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6 Cards in this Set

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what happens in act 3 scene 1

macbeth is crowned king, murders ordered to kill banquo and gleaned, macbeth threatened by banquo descendants

“Thou hast it now, King, Cawdor, Glamis...and I fear thou play'dst most folly for it.”

what happens in act 3 scene 2

lady macbeth not happy with the relationship with macbeth, tells lady macbeth plans with banquo

“o full of scorpions is my mind”

what happens in act 3 scene 3

murders kill banquo, fleance escapes

“fly fleance, fly”

what happens in act 3 scene 4

macbeth sees banquo a ghost shows his weakness after being told about his death, macbeth nervous of macduff,

“Never Shake thy gory locks at me”

what happens in act 3 scene 5

witches meet with hecate, all to meet with macbeth the following day, play macbeth on his mind

“ come away, come away”

what happens in act 3 scene 6

macduff asks for an army to depose macbeth, macbeth knows about the battle, all suspicious of macbeth now

“Free from our feasts and banquets bloody knives”