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133 Cards in this Set

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responsible for transporting throughout the body oxygenated blood from the heart and lungs via the arteries

circulatory system

thin, fluid-filled sac that surround the heart


thin, watery membrane on the outer layer of the heart


covers the heart and is attached to the pericardium


thick layer of cardiac muscles in the middle layer of the heart


pumps blood into the arteries by contracting


thin layer of epithelial cells in the inner layer of the heart


lines the valves and the interior chambers


located at the upper right chamber

right atrium

receives deoxygenated blood from the body

right atrium

located at the lower right chamber

right ventricle

receives the blood from the right atrium and pumps it into the pulmonary artery

right ventricle

located at the left upper chamber

left atrium

receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps it into the left ventricle

left atrium

located at the lower left chamber

left ventricle

receives blood from the left atrium and pumps it into the aorta

left ventricle

systole (contraction) & diastole (relaxation) which lasts about 0.8 seconds

cardiac cycle

sends electric impulses throughout the myocardium which is initiated by the SinoAtrial (SA) node (pacemaker)

electric conduction system

provides the graphical representation of the cardiac cycle's activity

electrocardiogram (ECG)

"lubb" which is the first sound as the ventricles contract or the AV valves close and "dupp" or the second sound which is heard when the semilunar valves close and the ventricles relax

origin of heart sounds

the average heart rate is 72 beats per minute (bpm) and the cardia output refers to the volume of blood pumped per minute

heart rate and cardiac output

rhythmic throbbing resulting from the alternating expansion and contraction of the artery


the force which was exerted by the blood on the walls of the vessel which is measured by the sphygmomanometer. the bp is the difference between the systolic (pressure during contraction) and diastolic (pressure during relaxation)

blood pressure

two superior atria

receiving chambers

two inferior, thick-walled ventricles, or actual pumps of the heart wherein when they contract, blood is propelled out of the heart and into the circulation

discharging chambers

divides the heart longitudinally


tricuspid valve which is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle

right AV valve

closes as the right ventricles contracts preventing the blood from flowing back to the right atrium

right AV valve

bicuspid or mitral valve which is located between the left atrium and left ventricle

left AV valve

closes as the left ventricles contracts preventing blood from flowing back to the left atrium

left AV valve

pulmonary or pulmonic valve located at the entrance of the pulmonary artery

right semilunar valve

closes when the right ventricle relaxes preventing blood from flowing back to the right ventricle

right semilunar valve

aortic valve located at the entrance of the aorta

left semilunar valve

closes when the left ventricle relaxes preventing blood from flowing back to the left ventricle

left semilunar valve

partition that separates the right from the left atria

interatrial septum

separates the right and the left ventricles

interventricular septum

receives blood supply thru the left and right coronary arteries, and coronary veins return the oxygen depleted blood from the heart muscle back to the heart

coronary circulation

supplies the blood and also provides drainage from the tissues

coronary circulation

composed of the left and right coronary arteries and coronary veins

coronary circulation

circulatory system disorders

angina pectoris (troponin t), aortic stenosis, bacterial endocarditis, congestive heart failure (bnp test), myocardial infarction (troponin i), pericarditis

diagnostic tests of the circulatory system

arterial blood gases (abg), aspartate aminotransferase (ast)/ serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (sgot), cholesterol, creatine kinase (ck), creatine kinase (ck)-mb, digoxin, electrocardiogram (ecg /ekg), lactate dehydrogenase (ld) isoenzymes, microbial cultures, myoglobin, potassium (k), triglycerides, troponin t (TnT)

the loop which consists of a system of blood vessels through which the blood is circulated to the rest of the body

vascular system

vessels that carry blood away from the heart


very small branches of arteries


collect the blood from the various organs and parts return the blood to the heart


very small branches of veins


minute thin-walled vessels that connect the arterioles and venules


where nutrients and wastes are exchanged between the blood and body tissues


lines the lumen or the interior of the vessels, is a thin layer of endothelium resting on a basement membrane and decreases friction as blood flows through the vessel lumen

tunica intima

the bulky middle coat which mostly consists of smooth muscle and elastic fibers that constrict or dilate, making blood pressure increase or decrease

tunica media

outermost tunic composed largely of fibrous connective tissue, and its function is basically to support and protect the vessels

tunica externa/tunica adventitia

enlargement of the artery due to the weakening of the artery wall


hardening of the heart due to aging


formation of plaques in inner walls


clot or bubble which cause obstruction of an artery


obstruction that is carried and lodged in a vessel


swollen veins in the area of the anus


inflammation of the veins particularly the wall


swelling of the veins of the legs that usually occurs during pregnancy


blood clot that impedes blood flow


usually found in the legs, these are veins that have been twisted and have enlarged

varicose veins

diagnostic tests of the vascular system

d-dimer, fibrin degradation products (FDP), lipoproteins, prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (APTT/PTT), triglycerides

red fluid transported throughout the body through the circulatory system


liquid matrix of the blood


total blood volume of an average female adult

4-5 liters

total blood volume of an average male adult

5-6 liters

transfer of blood or blood components from one individual to another


introduction of a fluid other than blood, such as a saline or glucose solution, into the blood


molecules on the surfaces of red blood cells


proteins found in plasma


main difference of antibodies and antigens

antibodies = very specific

antigen = can only bind to a certain antigen

the clumping of the cells


rupture of the red blood cells


used to categorize human blood

ABO blood group system

two types of antigen that may appear

type A antigen and type B antigen

named because it was first studied in the rhesus monkey

Rh blood group

necessary to determine the compatibility of the donor and recipient's blood because an individual who do not produce the D antigen will produce anti-D which could be fatal if they encounter the D antigen

compatibility testing and cross-matching

caused by not having enough healthy red blood cells or hemoglobin


cancer of the blood forming tissues like the bone marrow or the lymphatic system


high number could indicate urinary tract infection (UTI)


increase of the number of white blood cells in the blood due to illness or infection


reduced number of white blood cells in the blood


the marrow produces too many red blood cells resulting to blood thickening


when the body produces too many platelets (thrombocytes) which affects the blood clotting


characterized by low platelet count


diagnostic tests for blood disorders

ABO & RH type, bone marrow examination, complete blood count (CBC), crossmatch, differential (diff), eosinophil (Eos) count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), ferritin, hematocrit (Hct), hemoglobin (hb/Hgb), hemogram, indices, (MCH, MCV, MCHC), iron (Fe), reticulocyte (retic) count, total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)

network of tissues and organs that is responsible for the removal of toxins and waste in the body

lymphatic system

main function is to transport the WBC to and from the lymph nodes throughout the body

lymphatic system

composed of fluids or lymph which is similar to plasma but is composed of 95% water

lymphatic system

transported throughout the system thru the lymphatic vessels, ducts and masses of lymph tissues


masses of lymph tissues


diagnostic tests for the lymphatic system disorders

bone marrow biopsy, complete blood count, culture & sensitivity, lymph node biopsy, mononucleosis test

the stoppage of bleeding as a response to an injury whether it be normal vasoconstriction where the vessel walls close temporarily, abnormal obstruction like plaque or by coagulation such as litigation


inflammation of lymphatic channels resulting from an infection at a site distal to the channel


refers to the inflammation of the lymph nodes


also called adenopathy, wherein there is abnormality in the size or number of lymph nodes


enlargement of the spleen


cancer that affects the immune system and is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes

hodgkin's disease

type of cancer that develops from lymphocytes


cancer of the lymphatic system that begins in the lymphocytes


four interrelated responses of hemostasis

vasoconstriction, formation of the primary platelet plug, progression to the stable blood clot

vessel walls are constricted after an injury, which results in reduced flow of blood in the site of injury


platelets stick together on the site of the injury forming a plug

formation of the primary platelet plug

process where the blood changed from a liquid form into a gel that forms the blood clot

coagulation or clotting

three types of coagulation

enzyme precursors, cofactors, substrates

an enzyme that plays an important role in coagulation


amplifies coagulation and converts fibrinogen to soluble fibrin


supports the platelet plug formation by activating factor XIII to cross-link fibrin and also controls the formation & coagulation process by activating protein C


the process where the fibrin is dissolved


two main activities of fibrinolysis

(1) intact vessels are reopened by dissolving the clots,

(2) removing hemostatic clots from the tissue as part of the healing process

responsible for the production of bile salts needed for vitamin K absorption


happens when blood clots forms in one or more deep veins, usually in the legs

deep venous thrombosis (DVT)

when the formation of small clots blocks the small blood vessels

disseminated intravascular coagulation

disorder involving lack of sufficient blood-clotting proteins


low platelet count


diagnostic tests for hemostatic disorders

bleeding time, d-dimer, factor assays, fibrin degradation products (FDP), platelet function assay (PFA), prothrombin time (PT), partial thromboplastin time (APTT/PTT)

also called the elbow pit, is a triangular area on the anterior of the elbow

antecubital fossa

first choice for venipuncture site because there are several major arm veins which are close to the surface which makes it easy to locate and penetrate veins

antecubital fossa

a vein arrangement that occurs in about 70% of the population

h-shaped antecubital veins

three h-shaped antecubital veins

basilic, cephalic, median cubital vein

intermediate antebrachial vein

m-shaped antecubital veins

three m-shaped antecubital veins

median cubital, median cephalic and median basilic vein

used only if the antecubital veins are not accessible

other arm and hand veins

must not be used in venipuncture with the permission of a physician due to complications such as thrombosis

leg, ankle, and foot veins

not used for routine blood and limited to collection of arterial blood gas. special training is needed and it is more risky for the patient.


chest pain resulting from reduced blood flow to the heart

angina pectoris

a murmuring sound produced when the aortic leaflets fail to fully open during systole

aortic stenosis

an infection that happens when a bacteria enters and resides in the heart lining or blood vessel

bacterial endocarditis

chronic progressive condition that affects the pumping power of the heart muscles

congestive heart failure

known as heart attack, cause by a decrease or full stoppage of blood flow that damages the heart muscle

myocardial infarction

inflammation of the pericardial sac that may be due to viral infection


space inside the blood vessel where the blood flows


found in the veins, these are thin membranous leaflets that prevent backflow of blood
