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30 Cards in this Set

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Rhetorical Figure
Usually used by Cicero to achieve antithesis

Silence, ye troubled Waves, and thou Deep, peace. --John Milton
The repretition of a single word (usually the first)

Ex: I started to dress like a Jamaican, I started to listen to Jamaican music, I started to have kids I don't know about... --Russel Peters
Use of certain words or phrases to raise the audience's expectation of particular grammatical constructions

Ex: ab eis--->artibus<----quibus aetas puerilis ad humanitatem informari solet

eis is ablative, from that we know the next word artibus is albative, and quibus too, the next word
it looks like words have to be connected to be an anticipation
The juxtaposition of contrasting terms or grammatical units for rhetorical effect

Ex: Not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more.
A noun describing another noun, usually set off by a comma

Apud praetorem populi Romani, lectissimum virum.
Lectissimum virum is the apposition
The result of the if statement
Several clauses position together without any conjunction

I came, I saw, I conquered.
--Julius Caesar
Bipartite Construction
Any construction that consists of two parts. The cases of the leading words are the same.

Ex: Ille corporis motu tantum amorem sibi conciliarat a nobis omnibus; nos animorum incredibilis motus celeritatemque ingeniorum neglegemus?

The two parts are separated by a semicolon. Ille corporis and nos animorum are of the same case, and they are the leading words of the two sentences. Therefore the entire sentence uses the bipartite construction
Bracketing (Hyperbation)
The insertion of a word or a phrase between two elements of a grammatical construction that syntactically should stand together

Ratio aliqua ab optimarum artium studiis ac disciplina profecta
Ratio and profecta should go together, but the middle text is inserted
The second part of the if statement
connecting relative pronoun
A relative pronoun that stands a t the beginning of a new sentence and serves to connect it to the one preceding in which its antecedent lies

Arichias...venit Heracleam. Quae cum esset civitas

quae is the connecting relative
Introduction of a judicial speech
The elaboration of a theme previously introduced
use of conjunction for something that should be expressed with a modified noun

rainy and mondays >> rainy mondays
The subordinate clause started with a subordinate pronoun

ex: I will go when I am ready
when I am ready is the hyoptaxis
Hysteron Proteron
The reversal of natural order of ideas

"to slip and fall" >> "to fall and slip"
double negative
the part of judicial speech where the orator presents the facts of the case
anticipates an opponent's objection and refutes it
Symmetrical arrangement of a series of related words, phrases or clauses
A trademark of Ciceroniam rhetorical style, it invovles the suspension until final position of a word that is syntactically necessary
closing argument of the orator, making final appeal by summarizing all the themes he talked about
The use of a word in the clause preceding the one where it should naturally appear

ex: si quid est in me ingeni, iudices, quod sentio quam sit exiguum.
If there is in me any talent, judges, I sense how little it is.

"it" is the prolepsis

or is it?
Some dictionary says it is flashforward
The part of a judicial speech containing a rebuttal, or counter argument, to the opposition's case
The omission of a letter or a syllable from the middle of a word
Part for the whole

ex: bread winner
bread is the part of food
A list of three things
Seem to impress people
Tripartite construction
Any construction consisting of three parts, ranging from words and phrases, to clauses and sentences. Cicero's favorite rhetorical devices
Devication from structural expectation for the sake of avoiding predictable symmetry or repetition
A rhetorical device through which a single verb governs two or more objects in different ways

Ex: "he held his breath and the door for his wife."