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56 Cards in this Set

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a person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people.

You're just a big bully!

Teachers usually know who the bullies are in a class.

It takes courage to stand up to a bully.

Don't let anyone bully you into doing something you don't want to do.

He was bullied at school by some older boys.

Bullying is a problem in many schools.

متنمر / يتنمر علي/ متنمر عليه / يرهب / يستضعف


1 - a period of time between lessons at school.

2 - a period of time during the year when the members of a parliament, committee, etc. do not meet.

The court is in recess until October.

Parliament is taking the Christmas recess a little early this year.

He wouldn't play with me at recess.

I believe kids need more recess time.

عطله / استراحه / فسحه المدرسة


1 - to run, drive, etc. after somebody/something in order to catch them or it.

2 - to force somebody/something to run away.

My dog likes chasing rabbits.

The kids chased each other around the kitchen table.

Chase the cat out—we don't want her in the kitchen.

يطارد / يلاحق


US angry

UK crazy

You must be mad to risk it.

It was a mad idea.

I'll go mad if I have to wait much longer.

She's mad at me for being late.

Dad'll go mad when he sees what you've done.

مجنون / غاضب


the reason why something, especially something bad, happens.

The report ignores the root cause of the problem.

Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents.

There is no cause for alarm.

السبب / يسبب / الداع


a change or result that is caused by something.

The accident had a huge effect on her life.

We don’t know the long-term effects of this drug.

أثر / تأثير


grain that people eat or feed to animals.

a field of oats.

These cookies contain oats.



a plant whose grain is used for making flour, or the grain itself.

wheat bread.

If he eats anything with wheat in it he's very sick.



a food that is made from grain and eaten with milk, especially in the morning.

breakfast cereals.

It's a good idea to eat wholegrain breakfast cereal and to avoid too much sugar.

She stood looking at all the different boxes of cereal on the supermarket shelves.

Do you want cereal or eggs?

Wheat, rice, and corn are cereals.

طعام من حبوب / حبوب الافطار



At recess, the boys in my class were playing kickball.

I walked over to them.

“Can I play, too?” I asked.

David, a bigger boy chased me away.

He pointed at me and laughed.

The other boys laughed, too.

I felt sad.

I didn’t want to fight David.

I just wanted to play with the boys.

I said to David, “Leave me alone!”

He didn’t listen to me.

David makes me sad.

He is a bully.


Last night, I talked to my mom about David.

She said she would talk to my teacher, Mrs. Brown.

Today, my teacher talked to David.

Now I can play kickball with the boys.

David looked mad, but he didn’t say anything to me.

walk to / over

walk to

يسير الي ( مكان )

i walked to the park.

walked over to

يسير قاطع مسافة نحو ( مكان / شخص )

i walked over to my father.

i walked over to the shop.


Breakfast Cereal

breakfast is the first meal of the day .

many people think that is the most important meal of the day .

parents tell their children to eat a good breakfast.

many people eat cereal for breakfast but, children like to eat sweet things.

they want to eat a bowl of cereal only when it tastes sweet.

so, some cereal tastes like sugar or candy.

this is not good.

too much sugar is bad for you.

if a person does not eat a good breakfast, they can get very hungry later.

cereal with a lot of grain in them are very good for children.

the best cereal has grain and also tastes great.


للسؤال عن المعرفة


سؤال بغرض الاخبار فقط

Did you know horses like to eat oats ?


سؤال بغرض الاستفهام و منتظر إجابة

Do you know Michael ?

Do you know how to go home ?


to stay on the surface of a liquid and not go under.

I like floating on my back in the pool.



1 - to go down or make something go down under the surface of water and not come back up.

2 - to go down, or make something go down, into something soft.

The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg.

My feet keep sinking into the sand.

يَغْرَق / يَغوص


to die because you are underwater and cannot breathe, or to kill someone in this way.

He drowned in a boating accident.

If it wasn't for the life jacket, I would have drowned.

يَغْرَق / يُغْرِق


an area of sand or small stones near the ocean or another area of water such as a lake.

We spent the day on the beach.

a beach café.

a beach towel.



the land along the edge of a sea, lake, or wide river.

We rode into the city along the shore of Lake Washington.

Although it happened far from our shores (= this country), the disaster has affected many Americans.

الساحل / الشاطئ

هو اي مكان تلتقي فيه المياه باليابسه سواء رملي جبلي طريق صخور لذا فهو اعم من beach لان الاخير رملي فقط


1 - better or more important than usual things.

2 - different from normal things, or used for one purpose.

I’m cooking something special for her birthday.

You need to use a special kind of paint on metal.

خاص / مميز


(used to add information) also and more importantly.

The house is beautiful. Furthermore, it's in a great location.

I don’t know what happened to Roberto, and furthermore, I don’t care.

علاوة على ذلك / اضف إلى ذلك


wet soil.

he'd been playing football and was covered in mud.

طين / وحل


The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is not a sea.

It is actually a big lake.

It's a very special lake.

No one sinks into the water in this lake.

The Dead Sea is between the countries of Palestine and Jordan.

Nothing lives in it because the water is so salty.

The salt makes the water hold people up.

You can lie down on the Dead Sea and float.

You never sink into the water.

The Dead Sea is the lowest lake in the world.

It is about 415 meters below sea level.

Its shores are also the lowest dry land in the world.

Furthermore, people go to The Dead Sea to improve their health.

The salt and mud from The Dead Sea are good for your skin.

البحر الميت

- بحيرة و ليس بحر

- نسبة الملوحة 34%

- استحالة وجود شكل من الحياة فيه

- ملوحة البحر الميت 9 أضعاف اي بحر اخر

- البحر الميت أكثر نقطة منخفضة على الأرض

- 415 م تحت سطح البحر


go down in water


go down in water and die

What ? Did you think I was drowning? No, I just enjoy sinking myself into cold water.


angry and violent towards another person.

aggressive behaviour.

My neighbor's dog is really aggressive. Nobody is safe near him.



a part of a coat or jacket that covers your head and neck.

remove the hood, man I can't see your face.

a raincoat with a hood.

قُلُنْسُوة / غطاء الرأس


existing only in fiction.

a fictional character.

But who was real and who was fictional ?



an animal that is hunted and killed for food by another animal.

foxes prey on rabbits.

Spiders usually catch their prey by building webs.

if you are not a hunter, you can be a prey.

يفترس / فريسة


a group of animals, such as dogs, that live and/or hunt together.

a wolf pack.

a pack of wild dogs.

a pack of thieves.

wolves live in packs.

مجموعه / قطيع


to divide things into groups according to type.

We classify our books by subject.

the movie is classify as a comedy.

تصنيف / تبويب


1 - To hone an object is to make it sharper.

2 - to direct something such as an ability to make it more effective.

He helps performers hone their skills as dancers and singers.

to hone scissors.

شحذ / سن


The World of Wolves

Many people think that a wolf is a dangerous and aggressive animal.

In the fictional story " Little Red Riding " the wolf ate the little girl's grandmother.

He also tried to eat the little girl.

The girl was afraid of the wolf.

She was happy when a nice man came to save her.

Many people think that if they see a wolf, the wolf will attack them.

This is not true.

Most wolves are afraid of people.

They attack other, smaller animals.

Small animals are the wolf's prey.

The wolf in " Little Red Riding Hood " was alone.

However, real wolves like to stay in packs.

They hunt and live in a group.

They do not live alone.



Rome, the capital of Italy, is a city like no other.For more than two millennia, this city was the center of European culture, politics and religion.Walking around the streets of Rome feels like talking a tour through the history of humankind.Rome is filled with ancient churches, Roman ruins, beautiful fountains, spacious squares and expensive shops.There are plenty of tourist attractions in Rome such as the famous Colosseum, The Vatican, and the Trevi Fountain.Most tourists try not to miss visiting the Trevi Fountain because of the coin throwing traditiona which some believe brings good luck.Every day, more than 3000 Euros end up in the Trevi Fountain.



Rome, the capital of Italy, is a city like no other.

For more than two millennia, this city was the center of European culture, politics and religion.

Walking around the streets of Rome feels like talking a tour through the history of humankind.

Rome is filled with ancient churches, Roman ruins, beautiful fountains, spacious squares and expensive shops.

There are plenty of tourist attractions in Rome such as the famous Colosseum, The Vatican, and the Trevi Fountain.

Most tourists try not to miss visiting the Trevi Fountain because of the coin throwing traditiona which some believe brings good luck.

Every day, more than 3000 Euros end up in the Trevi Fountain.


the most important city in a country or state.

Paris is the capital of France.



all the people in the world.



the broken parts that are left from an old building or town.

Thousand of tourists wander around these ancient ruins every year.

The bad weather ruined our trip.

That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job.

the ruins of an ancient temple.

She's ruined everything.

The castle is now a ruin.

دَمار / خَراب / انقاض


a structure that forces water up into the air as a decoration.

There was a picture of the Trevi fountain on the front of the book.

the fountain in Central Park.



large and with a lot of space.

a spacious apartment / office.

A spacious house is comfortable.

واسع / رحب


a custom or way of behaving that has continued for a long time in a group of people.

There is a great tradition of dance in St Petersburg.

In keeping with tradition, they always have turkey on Christmas Day.

He turned his back on old tradition.



a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends.

How did you celebrate the millennium?

The book is a history of the last two millennia.

Imagine what the world will be like at the end of the next millennium.



plural of millennium.



ideas and activities relating to how a country or area is governed.

He has little interest in politics.

She’s planning to retire from politics next year.

He is very sensitive when it comes to politics.



1 - able to understand what people are feeling and behave in a way that does not upset them.

2 - often upset by the things people say or do.

3 - A sensitive subject or situation needs to be dealt with carefully in order to avoid upsetting people.

I want a man who’s kind and sensitive.

She’s very sensitive about her weight.

He has a very sensitive nose.

Religion is a sensitive issue.



someone who is owned by someone else and has to work for them.

He treats his mother like a slave.

a slave and his master.

Get your own drink - I'm not your slave!

Born a slave in 1760, he was sold as a child to a farmer in Delaware.



the condition of being legally owned by someone else, or the system in which some people are owned by others.

Those states still had slavery.

Millions of Africans were sold into slavery.

These kids are victims. This is no better than slavery.



from a very long time ago.

the ancient kingdoms of Mexico.

the ancient Egyptians/Greeks/Romans.

قَديم / عَتيق

Pacific Ocean

the largest of the world's oceans, lying between America to the east and Asia and Australasia to the west.

المحيط الهادئ


one of the seven main areas of land on the earth, such as Asia, Africa, or Europe.

the North American continent.

the continents of Asia and Africa.قارّة


a sudden movement of the earth’s surface, often causing damage.

In 1906 an earthquake destroyed much of San Francisco.

زِلْزال / هَزَّة أَرْضيَّة


Flying to Saturn for vacation

Many people go on vacation to different parts of the world.

They like to travel to exciting places.

However, what about going to another planet for vacation ?

That would be a new and amazing adventure !

If you go to Saturn for your vacation, you will be surprised.

Everything is very different.

The wind on Saturn is strong.

It will push you around.

You will feel like you are flying.

Also, Saturn is made of gas.

Saturn is far from the sun, but the gas is hot .

This is because Saturn has a very hot interior.

This heats up the planet.

Do you want to go to Saturn for vacation ?

Mercury كوكب عطارد

Venus كوكب الزهرة

Earth كوكب الارض

Mars كوكب المريخ

Jupiter كوكب المشتري

Saturn كوكب زحل

Uranus كوكب أورانوس

Neptune كوكب نيبتون

Pluto كوكب بلوتو

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Noodles.


an exciting and sometimes dangerous experience.

They had quite a few adventures on their travels.



a period of time when you are not at home but are staying somewhere else for enjoyment.

We’re taking a vacation to Florida.Sam was vacationing in Guatemala.



the inside part of something

I have never seen the interior of the hotel.



strange and not explained or understood

the mysterious death of her son.

These mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the ocean.

When I got home, I found a mysterious message sellotaped to the front door.



a room or building that is used for showing paintings and other art to people.

The painting is now on display at the National Gallery in London.

the most famous sculpture in the gallery.



something that you do or say to show that you respect and admire someone.

Thousands of people stood in silent tribute to the dead president.

This song is a tribute to Jone.

Tributes have been pouring in from all over the world for the famous actor who died yesterday.

I've never met a five-year-old as well behaved as your son - he's a tribute to you!

تَكْريم / تَقْدير / عرفان