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23 Cards in this Set

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A natural system where living things combine with non living things they need

Nutrient cycling

The recycling of nutrients between living organisms and the environment


The variety of plants and animals living in a certain area


When rain washes minerals away from soil


When rain washes minerals away from soil


Dead plant material fallen to the ground

Hot deserts

Regions of the world with rainfall less than 250 mm per yr

Sustainable management

Using the forests and making money from the forest without destroying it


The process by which fertile land becomes desert, typically as a result of drought, Deforestation or inappropriate agriculture


Upper fertile layer of soil


Upper fertile layer of soil

Marginal land

Land that is very poor, only just suitable for farming


Location: northern Canada and Northern Europe

Characteristics: low growing plants adapted to retain heat and moisture in cold, windy and dry conditions. Animals like reindeer

Deciduous forest

Location : uk

Characteristics: shed leaves in winter to retain moisture

Coniferous forest

Location: Canada and Scandinavia (north)

Characteristics: cone bearing evergreens, retaining leaves to maximise photosynthesis in brief summer months


Location: cover 1/5 of worlds land surface

Characteristics: high day temps, low night temps and low rainfall


Location: South Africa, parts of Australia and California

Characteristics: hot, sunny, dry summers, mild winters, as pressure belts migrate slightly north and south during year. Vegetation such as olive trees and orange and lemon trees


Location: South Africa, parts of Australia and California

Characteristics: hot, sunny, dry summers, mild winters, as pressure belts migrate slightly north and south during year. Vegetation such as olive trees and orange and lemon trees


Location: Antarctica and Greenland

Characteristics: cold air sinks forming cold, dry conditions

Temperate grassland

Location: North America ( prairies) and Eastern Europe ( steppes)

Characteristics: warm dry summers and cold winters, mainly for grazing animals

Tropical ( savanna) grassland

Location: low latitudes (30* N&S)

Characteristics: distinct wet and dry seasons, hot with wildfires, and violent thunderstorms. Large herds of animals graze and predators such as lions and leopards

Tropical ( savanna) grassland

Location: low latitudes (30* N&S)

Characteristics: distinct wet and dry seasons, hot with wildfires, and violent thunderstorms. Large herds of animals graze and predators such as lions and leopards

Tropical rainforest

Locations: equator . Cover 6% of land surface

Characteristic: high temperatures and heavy rain, due to equatorial low pressure belt. Lots of biodiversity