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A movment in American and English poetry begun in 1912 by Ezra Pound. Pound sought to free poetry from the stale conventions and high-flown language of the past.

The basic principles of Imagism were:
1. direct concentration on the precise image
2. use of precise words and language of common speech
3. creation of new rhythms (and use of free verse)
4. freedom of choice of subject
Words or phrases that create pictures, or images, in the reader's mind.
A contrast or an incongruity between what is stated and what is meant, or between what is expected to happen and what actually happens.

1. VERBAL- writer or speaker says one thing and means something entirely different

2. DRAMATIC: reader or audience perceives something that a chracter in the story or play does not know

3. SITUATIONAL- the writer shows a discrepancy between the expected result of some action or situation and its actual result
Local Color
The use of specific dtails describing the dialect, dress, customs, and scenery associated with a particular region or sextion of the country.
A figure of speech that makes a DIRECT comparison between two things which are basically dissimlar. Remember that a metaphor does NOT make use of connective words such as like or as
A figure of speech in which something very closely associated witha thing is used to stand for or suggest the thing itself.
Hardhat is used to mean construction worker and White House is used to mean the president
An extended speech by a character in a play, short story, novel or narrative poem.
The prevailing feeling or emotional climate of a litery work, often develped, at least in part, thourgh descriptions of the setting
A recurring feature (such as a name, an image, or a phrase) in a work of literature.
The kind of writing or speaking that tells a story.
Narrative Poem
A poem that tells a story
An extreme form of realism in literature that depicts characters who are severely limited by their enviroment or heredity
The use of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggests its meaning
A figure of speech that combines opposite or contradictory ideas or terms, as in "living death, "honest thief", and "sweet sorrow". An oxymoron suggests a PARADOX
The use of phrases, clauses, or sentences that are similar or complentary in structure or in meaning.
A statement that reveals a kind of truth, although it seems at first to be self-contradictory and untrue
The use of phrases, clauses, or sentences that are similar or complementary in structure or in meaning
The quality in a work of literature that arouses a feeling of pity, or sorrow, or compassion in the reader
A figure of speech in which something nonhuman is given human qualities
The sequence of events or actions in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem.
Point of View
FIRST PERSON: story is told by one of the characters in his/her own words and the reader is told only what that character knows

THIRD PERSON LIMITED: focuses on only one chracter in the story

THIRD PERSON OMNISCIENT: all knowing comments on all characters and actions in a story
The central character of a drama, novel, short story, or narrative poem
The use of a word or phrase to suggest two or more meanings at the smae time, or the use of two different words or phrases that sound alike
The attempt in literature and art to represent life as it really is, without sentimentalizing or idealizing it. Accurate representation without idealization
The art of using language for persuasion. Most common rhetorical device is the RHETORICAL QUESTION- a question suggesting its own answer or not requiring an answer
The repetition of sounds in two or more words or phrases that appear close to each other in a poem
Internal Rhyme
Internal rhyme occurs within a line of poetry.

"To the rhyming and chiming of the bells."
A kind of writing that holds up to ridicule or contempt the weaknesses and wrondoings of individuals, groups, institutions, or humanity in general.
The time and place in which events in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem occur
A figure of speech comparing two essentially unlike things through the use of a specific word of comparison, such as like or as.
An extended speech, usually in a drama, delivered by a character alone onstage
A unit of a poem that is longer than a single line
Stream of Consciousness
The style of writing that attempts to imitate the natural flow of a character's thoughts, feelings, reflrections, memories, and mental images, as the character experiences them.
A writer's characteristic way of writing, determined by the choice of words, the arrangement of words in sentences,a nd the relationship of the sentences to one another.
An object, person, place, or action that has a meaning in itself and that also stands for something larger than itself, such as a quality, an attitude, a belief, or a value.
A literary movement that arose inFrance in the last half of the 19th century and that greatly influenced many English/American writers of the 20th century
A figure of speech in which part of a thing is used to stand for or suggest the whole.
The general idea or insight about life that a writer wishes to convey in a literary work
The attitude a writer takes toward his or her subject, characters, and readers
In general, a literary work in which the protagonist meets an unhappy or disasterous end
A philosophy which holds that basic truths can be reached through intuition rather than through reason
A restrained statement in which less is said than is menat
The everyday spoken language of people in a particular locality, and writing that imitates or suggests such language
A language style adopted by an author to create the effect of a particular speaker
The expression in a single term or phrase of more than one meaning
A comment made by a chracter onstage to the audience or another character but which is not heard by all characters onstage
The dominant mood or feeling conveyed by a piece of writing
A narrative song or poem
2 kinds:
FOLK: passed down by oral tradition
LITERARY: written in same formas as folk, wrriten from the beginning
the author's personal inclination toward a position or topic
a pause in a line of poetry
The literal, or dictionary, meaning of a word
A detailed portrayal of a person, a place, an object, or an event
A variation of a language spoken by a particular group, often within a particular region and time
a poem mourning a death or other great loss
a long narrative poem that traces the adventures of a hero
a short, witty poem; a saying.
the sudden intuitive recognition of the meaning or essence of seomthing
a brief story that illustrates a moral point by serving as an example
at the beginning of a story, novel, or other narrative, the part of the plot line that sets the scene by introducing the character, setting, and situation
a short, usually simple tale that teachers a moral and sometimes uses animal figures
Figurative Language
language used for descriptive effect, in order to convey ideas or emotions. figurative expressions are not literally true but express some truth beyond the ltieral level
an interruption in the chronological order of a narrative to show an event that happened earleir
Flash Foward
an interruption in the chronological sequence of a narrative to leap foward in time
an anonymous traditional story passed down orally long before being written down. these would include fiary tales, myths, and legends
the basic unit in the measuremnt of a line of metrical poetry
frame story
a plot structure that includes the telling of one story within another stoyr. the frame is the outer story and precedes the more important inner story
a category or type of literature. poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction are examples
iambic pentameter
a specific poetic meter in which eash line is composed of five efeet, most of which are iambs
internal rhyme
rhyme that occurs within a single line of poetyr
reversal of the usual word order in a prose sentence or aline of poetry
the placing of two or more distinct things side by side in order to contrast or compre them
an account of an event or period empahsizing the narrator's own experience of it
a regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that gives a line of poetry a more or less predictable rhtym. the basic unit of meter is the FOOT
a practical lesson about right and wrong conduct
a traditional story that deals with goddesses, gods, heroes,a nd supernatural forces. a myth may explain a belief, a custom, or a force of nature
an elaborate lyric poem expressed in a dignified and sincere way
oral tradition
literature that passes down by word of mouth from one generation to the next
a simple story pointing to a moral or religios lesson
a humorous imitation of another literary work
an empahsis on themes, characters, and settings from a particular geographical region
rhyme scheme
the pattern that end rhymes form in a stanza or poem
an artistic movement that valued imagination and feeling over intellect and reason
satire or irony that often uses bitter and caustic language to point out shortcomings or flaws
a lyric poem of 14 lines, typically written in iambic pentameter and usually following strict patterns of stanza divisions and rhymes
a character who is not developed as an individiaul, but instead represents a collection of tratis and mnnerism supposedly shared by all memebers of a group
a tale in prose or verse in which characters, actions, or settings represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. an allegory has two meanings- a literal meaning and a symbolic meaning
the repition of similar sounds, usually consonants, in a group of words
a reference to a person, a place, an event, or a literary work that a writer expects a reader to recognize
a comparison made between two things to show the similarities between them
a very short story that is told to make a oint
person or force opposing the protagonist in a drama or narrative
the repetition of similar vowel sounds, especially in poetry
a figure of speech in which an absent or dead person, an abstract quality (such as personification), or something inanimate or nonhuman is addressed directly
a terse, pointed statement expressing some wisw or clever observation about life
a person's account of his or her own life
blank verse
written in unryhymed iambic pentameter
a person- or an animal, a thing, or a natural force presented as a person- appearing in a literary work.

ROUND- well developed, many tratis
FLAT- have only 1 or 2 distinguishing traits
the decisive point in a narrative or drama; the point of greatest intensity or interest
a kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly different things
in general, a literary work that ends happily
a struggle between two opposing forces or characters in a short story, novel, play or narrative poem

EXTERNAL- between two persons, between person and society, between a person and nature

INTERNAL- two elements struggling for mastery within a person
two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme
the outcome of a plot
a writer's choice of words, particularly for clarity, effectiveness, and precision
a descriptive name or phrase used to characterize someone or something
figure of speech
a word or expression that is not meant to be interpreted in a ltieral sense
a character who sets off another character by contrast. foils help us in drawing comparisons
the use of hints or clues in a narrative to suggest what acion is to come
free verse
unrhymed verse that has either no metrical pattern or an irregular pattern
a figureof speech using exaggeration, or overstatement, for special effect