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1225 Cards in this Set

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billion (n)
1000 million
pop (v)
came out
fabulous (adj)
great, amazing, fab
knock (v)
hit or bang on something
wobble (v)
move from side to side
dribble (v)
water that comes out your mouth
flutter (v)
to wave or move up and down quickly
do one thing and not do another
owner (n)
someone who has something that is theirs
land (v)
put down a plane after flying
knock (v)
make something fall down
vomit (v)
to be sick
shrug (v)
move your shoulders up and down when you don’t know an answer
calm (adj)
quiet, relaxed
canteen (n)
Water bottle
gravel (n)
Many small stones and rocks
barrel (n)
All the toys were kept in the barrel
cactus (n)
A plant that doesn’t need much water
cacti (n)
one cactus, two ______.
desert (n)
A hot place with little water
scarce (n)
Not a lot of something
committee (n)
a group of people who decide to do something
lift (v)
move up; take off
moist (adj)
wet; has a little water
condense (v)
When water in the air (that we cannot see) changes into rain or snow.
survival (n)
how to stop dying
shrink (v)
to make very small
avoid (v)
stay away from something
digestion (n)
when you eat something it is part of your digestion
spiky (adj)
has many sharp points (or spikes) that will hurt you if you touch them
roast (v)
cook slowly
burrow (n)
an animals home underground.
precious (adj)
very important; only a few
bloom (n)
Many flowers coming out
observe (v)
What you see around you
equipped (v)
Have what you need to do something
adaptation (n)
Where an animal changes part of its body to help it live somewhere.
features (n)
The part of an animal that helps it live somewhere
wearily (adv)
tired, sleepily
antennae (n)
help the bee talk to other bees and find food
hive (n)
a bee's home
survive (v)
to be able to live somewhere
social (adj)
talking with other bees; have a lot of friends
protect (v)
to keep safe; guard
refreshments (n)
snacks or drinks
guard (v)
to protect someone (ex. A guard dog)
collect (v)
to get a lot of something
gather (v)
to collect from one place
nectar (n)
a drink made by flowers
pollen (n)
used by flowers to make seeds
pollinate (v)
to make a seed in another flower
entrance (n)
where you go inside a place
grain (n)
one piece of pollen
extra (n)
more of something
tongue (n)
inside your mouth
crop (n)
fruits and vegetables we eat
pheromones (n)
a kind of smell (ex. Like a perfume)
drone (n)
a boy (male) bee who only makes baby bees
explore (v)
to learn about new things by going somewhere
language (n)
how you 'talk' to someone
waggle (v)
move your body left and right
wax (n)
made by bees and used by us (ex. Candles)
hexagon (n)
an eight sided shape
comb (n)
made from hexagon 'cells' inside the hive
cell (n)
part of a bee comb (a hexagon)
add (v)
to put inside
spread (v)
to move things to many places
plenty (aux)
a lot of
cozy (ajd)
comfortable and warm
tend (v)
to look after
molt (v)
when animals lose their hair (fur)
cocoon (n)
a covering made from silk that protects a larvae as it changes.
silk (n)
very strong string made by spiders and worms
metamorphosis (v)
when an insect changes its size and shape
pupa (n)
larvae that are changing into adult insects
emerge (v)
to come out
swarm (n)
thousands of insects flying together
colony (n)
a place where insects live
nuptial (adj)
a wedding
strategy (n)
a plan on how to do something
defeat (v)
to be the loser, to be beaten
instant (n)
a very short time
stripes (adj)
lines, a pattern
atom (n)
they are tiny tiny bits of everything that we can't see
bacteria (n)
very tiny animals that you cannot see and *can* make you sick
blind (adj)
cannot see at all
center (n)
in the middle
curious (v)
want to know more, ask questions
discover (v)
to learn something new that you didn't know before
disease (n)
something that makes you sick
energy (n)
lets you do things. (Ex. At night i am tired because I have no _______.)
evidence (n)
something you say that proves what you say is true
experiment (n)
a test scientists do when they ask questions
gravity (n)
pulls everything to do ground
inspire (v)
give people ideas
microscope (n)
helps us see TINY things easily that are very close (not far away)
prove (v)
what you do to show something is true
object (n)
a thing
orbit (v)
that path of an object around another one
planet (n)
a large round object near a star
telescope (n)
helps us BIG things easily that are far away
tiny (adj)
very very small
universe (n)
all the stars, moons and planets together
weird (adj)
limousine (n)
a long car
jewel (n)
something very expensive
glorious (adj)
wonderful, fabulous, very beautiful to see
crimson (adj)
a kind of red color
whisper (v)
to speak very quietly
selfish (adj)
when you only care about yourself and nobody else
ignore (v)
don't talk or listen to other people
sorcerer (n)
a great magician
ballerinas (n)
terrible (adj)
very very bad
alphabet (n)
name for all the letters
souvenir (n)
something you buy on holiday to remember it
salmon (n)
a kind of fish
fool (n)
a silly or stupid person
enormous (adj)
very big, huge
strange (adj)
not normal, different
promise (v)
to say that you will do something
nearby (adj)
not far away
orphan (n)
a boy with no parents
reason (n)
why you do something
evil (adj)
Very bad
attack (v)
to start a fight
with other people
send (v)
to mail, give someone to give somebody else
promise (v)
to say you will definitely do something
starve (v)
not to have enough food
murder (v)
to kill someone
steal (v)
to take something without someone saying you can
agree (v)
"to say ""yes""
decide (v)
to choose to do something
learn the ropes
to learn how to do something for the first time
mile (n)
1.6 km (or 1,600m)
nap (n)
a short sleep
fear (n)
to be scared of something
silver (n)
an expensive metal
gentleman (n)
a man with a lot of money, many people respect
favor (n)
to help someone that you like
filthy (adj)
very dirty, not clearn
wallet (n)
something you keep your money in (usually a man)
purse (n)
something a woman keeps her money in
couple (n)
two; a man and a woman who are together
limit (n)
"no more
citizen (n)
someone who was born in a country or who lived there for a long time
greasy (adj)
has a lot of oil
devote (v)
give a lot of time to something
nasty (adj)
not nice (Ex. Bill Sikes was very ________.)
wonder (v)
to think about
fortune (n)
a lot of money or expensive things
temper (n)
someone's mood
handkerchief (n)
a piece of cloth used to clean your nose or face
grateful (adj)
thankful; be happy about something
rob (v)
to steal
housekeeper (n)
A lady who looks after your house.
memory (n)
something that you remember,
judge (n)
someone who decides what happens to bad people (Ex. The _______decided to let Oliver go because he didn't rob the handkerchief.)
mean (adj)
not nice, not kind
fever (n)
feel very hot, (usually when you are sick)
chuckle (v)
to laugh happily
tough (adj)
strong, can do anything
crowd (n)
a lot of people or things in one place
pretend (v)
make you believe it's true
tender (adj)
kind gentle
trade (n)
an exchange of one thing for another
beat (v)
to hit someone many times usually very hard
lantern (n)
a kind of light that can be carried
pain (n)
a not nice feeling that you have when a part of your body has been ** hurt **
angel (n)
a spirit that lives with god in heaven, or someone very good (Ex. my mom)
gun (n)
something used for shooting and killing people
nightmare (n)
a bad dream, scary
servant (n)
a person who is paid to work in somebody's house doing work
frighten (v)
to make someone scared
shock (n)
to feel very surprised
joke (n)
something that is funny
locket (n)
something that you wear around your neck (maybe with a photo inside)
gallows (n)
hangman, something wooden that people hang from.
trot (v)
a slow run by a horse
mistake (n)
do something wrong
disappoint (v)
to feel sad when you hope for something but it does not come true.
shut (n)
to stop, or close
fail (n)
not to do something
poster (n)
a large printed picture that tells you something
reward (n)
something given for doing something (ex. usually money)
"birds of a feather" (idiom)
two people who are the same kind
"give the world" (idiom)
to really want or know something (ex. to give the world to know his name)
detective (n)
someone who can help you find someone.
extra ( adj )
more then is usual.
slums ( n )
an area for a city where living condition.
narrow ( adj )
having only short distance from side to side, *not wide*
hunt ( v )
to look for someone very carefully.
tie ( v )
to join two things together by tying.
loop ( n )
a circle shape.
cheat ( v )
to do something bad so you can win.
crust (n)
the top part of the earth (magma is under it)
flow (v)
to move in a smooth and continuous way (like water!)
island (n)
some land with water all around it
avalanche (n)
a lot of snow that falls quickly down a mountain
disaster (n)
something that causes a lot of harm and destroy things (ex. earthquakes, volcanoes, avalanches, mudslides)
speed (n)
how fast something moves (mph/kph)
crops (n)
all the fruit and vegetables that a farmer grows and we eat
atmosphere (n)
the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth or any planet
mineral (n)
natural things that are good for our bodies (ex. There are a lot of ________s in magma soil.)
lava (n)
the name for magma (hot rock) that comes out of a volcano.
float (v)
to stay on the surface of a liquid (like water) and not go to the bottom (sink)
active (adj)
able and willing to do things, always doing something
erupt (v)
to explode and throw out fire & rock that has melted
temperature (n)
how hot or cold sth is
melt (v)
to change from solid (ex. a rock) to liquid (ex. water) by making it very very hot (heating)
blast (n)
to make a hole in sth with an explosion
explode (v)
to burst with a loud noise, to blow up (BOOM!)
ash (n)
something gray or black that is left after it has burned for a long time.
to take something to the place you want it taken
perform (v)
to act
ridiculous (adj)
very silly or stupid, foolish
success (n)
to do what you want to do well (Ex. The rich man has had a lot of _______.)
comedy (n)
a funny movie or theater play; a kind of movie
army (n)
all the soldiers who fight for a country
habit (n)
something that somebody does very often
rescue (v)
to save somebody from a place that is dangerous or not nice.
audience (n)
the group of people who are watching or listening to a play,concert or movie
serious (Adj)
often thinking about things, not smiling often
talented (adj )
a natural skill or ability
company ( n )
a business organization selling goods or services
animation ( n )
the state of being lively
separate ( adj )
apart no joined or together
invent ( v )
to think of or make something for the first time
silent ( adj )
making no noise,very quiet
lonely ( adj )
unhappy because you are not with other people
popular ( adj )
liked by many people or by most people in a group
whistle ( v )
to make sound by forcing ail out between your lips or through
expect ( v )
to think or believe that something will come or that something will happen
character ( n )
the quality that makes something different from other people or things
confident ( adj )
felling or showing that you are sure about your own abilites
shy ( adj )
nervous and uncomfortable with other people
proud ( adj )
feeling pleased and satisnied about something that you owner have done
naughty ( adj )
not doing what an adult says badly -behaved
rude ( adj )
not polite
hire (v)
to give somebody a job
pregnant (adj)
Having a baby growing inside your body. (Ex. She is five months ______).
romantic (adj)
a movie about love; a person who likes to think about love
California (n)
a state in West America
joy (n)
a feeling of great happiness
sorrow (n)
to feel bad about sth you have done (or has happened)
upset (adj)
worried and unhappy (sometimes angry)
poison (v/n)
sth that kills or harms you if you eat or drink it
create (v)
to make sth new; to make sth happen that didn't exist before
hero (n)
a person who has done sth brave or good (ex. Superman, your dad)
decide (v)
to think about what you want to do
pick (v)
to choose sb from a group of people or things
incredible (adj)
wonderful or fantastic; really geat
flat (adj)
smooth and level, with no high or low parts
complain (v)
to say that you are not happy about something (ex. Mandy ___________ed when she had too much homework to finish! :)
refuse (v)
not want sth; not want to do sth
wages (n)
money paid for work you've done (ex. Every month my boss pays me my ________.)
embarrassed (adj)
feeling bad/uncomfortable about something you did (red cheeks)
actor (n)
a person whose job is to act in a movie
actress (n)
a woman whose job is to act in a movie
fairy-tale (n)
a story that is about fairies and magic etc...
model (adj)
to try to copy or be like sb
quit (v)
to leave a job, or stop doing sth
regularly (adv)
furniture (n)
movable things in your home (ex. chairs, tables, bookcase etc...)
retire (v)
to leave your job; stop working
entertain (v)
to interest or amuse yourself or people
control (v)
power over something (ex. He ________s the toy car.)
recognize (v)
to see and know sb or sth (Ex. He __________ the girl after seeing her photograph first.)
fantasy (n)
sth that is not true; only true in your head; a kind of movie
horror (n)
a great feeling of fear of shock; a kind of movie
drama (n)
a play for the theater, radio or TV; a kind of movie
musical (n)
a play or movie which has singing and dancing in it
action (n)
doing a lot of sth for a reason; a kind of movie (usually with fighting)
lawyer (n)
a person who helps a judge to catch thieves and bad people
sign (v)
to write your name on a letter
recorder (n)
a machine for recording sound or video
decide (v)
to think about two or more things and choose one of them
agreed (v)
to have the same opinion as sb
much (adj)
a lot
plan (n)
an idea for doing sth in the future
mammals (n)
a group of animals that doesn't lay egg, has warm blood and gives birth to live young.
enemy (n)
a person who hates somebody or something
adapt (v)
to change how you live for a reason
breathe (v)
to take air into your lungs through your mouth
record (n)
something written about what happened, was done etc...
deep (adj)
going a long way down from top to bottom
weight (n)
how heavy sth or sb is
sort (n)
a kind or type
pressure (v) / (n)
when you press on something hard you create this
blood (n)
the red liquid that flows through your body
leap (n)
a big jump
intelligence (n)
how smart something is, how quickly learn and think
shoal (n)
a group of fish (or krill) swimming together
bone (n)
one of the hard body parts inside you that holds you up.
ocean (n)
the sea
species (n)
a group of plants or animals that are very similar to each other
member (n)
a part of a group or species
plastic (n)
not metal or wood; a light, useful material that doesn't break easily.
squid (n)
a sea animal with a long soft body and ten long arms!
seal (n)
a gray animal with short fur that eats fish
brain (n)
the part of your body that controls how you move, think and feel
battle (v)
a big fight, a fight between armies in a war
feed (v)
to give food to a person or an animal
double (adj)
twice as much, or as many
extinct (adj)
no more of an animal or plant. i.e. no longer existing
habitat (n)
the natural home of a plant of animal
local (adj)
of or in a particular place
hunt (v)
to look for, wound, then eat
prevent (v)
to stop sth from happening; to stop from doing sth
wound (n)
part of your body that is hurt badly, part of an animal's body that is hurt very badly
show-off (v)
to try and make people like you, to please people by showing them how good you are
group (n)
a number of people or things that are together at the same time.
common (adj)
a lot of sth, happens often in many places
travel (v)
to make a trip
migrate (v)
to travel from one place to another one every year
breed (v)
(for animals and plants) to make baby animals or plants
herd (n)
a large group (number) of animals that live and eat together
support (v)
to carry the weight of sb (or sth)
locate (v)
to find where sth (or sb) is
bounce (v)
to move away from a surface and back again (Ex. The ball ______s up and down.)
echo (n)
a sound that is repeated again and again (over and over)
something that is hard, has one shape, not a liquid or gas
liquid (n)
can form any shape, not a gas
gas (n)
something like air, has no one shape
beyond (prep)
on the other side of (The mountain is _____________ the ocean).
vast (adj)
extremely big
massive (adj)
very big
dust (n)
fine dirt, small pieces of earth
shine (v)
to give out light
compare (v)
to see how to people or things are the same or different
worship (v)
to pray, to show respect for god.
layer (n)
a thickness or amount of something that in between or on something (ex. The cake has 5 _______s inside it.)
surface (n)
the outside, top part of something
ordinary (adj)
normal, not special or unusual, common
asteroid (n)
a large rock that orbits the sun.
spin (v)
to turn around quickly (ex. I can _____a coin.)
swirl (v)
to move around and around quickly (The water swirls in the sink.)
cap (n)
the top part of something, or a soft hat
probe (n)
a long thin tool that you use to see difficult things (The _______ explored Mars.)
tornado (n)
a very bad storm where the wind spins around very quickly.
band (n)
A thin, flat material that goes around something (ex. Jupiter has many bands around it.)
distant (adj)
very far away (ex. The Sun is _________ from the Earth.)
several (adj)
more than two, but not very many (Ex. There are ________ sheep in the field).
lump (n)
A peice of sth solid of any size or shape (Ex. There is a ______ of sugar.)
form (v)
to make (Ex. They _______ed a group to win the game.)
crash (v)
to hit something hard, or fall down to the land (Ex. The rock ________es to Earth.)
appear (v)
to be seen, to come into sight (ex. The movie star suddenly appeared on T.V.)
cover (n)
to put sth on or in front of sth in order to hide or protect it. (Ex. The blanket ________ the toy.)
beneath (prep)
underneath (under sth)
attach (v)
to join forever (my arm is ______ ed to my body)
stretch (v)
to pull sth so that it becomes longer (ex. In the morning I always _______).
messages (n)
a written or spoken piece of information (Ex. my friend wasn't at home, so I left a _______.)
tube (n)
a long hollow pipe made of glass (Ex. There are many__________ running through my body.)
pump (v)
to make gas or liquid go somewhere (Ex. My heart _____s blood around my body.)
beat (v)
to make a fast (rapid) sound made (ex. My heart beats 80 times a minute.)
weight (n)
how heavy something is (ex. My _____ is 45 kg.)
corner (n)
where to edges/sides meet (A square has 4 ________s.)
scream (v)
A loud high cry made by a sb who is frightened. (I ______ when I saw the ghost.)
fear (n)
The *name* of the feeling you have when you are scared.
stride (v)
to walk with long steps (big walk)
concrete (n)
Sth hard that buildings are made from (Ex. _____, plastic and metal can all make things.)
dozen (n)
foot (n)
how long st is (Ex. I am six _____ tall.)
dormitory (n)
a room where many people can sleep (Ex. There is a big _________in my school.)
punish (v)
To make somebody feel bad (or hurt) because you think you did sth bad (Ex. The teacher often _________es bad students.)
hesitate (v)
to stop before you doing sth (Sophie __________ed at the window when she saw the BFG.)
shadow (n)
the shape of an object made when light can go through it. (Ex. The clouds __________ run across the countryside.)
shadowy (adj)
A place that has many shadows; dark
straighten (v)
to make sth straight
spectacular (adj)
amazing; great to look at
pair (n)
two of something (Ex. I have a pair of shoes)
flash (v)
a quick sudden light (Ex. When I turn the light on and off it ______es.)
pavement (n)
trumpet (n)
a long thin instrument (Ex. I can play the guitar, violin and the ______.)
corner (n)
where two edges of something meet. (The table has 4 _________s.)
scream (v)
to make a short, loud, high noise: (The girls _______ed when they saw a ghost.)
fear (v)
to be frightened of sth terrible, (I ____ the monster will eat me.)
stride (v)
to take a long step (The tall man's steps were really ________.)
concrete (n)
what buildings are made from (The building was made from red bricks and gray ________.)
dozen (n)
twelve (The baker baked a _______pies.)
foot (n)
1 _____ = 30 centimeters: (Feet are used to tell how sth is.)
cannibal (n)
a man who eats other men. (The ______likes to eat small boys.)
gallop (v)
to move forwards very fast (The horse ______s down the mountain.)
flavor (n)
how something tastes, (Stinky tofu smells bad, but it has a good ______.)
confused (adj)
not understand something well (The student was ________in class)
disgusting (adj)
terrible taste, ugly (Snozzcumbers taste _________.)
author (n)
the writer of a book (ex. The ______ wrote the book.)
setting (n)
where/when a story is (ex. The book's _______ was in giant country.)
describe (v)
to talk about sth (using adjs), (ex. Please ________the giants for me.)
description (n)
to talk about sth (using adjs), (ex. Please give me a _______ of the giants.)
predict (v)
to say what will happen next/in the future (ex. I ________the BFG won't eat Sophie in the next chapter.)
punish (v)
to make someone do sth because they were naughty (bad) (ex. The teacher _______es the student for talking in class.)
empty (adj)
nothing inside (ex. The bottle was _______ after I drank all the milk.)
foul (adj)
bad, not good, bad to smell (ex.His socks had a _______ smell.)
rotten (adj)
bad, not good to eat (ex. The meat was ________ because I didn't put it in the fridge.)
honorable (adj)
to do the right thing (ex. The BFG was an _________ giant.)
runt (n)
the smallest baby in a family (ex. That dog is the ______in the family.)
bare (adj)
not having any covering (ex. The giants were _____except for a cloth on their waists.)
certain (adj)
sure (ex.I'm not ________, but I think the answer is '(b).')
spit (v)
to push sth out of your mouth (ex.In Beijing, people often _____ on the road.
burst (v)
to come out suddenly or quickly (ex. The snozzcumber _______out of the bloodbottler's mouth.)
patient (adj)
able to stay calm and not get angry quickly (ex. She can't be patient for a long time.)
forbidden (adj)
not allowed, sb doesn't let you do sth (ex. They were _________ from going upstairs at the party.)
burp (v)
to make a noise after air comes out of your mouth (ex. He finished his dinner and _______ed loudly.)
fizzy (adj)
having many bubbles (usually a drink) (Ex. _________ drinks like Soda, cola and lemonade are popular in Taiwan.)
rule (n)
A thing that tells you what you can and can't do (ex. This game has many rules to play it.)
ought (auxillary)
should do, (Ex. I ________ to sleep every day.)
nook and cranny (ph)
in every place (ex. I lost my keys so I looked in every _____ ____ ______.)
mist (n)
to cover or be covered by mist (ex. The mirror always has ______ when I take a hot shower.)
stare (v)
To look at sb/sth for a long time (ex. Everybody likes to _____ at the moviestar.)
invisible (adj)
cannot see sth (or sb) (ex. We couldn't see the ghost because it was ________.)
trust (v)
to know someone will do sth, have confidence in sb (ex. I _______ my brother because he always helps me.
menu (n)
the book (or paper) used to order food/drinks in a restaurant (ex. This restaurant doesn't have a _______.)
cage (n)
A box used to keep an animal so it can't escape (Ex. There is a rabbit in the _______.)
wink (v)
to close and open one eye (or both) very quickly (Ex. Mandy _______s at Allen).
violent (adj)
do very angry things (Ex. Bill Sykes was very ________.)
fierce (adj)
angry and aggressive (ex.People are scared of a ____ thing.)
once in a blue moon (phrase)
very rarely, hardly ever, (He only lives in Canada, so I only to there _____ __ _ ____ _____.)
separate (v)
to make 2 things not together (ex. I _________ed the apple to give my friends.)
alive (adj)
not dead (ex. He is ______ now.)
remind (v)
to say/do sth to help remember sth (The list can help to remind her of what she needs to do.)
label (n)
a paper on a jar or box (ex. You should put a _____ on your book.)
invisible (adj)
not able to be seen (ex. Bacteria is _________ to our eyes.)
rubbish (n)
garbage, trash (ex. You are talking _______. I throw the _______ in the trash bin.)
dawn (n)
the light at the start of a day (before sunrise)
dusk (n)
the light at the end of the day (after sunset)
distant (n)
far away, not near (ex. Taipei is distant from my home.)
unexpectedly (adv)
not expected, something happened that you didn't expect (or think would happen)
expect (v)
something that you think will happen (I __________ that it will rain in 5 mins.)
terrified (adj)
very frightened
murmured (v)
to speak quietly, softly
determined (adj)
to try very hard to finish something,decide to do sth
palace (n)
a king or queen's home
traffic (n)
all the vehicles (cars and trucks) on a road
statue (n)
a figure made of stone or metal
maid (n)
a female servant
curtains (n)
cloth that cover the windows (ex. I always open the _______in the morning.)
mystery (n)
something unknown or not understood
nightie (n)
clothes that girls wear to sleep in
situation (n)
all the things happening to someone, what is happening to them etc...;
ceiling (n)
the top surface of a room
faint (v)
to fall down when surprised, tired, sick etc...
clear as crystal (ph)
to understand or see/hear something clearly
a book of maps and charts
100% true, absolutely right
hair that men grow on their upper lip
empty, not filled
curiosity killed the cat(ph)
the cat was too curious so it died.
don't stop, go on ahead
(+) a good meaning, greater than 0
(-) a bad meaning, less than 0
a feeling of being hurt (ex. There's a lot of pain in my arm.)
where you hang something (Ex. a picture, a jacket)
disgusting, dirty, not nice at all
an ugly old woman
something that grows on your face (usually unwanted)
pay back(v)
to do something bad to someone after they played a trick on you. (also *pay* money *back*).
to think up a plan to do something
to make/become smaller
unpleasant feeling that makes you want to scratch
not being heard (to creep)
not sweet (ex. The medicine tastes ______.)
slowly over time
this will stop a disease and help you
thin rope used to tie things together
a very common kind of metal (Ex. If I don't paint my _____ bicycle, it will rust.)
to have a party for a reason (Ex. ___________ Thanksgiving, ________ New Years Eve)
anger, rage
belong to(v)
to own (Ex. This books _______ to me.)
the last meal of the day, a snack
fury, great anger
sad (Ex. That boy is _______ because his mom just died.)
not falling down when you do something (Ex. In the circus, the man always walks and __________es carefully to avoid falling down.)
to go somewhere and discover sth new.
to move your hand from side to side when saying hello/goodbye.
French, Chinese and English are all l________es.
do what you're told to do, (or ordered to do)
to tell somebody what to do (Ex. My teacher _____ed us to do our homework after we finish the test.)
part of a tree (Ex. The ____ has many spiky br______.)
reach (v)
to try to hold onto/get something far away
perhaps (adv)
it's possible that, maybe
objects (things) such as tables, chairs etc... used to fill a living area
entire (adj)
whole, complete
demon (n)
a evil creature that lives in hell (not an angel)
pattern (n)
shapes, lines or colors on a surface to improve how it looks
concentrate (v)
give all your thinking to one thing only, give your attention to one thing only
mention (v)
to speak about something in a few words (not a lot)
beg your pardon (idiom)
I'm sorry, please excuse me
carpet (n)
covers the entire floor, made of wool or heavy material
ornaments (n)
something small you make to decorate something bigger (ex. We made __________s to decorate the Christmas Tree.)
squash (v)
to make sth small by pushing down on it (pressing it); crush
it's not my fault (ph)
I didn't do 'it' - I didn't break the glass. ___ ___ ___ _____.
get free (v)
become free; escape
occasion (n)
a time/place where something happens.
starve (v)
to die by not eating
proper (adj)
the right way, correct way to do something
invent (v)
to make something never made by anyone before
afford (v)
have the money or time to be able to do something (i.e I can _____ to buy that watch.)
eagerly (adv)
to really want to do something, keen, happy to do something
colossal (adj)
extremely big
scent (n)
the smell of something
delicate (adj)
will break very easily, not strong, thin or weak
factory (n)
where sth is made (ex. The computer is made in the computer _________.)
cement (n)
glues bricks together to build walls & buildings
recipe (n)
step-by-step instructions on how to make food (ex. I always read the ______ when I make cake.)
astonishment (n)
to be filled with sudden surprise or amazement
column (n)
a vertical line that goes from top to bottom
row (n)
a horizontal line that goes from left-right (or right-left)
chimney (n)
part of a house on the roof, where the smoke for a fire comes out
machines (n)
sth man-made from a number of parts to do something
spy (v)
to work as a spy, to learn the secrets of one country (company) for the government of another (or another company)
spies (n)
sb who tries to learn the secrets of one country for the government of another
melt (v)
to go from a solid state --> a liquid one (Ex. Ice _____s in summer).
genius (n)
someone who is more intelligent than 99% of other people (Ex. Einstein was a _____.)
parade (n)
a large number of people playing music and dressed up to celebrate a special occasion (Ex. At Chinese New Year there are many ________s in Hong Kong.)
spoilt (adj)
good before then became bad or a girl or boy who acts badly because they are always given everything they wanted
ticket (n)
a piece of paper that shows you paid money to do/see something
scene (n)
a time or place where something happened (Ex. At the _____ of the fight, many people gathered to watch.)
securely (adv)
fixed, safe, free from fear or danger
imagine (v)
to create an image of sth in your head (mind) (Ex. I can't ________ you on a boat because you hate them so much.)
amidst (prep.)
in the middle of, among
nonsense (n)
silliness, not true, rubbish, sth that doesn't make sense
spoil (v)
to cause sth to go from good to bad (become bad), (Ex. Don't paint the bike red or you will ______ it.)
tremendous (adj)
great, large
creamy (adj)
tastes like cream, has a lot of cream inside
occasion (n)
a time/place where something happens.
starve (v)
to die by not eating
proper (adj)
the right way
invent (v)
to make something never made by anyone before
afford (v)
have the money or time to be able to do something (i.e I can _____ to buy that watch.)
eagerly (adv)
to really want to do something
colossal (adj)
extremely big
scent (n)
the smell of something
delicate (adj)
will break very easily
factory (n)
where sth is made (ex. The computer is made in the computer _________.)
cement (n)
glues bricks together to build walls & buildings
recipe (n)
step-by-step instructions on how to make food (ex. I always read the ______ when I make cake.)
astonishment (n)
to be filled with sudden surprise or amazement
column (n)
a vertical line that goes from top to bottom
row (n)
a horizontal line that goes from left-right (or right-left)
chimney (n)
part of a house on the roof
machines (n)
sth man-made from a number of parts to do something
spy (v)
to work as a spy
spies (n)
sb who tries to learn the secrets of one country for the government of another
melt (v)
to go from a solid state --> a liquid one (Ex. Ice _____s in summer).
genius (n)
someone who is more intelligent than 99% of other people (Ex. Einstein was a _____.)
parade (n)
a large number of people playing music and dressed up to celebrate a special occasion (Ex. At Chinese New Year there are many ________s in Hong Kong.)
spoilt (adj)
good before then became bad or a girl or boy who acts badly because they are always given everything they wanted
ticket (n)
a piece of paper that shows you paid money to do/see something
scene (n)
a time or place where something happened (Ex. At the _____ of the fight
securely (adv)
imagine (v)
to create an image of sth in your head (mind) (Ex. I can't ________ you on a boat because you hate them so much.)
amidst (prep.)
in the middle of
nonsense (n)
spoil (v)
to cause sth to go from good to bad (become bad)
tremendous (adj)
creamy (adj)
tastes like cream
to make ready before hand (Ex. We always __________food before cooking)
an opportunity
to rip
very thin
to stop someone from doing something (usually speaking)
extremely old
how hungry you are (Ex. My cat always has a large ________
won't do something (Ex. I __________ to do the homework because it is too difficult.)
to look for something thoroughly
completely true
the time after class (i.e. a break or going home time)
you already know something about it
damp (adj)
a little wet
bulged (adj)
sticks out a little (i.e because something inside is pushing outwards)
precious (adj)
special to you
pillow (n)
where you put your head at night
wild (adj)
miracle (n)
a wonderful or amazing thing (or event)
pure (adj)
100% true
invitation (n)
a piece of paper inviting you to do something
instructions (n)
a list of sentences that tells you how to do (or make) something
deserve (v)
to be given something because you did something great or you are the best person to do.
gate (n)
a kind of door
energetic (adj)
having a lot of energy
corridor (n)
a long room with many doors on either side
overjoyed (adj)
more than happy
climate (n)
what the weather is like in one place
visitor (n)
someone who visits a place
mischievous (adj)
to make trouble
shriek (v/n)
to cry loudly
terrific (adj)
wonderful or great
immediately (adv)
to do something right away
instant (n)
a very short period of time
charming (adj)
very likable
sparkling (adj)
to give off many rays of light
private (adj)
belonging only to you (or a group of people)
row (v)
to move a boat forward by human power alone
yacht (n)
a small kind of boat
pipe (n)
something long and narrow that is used to move gas or liquid from one place to another
astonishment (n)
a feeling of surprise or amazement
tunnel (n)
an underground corridor that takes you from A to B
whip (n)
a long
violet (adj)
a dark color between blue and purple
believe (v)
to accept what someone says is true - If I say the sky is red
dessert (n)
what you eat *after* dinner
satisfy (v)
to feel good about completing something well
fabulous (adj)
really great
peculiar (adj)
dumb (adj)
not able to talk properly
survive (v)
to continue to live in a dangerous place
jet (n)
something (a liquid or gas) that bursts out under great pressure
steam (n)
water after boiling
lick (v)
to taste something with your tongue
drunk (adj)
how you feel after drinking too much alcohol
mumble (v)
to speak low and not clearly
anxiously (adv)
to do something with an uneasy
rush (v)
in a hurry to do something
pay attention (v)
to look and listen to someone or something
anxiously (adv)
furious (adj)
really angry
down the drain (ph)
no reason for something
paw (n)
an animal's foot
trained (v)
taught how to behave or how to do something *very* well
knuckles (n)
the *joints* between your fingers and the rest of your hand
scold (v)
to shout at somebody for doing something bad
press (v)
to push down on something (Ex. a button)
button (n)
something small and round that does something when you press it (Ex. An elevator has ******s for each floor.)
label (n)
a piece of paper that tells you what is inside something (Ex. on a jar
alongside (prep)
by the side of
pistol (n)
a kind of small gun
talkative (adj)
likes to talk a lot
instantly (adv)
right now
steep (adj)
having a sharp slope - how difficult a mountain side is to walk up
gradual (adj)
having a gentle slope - easy to walk up
commercial (advert) (n)
a sign/time on television that tries you sell you something you want
helmet (n)
a hat to keep your head safe
result (n)
something that happens because you did something. (EX. After the game the ****** was 3:1).
wavy (adj)
an up and down line
midget (n)
a bad name for a little person (not dwarf)
elastic (adj)
a material that you can stretch easily to fit any shape
vitamin (n)
something you can eat to give you good health (EX. A
fantasy (n)
something not real
imagination (n)
the name for the part of your brain that let's you create ideas and crazy stories
longing (n)
a feeling of wanting something badly
hover (v)
to fly but stay in one place
bear (v)
can't stand something anymore
squeeze (v)
to put pressure on something to get something from it (Ex. I always ****** an orange to make orange juice.)
arrangement (n)
a plan you have made
impulsive (adj)
always likes to do something immediately without thinking about what will happen afterwards
despair (v)
to experience a deep sad feeling
of course (ph)
argument (n)
the name for the time when two or people argue
ruin (n)
the name for the remains of something ancient (very old)
I draw the homes and buildings where people live and work
I go into space to to help mankind learn about the universe.
I cut people's hair all day.
bus driver
I drive people around town in a bus.
I work for myself in business.
I cut up meat and sell it too.
I cut and shape and wood to make what we need.
I take your money when you want to buy something.
I keep where you wrok clean and safe.
I drive people where they need to go.
I work in a kitchen making food for us to eat.
I cure people who are sick and need my help.
I look after your teeth and make sure you're brushing them!
I find the solutions to mysteries around us.
I collect your trash and take it somewhere safe to get rid of.
I check your electrics and keep them safe in your house.
I grow the crops that we need to eat.
I fight fires and keep our towns and cities safe.
I make gardens look beautiful.
I make hair look cool and stylish.
home builder
I build the homes we need to live in.
I work in a court house to put bad people in prison.
I help to clean your room and homes every day.
I fix your car when it's broken.
I work in a hospital and help doctors cure sick people.
I check your eyesight and help you see this beautiful world.
I paint people's homes and make beautiful art
I check your pipes to make sure there are no leaks.
I make sure everyone follows the law and gets along together.
I work for your government to help run (govern) the country.
I deliver the mail every day.
I record the news for a newspaper or TV station
I sell things to people.
I do experiments and ask questions about the world around me
I make beautiful pieces of art in 3D for people to enjoy.
I work in an office to help my boss organize his day.
I sing to make people happy. People like to buy my songs.
I help make really sick people well again.
I help you to fit your new clothing.
I teach students how to be the best person they can be.
I cure sick animals.
I work in cafes and restaurants to take your order and bring your food.
a feeling of success after winning something or getting something you wanted (n)
to go backwards (Ex. The car *******d backwards in the parking lot.) (v)
straight from left to right (Ex. I always write *********ly, never vertically). (adj)
straight from top to bottom (Ex. Walls are usually *******.) (adj)
A crazy person (Ex. Many people think that Willy Wonka is a ******). (n)
to pay attention to something and nothing else (Ex. I always ********* on my test.) (v)
all the people who work for a company, a group of workers (n)
the boss, someone who manages people and who gets paid more money (n)
someone who helps someone to do something, usually paid less money (n)
a person who does office work like filing, typing etc..., usually sits behind the front desk (n)
to keep something for something so nobody else will take it (Ex. The bookstore ******* this book, so they won't sell it to anyone else.) (v)
a cook, someone who works in a kitchen and gets paid, a job (n)
to make someone lose their job (Ex. I'm so sad because my boss ***** me.) (v)
a stupid person, an idiot, buffoon, fool (n)
to change how you look so nobody recognizes you (Ex.The insect ****d its color so wasn't eaten.) (v)
to go around something in a circle (Ex. Everyone knows that the moon *****s the Earth). (v)
the part of your house that protects you from the weather (n)
not able to hear anything (Ex. The **** person can't sadly hear anything.) (adj)
to interrupt by making noise or taking away attention from sth (v) (Ex. The noisy students *******ed the rest of the class.)
acting with great force or angrily, can hurt (Ex. The angry man fought ****** with the stranger.) (adv)
responsible for flying a plane from A to B (n)
to work or run (Ex. Anybody can ******** a telephone, but can you ******* an airplane.) (v)
needs attention immediately, a dangerous situation (n) (Ex. The ambulance drove quickly to the accident because it was an ********.)
immediately, right away, not a second sooner (adv)
experiencing envy, to want something that isn't yours, jealous (Ex. I'm very ****** of your new Nintendo 3DS). (adj)
the leader of a foreign country (Ex. ******* Medhevedev is the leader of Russia.) (n)
the second in command after the President (n)
the boss of something (Ex. My dad is the ***** of police.) (n)
a high ranking position in the army (Ex. There are many ******s in the army) (n)
people who protect a country at sea (n)
people who protect a country in the air (n)
all about money (Ex. If you want to learn about money, learn about ******) (n)
to fix, repair (v)
the entrance area to a hotel on the first floor (n)
to understand what something means or to translate (v)
respectful of other people, not prideful about what you've done in life (adj)
to stop someone because they broke the law. (Ex. The policeman ****** the thief.) (v)
given a lot of respect by other people (Ex. The swimmer was honored by everyone after winning his race.) (adj)
not yet finished, to still sth after others have gone (Ex. There are still 3 cookies ******ing on the table.) (v)
don't pay attention to sb or sth (v)
to send your army into a country so you can be the ruler (Ex. In 1939, Germany ******ed Poland). (v)
to want something so much that you do anything to get it (adj)
to follow rules, to do what someone tells you to do (Ex. I always **** the school rules.)(v)
able to do something because sb said you could (Ex. My mom gave me ******* to paint on the wall.)(n)
not nice, evil, horrible (Ex. Billy Sykes was a very ***** man.) (adj)
something you did that wasn't easy (Ex. Thank you for all your *****s to finish this essay) (n)
to swallow down (v)
to do well at something (Ex. My sister ****** in winning the swimming race.) (v)
to give advice to someone, tell your opinion on how to do something (Ex. The doctor *****ed me to eat more fruit.) (v)
to hurt part of your body, making it turn purple or red (v)
to say sorry for something (Ex. I *********ed for shouting at my sister.) (v)
salted, smoked meat from a pig's back or sides (n)
not often seen at all (Ex. The leopard is very **** in South America.) (adj)
to travel to work from a place (Ex. I ****** to work every day by car.) (v)
used to slow down something falling (Ex. You need a ***** if you jump out of an airplane) (n)
exactly, 100% true, precisely (v) (Ex. The king has ******power to do what he wants.) (adj)
to stop yourself doing something (Ex. I always try to ***** doing my homework). (v)
to help something do sth (Ex. I **** my mom * **** with the washing.) (ph)
lend a hand
an unwanted effect from taking medicine (Ex. The *** **** from the medicine gave me a headache). (n)
side effect
cannot be explained, difficult to describe. (Ex. The ghost house was very *********.) (adj)
to show off, to tell everyone how great - you are (v)
go back and forth quickly many times (Ex. My phone ****** when someone is calling me.) (v)
quick, fast (Ex. I ran **** to the department store.) (adj)
not simple, having many parts (Ex. I can not do this *****) (adj)
something of great interest to someone (Ex. I don't know what it is... it's a real ********.) (n)
something very important to someone, worth a lot, expensive (Ex. My earrings are very ******to me.)(adj)
something with great value to you, expensive (Ex. My daughter is ***** to me.) (adj)
having no hair (Ex. My dad has no hair. He is ****.) (adj)
something small you swallow (usually medicine) (n)
to speak about something in a few words (Ex. My teacher ***** we will go on a field trip, but he didn't say much.) (v)
something amazing that happens and nobody can explain why (adj)
be careful about your safety (Ex. *******! Danger on the road ahead.) (n)
be careful about your safety (Ex. *******! Danger on the road ahead.)(n)
to disappear completely (Ex. The ghost ****** as quickly as it had appeared.)(v)
to think carefully about something, show good judgement (adj)
used to subtract two numbers (Ex.I use the **** sign to write 1-1.)(n)
used to add two numbers (Ex. I use the **** sign to write 1+1.)(n)
to take away from number from another (Ex. 1-1)(v)
to make the total number greater (bigger)(Ex.1+1)(v)
to close and open one eye quickly (Ex. She ****ed at the cute boy to show she liked him.)(v)
Used to sleep under at night, keep you warm (Ex. I always sleep under a ****** in the winter.)(n)
to change from one thing into another (Ex. The caterpillar ******ed into a butterfly.)(v)
easy for everyone to see it is true (Ex. It is ****** that the sky is blue.)(adj)
to believe something but not a lot (Ex. I ****** what you say is true, but I'm still unsure.)(v)
really old, a long time ago in history (Ex. That old house is really *****.)(adj)
interesting (Ex. I find history really ********.)(adj)
to suddenly understand clearly (Ex. Kate suddenly *******d why he boss fired her.)(v)
very far down (Ex. Whales can dive really **** underwater.)(adj)
a person or thing as unlike another as possible, NOT (Ex. Happy is the ****** of sad.)(adj)
to make, to give life to something (Ex. He ******ed flowers from inside his jacket for the girl)(v)
always on, never stops (Ex. The clock is ****** because it never stops.)(adj)
to control, be the boss of (Ex. He ******* me when I made the wedding cake for the first time.) (v)
folds in your skin caused by aging (Ex. My grandma has many wrinkles in her face.) (n)
wonderful, fantastic, having great beauty (Ex. Everything looks so beautiful and ****** today.)(adj)
a place with many fruit trees (Ex. The farmer grows apples in an apple *******). (n)
remains calm, not get angry in any situation (Ex. My teacher has much **** to teach me.) (n)
the age at which you stop working (Ex. My dad will ***** when he is 65.) (v)
a feeling of trust or belief in something (Ex. I always have ****** in airplane pilots.) (n)
do something well, have a good result (Ex. I am ******** because I got 95% on my test) (adj)
small insects that drink your blood (Ex. I have many ***** bites after camping.) (n)
having no fear or danger, bravery (Ex. Soldiers always need ****** to fight.) (n)
all the events that happened before (Ex. It's important to study *****) (n)
wearing no clothing (Ex. My nightmare is going to school *****.) (adj)
likes to avoid work, lazy, (Ex. My cousin Eric is the most **** boy in our class)(adj)
a persons feeling or emotion at one time (Ex. Bill Sykes was grumpy and in a bad ****.)(n)
what happens because of something (an event) (Ex. The ****** of the game was 1:0.)(n)
your opinion on how to do something (Ex. My boss liked my ****** about my job.)(n)
the person hurt by something/someone (Ex. The bully shouted at his *****.)(n)
to make something have wrinkles (Ex. Grandma's skin had ******ed with age.)(v)
being the only one, this special one (Ex. I only drink this ******* kind of cola.)(adj)
strange, not usual (Ex. This soup tastes *******.)(adj)
to fall forwards rapidly head first (usually when swimming) (Ex. I ****d into the swimming pool).(v)
a fat cigarette (The principal always smokes big fat *****s in his office.) (n)
a kind of food made by beating eggs, frying, filling with food. (Ex. I love **** for breakfast.)(n)
able to speak a language like a native speaker (Ex. My English teacher is ***** in English).(adj)
to love or be really loved by (Ex. The girl really ******d her grandmamma).(v)
not an angel, evil spirit (Ex. That boy with two horns looks like a ******.). (n)
a sudden terror or fear in someone (Ex. Everyone ***** when they saw the ghost.) (v)
evil, cruel or fierce (Ex. The ****** dog didn't stop attacking the young girl.). (adj)
to make you feel shock or horror (Ex. I was ******ed when I saw how dirty the toilet was.) (v)
frightening, disgusting, horrible (Ex. The ******* zombie looked at me.) (adj)
some time usually in school (Ex. There are three ***** every school year.) (n)
to give someone your highest feelings (honor) (Ex. I ***** people who are polite.) (v)
something that is itchy (Ex. This terrible sweater always makes my skin ****.) (v)
to turn something many times (Ex. I ***** the two pieces of hair together to make a braid) (v)
a piece of paper that says who will take your property, money and children after you die (n)
with deep feelings (Ex. He ***** hopes he will gets a new bike this Christmas.) (adv)
having a lot of fear when doing something (Ex. Mom and dad were ***** when they lost their baby.) (adj)
to go move by going over and over again in one direction (Ex. The ball ****ed along the floor.) (v)
build, to put together many parts to make something big (Ex. I ******** my house with bricks.) (v)
to hit a nail to join two things together (Ex. I ***** the two pieces of wood together to make my bookcase.) (v/n)
part of the land next to the sea (Ex. I always like to go to the beach on the *****.) (n)
disgusting, repulsive, foul (Ex. The witches breath smelled ****.) (adj)
an agreement that meets some of, but not all, the needs of two people (Ex. My dad wouldn't buy me a car, but he let me drive his car as a *******.) (n)
pants, worn on your legs (Ex. In winter, I like to wear ********). (n)
a place you can put something inside (Ex. I always put my money in my *****.) (n)
to make someone do something by arguing, talking to them (Ex. I **** my dad to take me hiking this weekend.) (v)
having nice things that many people like (Ex. Many boys thought the pretty girl was *******.)(adj)
having movement, moving or changing places (Ex. The ***** of the car was too fast to see.)(n)
a flat high area from which many people can see you (Ex. The music group performed on the *****.) (n)
another name for a snake, used to describe a sneaky person (Ex. We couldn't hear the ***** moving through the grass.)(n)
like nails, part of animal's hands (Ex. Be careful! That bear has long ****.)(n)
to only want to pay attention to one thing (Ex. I was ****** by the music.)(adj)
a good feeling after something bad happened to you (Ex. I felt some ***** after the exam.)(n)
not from your country (Ex. There are many ******ers in Taiwan.)(n)
the name for a group of animals like sheep (Ex. The sheep dog had the ***** of sheep move.)(n)
the name for a group of animals like cows (Ex. The **** of cows looked angrily at the dog.)(n)
excellent, fantastic (Ex. This cake is ******. I could eat it all day.)(adj)
how to say something correctly (Ex. Many English learners have trouble *******ing their words.)(v)
not private (i.e. owned by you) (Ex. I often go to the ***** hospital when I am sick.)(n)
the skin on the top of your head (Ex. My scalp is very itchy.)(n)
so ugly you can't even look at it (Ex. The Grand High Witch's fase was ******.)(adj)
something you wear on your face to stop people recognizing you (n)
to leave your job (Ex. I ******ed from my job because I wasn't paid enough money.) (v)
a number of things on top of one another (Ex. All the clothes together made a small **** on the bedroom floor.)(n)
a terrible smell or to make a something smell bad (Ex. Wow, that room really *****s.)(adj/v)
to destroy forever (Ex.A meteor ****d *** the dinosaurs millions of years ago.)(ph.v)
wipe out
to make something become late or wait because of something (Ex. I hate ******s when I'm waiting for a train.)(n/v)
to try to do something to show how brave you are (Ex. The man *****d to climb the mountain alone.)(v)
not easy to bend, very straight (Ex. The metal was very *****. I couldn't bend it.)(adj)
to give poison to something so it dies or becomes sick (Ex. Drinking dirty water will ***** me.)(v)
a situation where nothing is in order, complete confusion (Ex. I hate all the **** at my work. Nothing is organized.)(n)
to feel thankful for, or understand sth (Ex. My girlfriend ********d the flowers I bought her.)(v)
a machine used to catch and kill an animal (Ex. I always use cockroach ****s to kill cockroaches.)(n)
to tell everyone something (Ex. The teacher ********d to the class that we will go on a field trip next week.)(v)
to tell what sth means (Ex. My older sister always ******s what difficult words mean.)(v)
to put down your foot quickly and loudly to make a noise (Ex. Children always like to **** their freinds feet.)(v)
having a lot of power, giving out a lot of power (Ex. The president is a ******* man.) (adj)
always happening, never ending or stopping (Ex. The babies ****** crying interrupted my sleep every night).(adj)
to ask a God for something (Ex. We ****ed at the temple for a happy life.)(adj)
to cut quickly with a knife (Ex. The butcher ****ped the meat quickly into little pieces)(v)
a machine in the kitchen that heats and cooks food (I put the pie in the **** to cook.)(n)
the yellow inside of an egg (Ex. Elephant bird eggs have big yellow ****s.)(n)
a small tear-shaped amount of a liquid (Ex.There are many ****s of water on our car window after the rain.)(n)
the amount of medicine taken at one time (Ex. I took a **** of medicine then I ate an apple.)(n)
a list of ingredients to make something, a recipe (Ex. The Mouse-maker ****** has many ingredients.)(n)
so you can do sth (Ex. We asked the taxi to wait ** **** ** put the luggage in the car.)(ph)
in order to
exactly true, 100% correct, clearly right (Ex. We arrived at the hotel at ******* 5:01pm.)(adv)
a short peice (or length) of sth (Ex. I'd like to buy three ***s of chocolate, please.)(n)
to feel envious about sth (Ex. I ****ed my best friend's new sports car.)(v)
to concentrate on, pay attention to (Ex. I *****ed on what the teacher was saying.)
to take a short break, to stop sth for a short time (Ex.When we arrived, I ****ed to look around.)(v)
in a natural way (Ex. (adv)
to tell people sth to show how good you are (Ex. My boss *****ed about his new computer.)(v)
not trusting whether sth is really true or not (Ex. I feel ****** when people offer to give me sth for free)(adj)
how much of sth, quanity(Ex. There is a large ***** of money on the table.)(n)
to change from one thing into another (Ex. The caterpillar *******s in to a butterfly.)(v)
a peice of solid mineral (Ex. There is a solid layer of **** underground.)(n)
a high steep or vertical surface of rock, in mountains or on a coast(n)
to run quickly (Ex. The mouse ******s across the table while we were eating.)(v)
to give out to people (Ex. The teacher *******s the test papers to the class)(v)
a small amount of something big (Ex. We always eat a ***** of cake before we buy)(n)
to use more than you need (Ex. Don't ***** paper in school. Help the trees!)(v)
an amount (Ex. I ordered a large ******* of books from the bookshop.)(n)
what's inside of sth (Ex. The book cover looked great but its ****** was boring)(n)
to make sth tighter (Ex.Please ****** your helmet before you ride the motorcycle.)(v)
the edge of something (Ex. The *** of this pencil is very sharp).(n)
a set of clothes that match (usually a short jacket, pants or skirt (n)
how much value sth has, how much money it costs (Ex. It is ***** listening to the teacher).(prep)
to care about, give trouble to (Ex. My test is easy, I'm not ******ed about it.)(v)
to choose sth (Ex. I usually only ***** the best apples to buy for my mom.)(v)
to share or understand another persons feelings (Ex. Sara felt ****** for the poor people in her country)(n)
to think about sth carefully, (Ex. I *******ed what the teacher's question before I replied.)(v)
food that isn't eaten after a meal (Ex. We always give our ****-****s to our dog.)(n)
left over
a small wrapping or parcel (Ex. How many ******s of gum did you eat this morning?)(n)
to think very carefully about something, consider sth deeply (Ex. We are ****** thinking about going to Tokyo next year.)(adv)
quite, fairly, pretty, *****, kind of (Ex. He can run ***** fast.)(adv)
showing caution, being careful about doing something (Ex. The student wrote his test *******.)(adv)
to make someone feel hurt because of sth you say/do - He is *****ed because you said a rude word.(v)
you need to do sth, expected to do sth(Ex. In school it is ******* to be quiet in class.)(adj)
really happy (Ex. We were all ****** to go to the beach on Sunday.)
make you feel a little disgusted or insulted (Ex. The terrible clown *** *** my good mood.)(ph.v)
put out
to take or try to take sth quickly (Ex. The little boy *****ed the candy bar out of my hand.)(v)
to cheer up after feeling sad(Ex. I ****ed up after my mom gave me an ice-cream.)(ph.V)
perk up
to tell about sth (Ex. The maid *******ed to the manager about the mice in the boy's room.)(v)
how something is at any one time (Ex. This car is in a bad *******. or My ****** isn't good.)(n)
the natural behavior of animals, not learned (Ex. Breathing, eating, drinking or all ******s.)(n)
although it's unexpected, surprisingly, (Ex.My mom said I don't eat potatoes but ******* I do.)(adv)
art that is made from stone, metal or wood (Ex. I love all the marble ******s in the city park.)(n)
to completely fall down (Ex. The table *******d when the big man sat on it.)(v)
truthful, someone who doesn't steal, lie or cheat (Ex. The boy doesn't lie. He is so ******.)(adj)
to breathe in smoke from a cigar or cigarette (Ex. People can't ***** in restaurants anymore.)(v)
to show how you feel by crying (Ex. happy or sad)(Ex. I ****ed because I was so happy.)(v)
strange, unusual (Ex. Look at that ***-shaped rock over there!)(adj)
every (one) year (Ex. Every year our company has our ****** dinner.)(adj)
to make something unable to move (Ex. We need to ******d ourselves when the wind is very fast.)(v)
how you look, to appear (Ex. Inside, the mouse was a boy, yet it's ******** was of a mouse)(adj)
talking about recent times, the latest things (Ex. Every ***** home has a TV and a computer).(adj)
part of a house that comes out from the wall(Ex. My room has a ***** with a lovely view.)(n)
sth you buy that you think is cheaper than normal (Ex. That TV was really cheap. What a ******).(n)
a measure word used for stairs (Ex. I ran up 5 ******s of stairs to get to Mandy's apartment.)(n)
in a straight line above you, below you, to your left etc..(The witch was ******* opposite me.)(adv)
toilet, bathroom, WC (Ex. Hurry up! I need to go to the ******.)(n)
the place where you hang up your clothes (Ex. I have so many dresses in my ********.)(n)
the part of the bed that you sleep on (Ex. I love to sleep on my new soft *******.)(n)
any kind of fabric, used to make clothes (Ex. This ***** feels very soft.)(n)
to repair/make stitches with a needle and thread (Ex. My mom always ***s my holely socks for me.)(v)
to move something with out letting it go (Ex. I ****ged the rock across the beach.)(v)
careless, always falling down or knocking things over (Ex. The ***** boy bumped into the vase.)(adj)
to make clothing by joining two long needles together with wool. (Ex. My mom ****ted me gloves.)(v)
not sure about doing sth, often pausing (Ex. The ******** girl gave a speech to 100 people.)(adj)
exactly the same, not different (Ex. Hey look at those ******* twins.)(adj)
to be amazed by sth (Ex. The basketball player was 2.5m tall. I *****ed at how tall he was.)(v)
huge, massive, extremely large (EX. Look at that huge statue. It's ******)(adj)
to prefer to do one thing than another (Ex. I'd ****** eat chocolate than ice cream.)(adv)
a plan, what someone wants to do (Ex. My ******* is to ask that pretty girl out for dinner.)(n)
to stop (Ex. Everyone must **** at the traffic lights.)(v)
not public, only available to some people (Ex. This is not a public school. It is a ***** one.)(adj)
belonging only to you, not for other people to see or share (Ex. These are my ***** things.)(adj)
eye glasses (Ex. The old man put on his ******** to read the newspaper.)(n)
material made from animal skin (Ex. I love my new ******* bag. It is very comfortable to wear.)(n)
not fortunate, unlucky (Ex. Bad things always happen to her. She is very ********.)(adj)
to hurt, feel pain (Ex. He *****ed for weeks with bad headaches.)(v)
at this time, now, current (Ex. We don't have any thing to sell at ******.)(adj)
to make sth different, change (Ex. I *****ed the car to look like a plane.)(v)
to turn sth so that it joins sth else (Ex. I *****d the lid on the jar tightly.)(v)
to cook sth in an oven/sth cooked in an oven (Ex. Mom *****ed the pie in the oven for thirty minutes.)(v/adj)
sth that helps us find the answer to a problem (Ex. There were no ****s to help solve this mystery.)(n)
to let sth go free (Ex. I *******ed the bird from the cage)(v)
how you act - good or bad (Ex.If I ****** well, my mom will let me play video games.)(v)
something used to decorate sth else (Ex. At Christmas, we put ********s all around the room.)(n)
a piece of cloth/paper used to keep your hands clean(Ex. Restaurants always have *****s.)(n)
to ask for sth to be made for you (Ex. The new clothes I *****ed online arrived after 10 days.)(v)
difficult to chew, hard to break (Ex. I don't like meat that is ***** to eat.)(adj)
the place where sth is (Ex. The ****** of my car is next to the bank.)(n)
the top of something, usually screws on top of sth (Ex. The jam jar has a red ***.)(n)
the way something moves or faces (Ex. North, East, South and West are all ********s.)(n)
a lazy, messy, untidy person (Ex. You never do your homework. You are such a ****.)(n)
when blood comes out of your body (Ex. When I cut my leg, I was *****ing for a long time.)(v)
sth fashionable before but not today (Ex. My dads looks so ***-****** in that yellow shirt.)(adj)
a strong kind of metal made from iron (Ex. Iron always rusts in the rain, but ***** does not.)(n)
to walk quietly so other people don't hear you, sneak (Ex. The thief *****ed around the house.)(v)
creep (crept)
dangerous, not safe to do (Ex. That mountain road is not safe. It is ***** to drive on it.)(adj)
you put these on the wall around your home to make the room look more interesting. (Ex. My family always hang ********** around the house during Chinese New Year.) (n)
Everything you can see from one place (Ex. I have a lovely **** from my balcony.)(n)
when many people come into a small place (Ex. All the people ***** into the night market.)(v)
too many people in one place (Ex. The bus was too ******* to find a seat.)(adj)
the food and drink a person usually has (Ex. The rather fat man wanted to go on a ****.)(n)
the same clothing worn by everyone (Ex. At my school, all the students wear *******s).(n)
all the bags you take to somewhere (Ex. You can not carry heavy ******* on airplanes.)(n)
to do or finish something that was very difficult (Ex. After working all day, I ******ed a lot.)(v)
to say yes when someone wants to give you something (Ex. Will you ****** this girl as your wife.)(v)
to move with no one direction (Ex. The lonely student ******ed through the park at night.)(v)
someone whose job is to make things from wood (Ex. The ******* made this large table from wood.)(n)
someone whose job is to care for animals, animal doctor (Ex. The *** helped cure my sick cat.)(n)
something that helps you climb up (Ex. I use a ****** to climb onto the roof of my house.)(n)
sth that returns to its shape after stretched (Ex. The *****s make my mattress comfortable.)(n)
how heavy something is (Ex. I weight 75kg, so my ****** is 75kgs.)(n)
this gives power to everything we use (Ex. My CD player always need ******* to work.)(n)
calm, quiet (Ex. After being in a noisy office all day, I now felt at *****.) (n)
to make a circle around sth (Ex. The king was *******ed by all his servants at the castle feast.)(v)
all the particular pieces of information (Ex. Please tell me all the ****** about the murder.)(n)
used in a conversation to talk about sth different (Ex. ** *** ***, did you hear about the ___.)(ph)
by the way
not patient (Ex. Small children are often ******* when they want to do sth.)(adj)
sb whose job is to do magic tricks (Ex. Everyone loved the ******s magic at the party.)(n)
a job you need to do (Ex. The teacher wrote all the student's ****s on the whiteboard.)(n)
no including, other than (Ex. We all went on the field trip ****** Sarah who was sick.)(v)
to copy, do the same as (Ex. Parrots are good at ******ing people's voices.)(v)
someone (cook/maid) whose job is to help you in your home (Ex. We have two *******s in our home.)(n)
to die because you can't swim (Ex. Three people died when they jumped in the river and ******ed.)(v
to be the last one (Ex. After eating most pieces of the pizza, there was only one ******ing.)(v)
to copy the actions of someone (Ex. The parrot often ******s the man's voice.) (v)
not including this one (Ex. Everyone likes icecream ***** Betty who likes cake.) (prep)
a group/company that helps people who need it(Ex. Oxfam is a ***** who helps children in Africa)(n)
a large strong building where a king may live (Ex. The king lived safely in his *****.) (n)
a part or a piece of something, usually used for bread (Ex. Can I have a ***** of bread, please?)(n)
happening slowly over a long time (Ex. The boy ******* grew from being short to very tall.)(adv)
to move outwards, to stretch (Ex. A smile ***** slowly accross her face.)(v)
for example (Ex. I've eaten many fruit, *** ********, apples, oranges and bananas.)(ph)
to clean, dry by rubbing (Ex. My mom ****ed the table after dinner.)(v)
lately, not long ago (Ex. I only ******** came to Taiwan. I ******** ordered food.) (ph)
for sure, without doubt or question (Ex. Those students are indeed from Europe.)(adv)
bothered or worried about sth (Ex. My mom is ********* about me going to Taipei on my own.)(v)
Those sand ****** are really huge.(n.)
sand dunes
I like to eat ******, though it’s expensive to buy.(n.)
The men came ****** from the boat.(adv.)
There are no trees on the island, only ******.(n.)
I use my ****** to go sea fishing.(n.)
The Grand ****** is the biggest in the world.(n.)
The hungry bear lived in the ******.(n.)
Those ****** are very steep, be careful when you go near the edge.(n.)
****** is so pretty and many fish live there, too.(n.)
The small ****** with its white sandy beach made a beautiful picture.(n.)
There were many boats in the ******.(n.)
I lay hidden in the ******.(n.)
Otters like to eat fish that live around ******.(n.)
It is many ******s from the island to Taiwan.(n.)
Don’t stand on that ******, it’s dangerous.(n.)
The river was so ******, we could jump across it.(adj)
Kending has a famous ******.(n.)
My girlfriend loves ******.(n.)
There are many ****** in the river and on the beach.(n.)
I ****** the stone to look shiny.(v.)
The ****** is deep and long.(n.)
There are many *****s around Green Island.(n.)
I don’t like to travel by boat on a ****** sea.(adj.)
rough (Sea)
While I was swimming, a large ****** of fish swam around me.(n.)
I like to eat ******.(n.)
I came ashore on the ******.(n.)
I like to travel by boat on a ****** sea.(adj.)
smooth (sea)
Don’t go to the beach when the ****** comes in. Go when it goes out.(n.)
The mountain ****** wasn’t easy to walk on.(n.)
Surfers like to surf on huge ****s.(n.)
The river was too ****** for us to jump across.(adj.)
I cannot sleep at night because the *******s are too noisy.(n.)
The ******s ate all the farmer’s crops.(n.)
There are always many ******s at the seaside.(n.)
I think ******s look really cute.(n.)
The plant’s ***** were very deep.(n.)
There are many ******s on the beach.(n.)
People like to wear ******s to look pretty.(n.)
The dog ***ies its bone in the ground.(n.)
There were many dead ******es on the roadside.(n.)
The pirates had a ****** full of gold.(n.)
The village ****** met once a month.(n.)
On a ****** day, the iceberg melted.(n.)
The ****** man played with the alligator.(n.)
The ****** protects my home.(v/n)
After the hunters came home, they placed the ****** outside.(n.)
The naughty boy was ******ed for saying a bad word in class.(v.)
I don’t like rain ******s.(v.)
I ****ed the ball into the hole.(v.)
The ****** took the canoe out to fish.(n.)
There are only a few people living in the ******.(n.)
We used our ****** to hunt for food and protect our village.(n.)
When I’m hunting, I always ****** myself from animals.(v.)
The short boy said he was tall. I ****** he is telling the truth.(v.)
The supermarket has many ****** to sell.(n.)
We don’t want to fight you. We wish to ******.(v.)
The bird ****** me across the field.(v.)
We always make a good ****** when we sell pearls to other people.(n/v)
I ****** go skiing. I often write homework.(adv.)
The ship had large white ****.(n.)
The **** of the ship was slippery after the rain.(n.)
We ***ed the small boat from the ship to the shore.(v.)
I ******d my canoe around the island.(v.)
My dad always gives me ****** when I don’t know how to do sth.(n.)
In the morning, my ****** always wakes me up at 6am.(n.)
I don’t like to be at home ******.(adj.)
My girlfriend always likes to wear ******s every day.(n.)
When I wear a large gold ring on my arm, this is a *******.(n.)
I had two _______s on my journey.
The poor girl couldn’t swim, so she *****ed.(v.)
If I win the lottery, I will have good ******.(n.)
_______ is something not many people like to experience.
When I’m at home alone, I feel ******.(n.)
Before I go on vacation, I need to **** everything I need.(v.)
I ***** after I exercise.(n/v)
Ahh! Today I have really bad ***** ache, so I can’t swallow.(n.)
That girl is always looking at herself in the mirror. She is so ****.(adj.)
I *** to pass that exam even if I have to work every hour of every day.(n.)
I use a **** to hit the bear.(n.)
The ****** of the spear head, helps me to put it on the spear handle.(n.)
I hold the ****** of the knife.(n.)
*****s are dangerous weapons that are good for hunting.(n.)
After the fire had burned, I cleaned away the *****.(n.)
The fire hadn’t finished burning yet, so I let the ****** cool down.(n.)
I need a lot of different_______ to build a hut. (n)
The ****** around the field stops the cows escaping.(n.)
A long time ago, people used to eat ****** for breakfast AND dinner.(n.)
If I live on an island, I will probably stay in a ***.(n.)
(all the things you need to do sth) The ******s I need for building a hut are wood, leaves, pitch, stones.(n.)
I use the **** to make a fishing pole.(n.)
Anything that protects you from the weather (or danger) is a ******.(n.)
It’s raining. Let’s ****** under this tree.(v.)
I keep all my books on ****** on my wall.(n.)
There are many cooking ****** in the kitchen.(n.)
There was nobody on the island, so it was ******.(adj.)
I had to turn on my car lights because of the ***.(n.)
The mussels on the Island of the Blue Dolphins were *********.(adj.)
There were many rock ****s down by the rocky shore.(n.)
The slim ******* went out from the beach into the sea.(n.)
There are not many birds on the deserted island. They are all ******.(adj.)
People live near ******s, so they can drink fresh water (not stale).(n.)
If you don’t change water, then it becomes old and *****.(adj.)
The ****** in the mountains was long and deep.(n.)
The fierce, wild dogs ****ed loudly all night, so I couldn’t sleep.(v.)
My cat is tame, but that lion is ******. (adj.)
The mountain lion came out of it’s **** to look at me!(n.)
Many people think ****** with garlic are delicious, including me!(n.)
The **** of dogs roamed Taichung looking for food.(n.)
The ****** flew to its nest with a fish in it’s large beak (mouth).(n.)
Pigs use their *****s to find food in the grass.(n.)
Male seals have long ****s which they use to fight with. (n.)
We anchored the boat using an ******.(n/v)
The _______ _______ always fight for the female cow seals each spring.
bull (seal)
I can never work with all that ****** from next door.(n.)
The female _______ seal had four babies.(n.)
cow (seal)
Before I eat an egg, I have to ***** the egg first.(n/v)
Sarah used ****** to move her small canoe forwards. (n.)
(any thick, sticky material used to seal something and stop water getting inside.) We use ***** to help make a ship waterproof. (n.)
The ship’s deck is made from many *****s.(n.)
Wow, look at those massive whale ****.(n.)
The ship ******(past tense) under the water.(v.)
When the wave hits, be careful not to be hit by the *****.(n.)
The white **** on that last wave was huge!(n.)
We can see **** in the early morning.(n.)
We can see ***** in the early evening.(n.)
Today, the weather is ****. It’s a good day for sailing.(n.)
Today, the weather is ****. Let’s go hiking.(n.)
The morning **** hung in the air like an unwanted curtain. (n.)
Our guide walked ***** of us on the trail to show us the way.(adv.)
You can _______ your knowledge by reading more books.(v)
The road was ****** around the hill.(adj.)
We have many special ******s during Chinese New Year.(n.)
The ******* from Taichung to Taipei is 250kms.(n.)
Team A and Team B’s score is ******. You both have 10 points.(adj.)
I could only make out the ****** of a man in the darkness.(n.)
My mom ******s me from watching TV before I wrote my homework. (PT: forbade)(v.)
forbid (forbade)
Use all your ingredients in this ****** to make the cake.(n.)
I use a ****** to sew my clothes.(n.)
My dad hates me ******ing with my brother.(v.)
The losing army ******ed to the other side of the island.(v.)
We made a ****** boat out of several planks of wood, but it broke after only one day.
My mom often ***ed my clothes for me when I was little, but now I have to do it.
****s are good weapons to use against dangerous animals.(n/v)
I ****** what the weather’s like tomorrow?(v.)
After the dog bit me, I had a large ****** in my leg.(n.)
That will suit us fine
Convenient for someone to do.
Whet his appetite
Make someone feel hungry
Get down to business
To begin seriously doing what you need to do
A stroke of genius
An idea only a genius could have
The stage is set
Everything is ready
The proof is in the pudding
You can only find true answer by first experiencing it for yourself.
Catch sight of someone
See someone
Thank heavens for that
Phew! Nothing bad happened.
It matters not
It doesn&acute
Hoping to heaven
hoping a lot (that heaven will help you)
Far too good to us
You are far too kind to us
Hang on!
Wait a minute
A cold sweat
A scary feeling
What on earth!
What thing on Earth are you talking about
Thank goodness for that
Phew! Nothing bad happened.
gather (myself) together
Calm myself down, make myself feel normal
__V__ing like mad
Doing something very quickly
Keep on their toes
Always ready for action
Kindly state your business
Please say what you want
What the devil do you mean?
Please say what you are talking about
For heaven&#x2019
s sake!
Get out of here!
Go away now
This is the life
I feel so relaxed and having so much fun.
Good gracious me!
You said this when something surprises you.
How on earth__?
How can we do sth (impossible)
Greased lightning
Super fast
By golly!
What a surprise (sth is).
Give you a clue
Give me a hint/an idea how to solve the problem
You are up to something
You are planning something bad (plotting)
No wind left in his sails
He doesn&#x2019
What's the fuss all about
What is causing all the trouble here
Pay through the nose
Pay too much money for something
Laughing their heads off
Laughing so hard, their heads actually fall off
Waiting in the wings
Waiting for something to happen
You've got a nerve!
I'm surprised you can do sth so dangerous (or bad)
To you hearts content
As long as you want
Something is child's play
Something is very easy to do
There's life in the old dog
Still able to do sth even though old
Don't let anything stand in your way
Don't let anything stop you from doing sth.
Stopped dead in her tracks
Stopped walking suddenly
We've got to deal with sth
We need to do sth important
You can say that again
I agree with what you say
being wounded, sth you have after you're hurt (Ex. I couldn't walk on my ****** leg.)(adj)
a very large rock on its own (Ex. There are always many ******s in mountains and by rivers, too.)(n)
a name for a group of certain animals (Ex. We say a **** of cows, but not one of lions.)(n)
any surface that isn't flat can be called this (Ex.5-45 degree surface can be called a *****.)(n)
a line made on your skin after a deep wound becomes better is a ****. (n)
to increase in size over time (Ex. After the bee stung me, my arm *****ed a lot.)(v)
to point at sth carefully because you want to hit it. (Ex. I ***ed my spear at the wild dog.)(v)
a large kind of bowl used to store liquids in (or wash them) (Ex. I wash my pots in the *****.)(n)
the time that is in-between (Ex. I'll cook dinner and ** *** ******* you tidy your bedroom.)(adv)
in the meantime
shape of an animals feet after it has walked somewhere (I followed the dog's ***** to its lair.)(n)
the way you walk because of an injured/hurt leg (Ex. I **** because I hurt my leg.)(v)
has poison in it (Ex. Don't go near snakes because many are ********.)(adj)
to fix or repair sth that is broken (Ex. My dad helped me **** my broken chair.)(v)
not dead (Ex. Though they're *****, some animals play dead to stop stronger ones eating them.)(adj)
a stick, small dead tree branches (Ex. There were many dead ****s on the forest floor.)(n)
to move sth across the ground by pulling it (not picking it up)(Ex. I ****ed the heavy sofa.)(v)
to be moved only by wind or water (not by your own power)
the mouth of a bird (Ex. The bird picked up the twig in its ****.)
something you remember from before(Ex.My earliest ****** is when I was 5. My mom gave me a doll.)(n)
a group of the same kind of birds or animals (Ex. The ***** of geese flew south for the winter.)(n)
a small hill, a raised pile (Ex. That ***** used to be a pile of leaves a long time ago.)(n)
helpful, good for you (Ex. When we climbed the mountain the weather was *******.)
unable to do one's arms or legs (Ex. The unfortunate girl was ****** after her car accident.)(adj)
having spots (Ex. The ****** leopard is famous for its spots.)(adj)
to attach of fix things together (Ex. I ******ed my belt.)(v)
to make something want you (Ex. I ****d the fish using a juicy worm on my fishing hook.)(v)