustain

What is Takt Time

The available time to build/produce one unit for sale. This is worked out by available work time divided by customer demand.

Equation and explain it

What are the 7 types of defined waste in Lean Manufacturing?


Inventory (Excess)

Motion (Unnecessary)





Tim Wood

What is a U shaped cell layout and why is it advantageous to use one?

A U shaped cell layout is a cell layout shaped like a 'U' which utilises one piece flow. It's advantage is that it's more compact meaning less unnecessary motion and material handling and better communication between work stations.

Why is E-Waste a problem?

Products are quickly obselete and discarded

Composed of hazardous materials

Difficult to recycle

Managed badly

Most E-Waste goes to landfills

Most recyclers export their waste

What are the 3 banned materials in the RoHS?

Lead, Mercury and Cadmium

Who are the generators of E-Waste?

Small businesses and homes

Large businesses

Institutions and government offices

Equipment manufacturers

What are the 4 stages of Brady's Life Cycle Assessment

1. Goal and scope definition

2. Inventory analysis

3. Impact assessment

4. Interpretation

What are the aims of ISO 14000

Reduce the environmental footprint of businesses and to reduce the pollution and waste a manufacturer includes

What are the benefits of following ISO 14000

Enhanced compliance with legislation

Reduced costs associated with consumer audits

Ability to bid for contracts

Economic return from better resource use

What are the End of Life Product Choices?

1. Repair, refurbishment or reuse

2. Remanufacturing

3. Recycle with disassembly

4. Recycle without disassembly

5. Disposal to landfill

What are the aims of the RoHS?

An EU Directive that aims to reduce the levels of hazardous material in electrical and electronic equipment. Also lists hazardous substances to be avoided during design and manufacturing

What are the aims of the WEEE Regulations?

Reduce the amount of electrical and electronic waste produced and encourages designers to design products for reuse or recycling

List the waste hierarchy






What is the definition of quality?

ISO 9001 states that quality products must be useable, reliable and repairable

Name some consequences of poor quality?

Loss of business


Productivity decreases


Name the Quality Management activities?

1. Product planning

2. Product design

3. Process design

4. Production

5. Sales

6. After-sales service

(1-3 are Quality of Design)

(4 is Quality of Conformance)

(5+6 are Quality of Service)

Name some quality characteristics?







What is Taguchi's Loss Function?

L(y) = k(y-m)^2

Define reliability

The probability that no (system) failure will occur in a given time period.

Define availability

The probability that the system is operating properly when it is requested for use.

Provide equations for reliability and probability of failure

R = 1 - P

P = Uptime/MTBF

What is the equation for availablity?

Ao = Uptime/(Uptime+Downtime)


Describe the engineering bathtub curve

Explain the concept of yield in a production process?

Yield is a measure of quality that represents the fraction (or percentage) of "good" parts resulting from an operation or process

Name 3 major yield drivers in SMT processes?

Incoming materials

Manufacturing processes

Lead free conversion