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99 Cards in this Set

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What four tissue types are found in the body?
Epithelial, connective. nervous, muscle
What is the main function of epithelial tissue?
"boundary between different environments" Epithelium is a sheet of cells that covers a body surface or lines a cavity.
Describe epithelial tissue using one word.
What is the main function of connective tissue?
The main function of connective tissue are binding and support, protection, insulation and transportation.
Describe connective tissue using one word.
What is the main function of nervous tissue?
Nervous tissue is the main component of the nervous system, which regulates and controls body functions.
Describe nervous tissue using one word.
What is the main function of muscle tissue?
Muscle tissue are highly cellular, well-vascularized tissues responsible for movement.
Describe muscle tissue using one word?
What is a group of similar cells that are together to perform a common function?
Tissue is a group of similar cells that are together to preform a common function.
What type of tissue is a sheet of cells that covers the body surface or lines a body cavity?
Epithelial tissue
What are some functions of epithelial tissues?
provides a "boundary between different environments, covering or lining epithelium, glandular epithelium
What type of tissue has a recognizable top and bottom and has cells that are tightly bound together?
epithelial tissue
True or False. Epithelial tissue contains blood vessels?
True or False. Epithelial tissue contain nerve fibers?
True epithelial tissue is avascular but innervated.
What is the general shape (number of sides) of epithelial tissue?
cells are 6 sided
What has a high capability for regeneration and repair even though it does not have blodd vessels?
Epithelial tissue
All epithelial tissue rests on__________ tissue?
All epithelial tissue rests on connective tissue.
What is a basement membrane?
Reticular lamina (connective tissue) support epithelial tissue which make up the basement membrane
What is the difference between stratified and simple epithelial tissue?
The difference between stratified and simple eoithelial tissue is how many layers they have. simple is one layer stratified is more than one
What do you call an epithelial tissue that has cells that are flat and are stacked many layers thick?
Stratified (outer portion of skin)
Simple epithelium
refers to tissue that have one layer
Stratified epithelium
refers to tissue that is more then one layer thick
What are different shapes of epithelial tissue?
squamous, cuboidal, columar
When naming epithelial tissue with many layers (which is called), what layer of cells does one look at to determine the name?
stratified refers to many layers and one would look at the apical layer of the cell to name.
What are the function(s) of pseudostratifed columnar epithelium?
secretion and absorption; present in male sperm ducts, ciliated in trachea and upper respitory tract.
What type of tissue forms the outer portion of the skin?
stratified squamous
How many layers of cells are present in pseudostratified columnar epithelium?
pseudostratified columnar is a single layer.
T/F all cells of pseudostratified columnar epithelium reach the surface.
False: cells have variable heights.
What is the major function of stratified squamous epithelial tissue?
protection of underlying areas subjected to abrasion.
What is the major function of stratified cuboidal/columnar epithelial tissue?
Stratified columnar-gladular ducts. They are rare/limited in the body. Stratified cuboidal-mamary glands (secretion)
Where would you find transitional epithelium?
The lining of hollow organs in the urinary system.
What type of tissue allows for stretching in the urinary system?
Transitional epithelium.
What is special about the shape of the cells in transitional epithelial tissue?
They change shape to permit the stretching of the urinary bladder.
What is the definition of a gland?
One or more cells that make and secrete and aqueous fluid.
What is the difference between multicellular and unicellular glands?
The number of cells forming the gland.
What type of glands are usually embedded within epithelial sheets?
exocrine glands.
What type of gland secretes onto the body?
exocrine glands.
What are the two parts of an exocrine gland?
secretory unit and duct.
What are some examples of secretions of the exocrine glands?
Mucus, sweat, oil and salivary glands.
What is a goblet cell?
The only important unicellular gland secretes mucin.
Where does an endocrine gland secrete its products?
Into lymph or blood.
What type of gland secretes hormones?
endocrine glands.
What is special about how a merocrine releases its products?
It releases it as it is made.
What is special about how a holocrine releases its products?
Accumulates until they bursts, all is released at once. e.g. oil glands in the skin.
What are the four classes of connective tissue?
Connective tissue proper, cartilage, bone tissue and blood.
What type of embryonic layer does all connective tissue arise from?
What is the most abundant major tissue type in the human body?
Connective tissue.
Connective tissue has very____ (high/low) cell density.
What makes up most of the space of connective tissues?
Non-living extracellular matrix.
What special cells can be found in connective tissues and where would you find them?
fibrocytes-connective tissue proper, chondrocytes-cartilage, osteocytes-bone, and erythrocytes-blood.
What is the loosely organized material that sits between cells in connective tissue?
ground substance.
What is ground substance composed of?
Interstitial fluids (H2O)
Why do nutrients easily diffuse through most connective tissues?
Interstitial fluid is mainly H2O.
___ connective tissue is mostly composed of ground substance and is usually used as a soft packing tissue.
loose connective tissue.
What is the most abundant connective tissue?
areolar connective tissue.
What are the major function of areolar tissue?
wraps and cushions organs.
What are the major functions of adipose tissues?
reserved food stores, insulates against heat loss and supports and protects organs.
Fat makes up 90% of what kind of tissue?
adipose tissue.
_____ connective tissue is mostly composed of protein fibers and is strong in resisting mechanical stress.
dense regular.
What special cells can be found in connective tissues and where would you find them?
fibrocytes-connective tissue proper, chondrocytes-cartilage, osteocytes-bone, and erythrocytes-blood.
What is the loosely organized material that sits between cells in connective tissue?
ground substance.
What is ground substance composed of?
Interstitial fluids (H2O)
Why do nutrients easily diffuse through most connective tissues?
Interstitial fluid is mainly H2O.
___ connective tissue is mostly composed of ground substance and is usually used as a soft packing tissue.
loose connective tissue.
What is the most abundant connective tissue?
areolar connective tissue.
What are the major function of areolar tissue?
wraps and cushions organs.
What are the major functions of adipose tissues?
reserved food stores, insulates against heat loss and supports and protects organs.
Fat makes up 90% of what kind of tissue?
adipose tissue.
_____ connective tissue is mostly composed of protein fibers and is strong in resisting mechanical stress.
dense regular.
True or False. Fibers of irregular dense connective tissue run parallel to each other?
False, the fibers run in all directions
True or False. Fibers of regular dense connective tissue run parallel to each other?
What type of dense connective tissue is found in the walls of large arteries?
elastic dense connective tissue
What type of connective tissue is mostly made of tissue fluid and withstands tension and compression?
True or False. Cartilage contains blood vessels but no nerve fibers?
False cartilage lacks nerve fibers and blood vessels.
What type of cartilage is the most abundant in the body?
hyaline cartilage
The ends of long bones and the tip of the nose are examples of _________ cartilage.
hyaline cartilage
How is elastic cartilage different when compared to hyaline cartilage?
Elastic cartilage has more elastic fibers and maintains shape and structure while allowing flexibility.
Where can you find examples of elastic cartilage?
external ear and epiglottis
How is fibrous cartilage different when compared to hyaline cartilage?
fibrous cartilage is less firm with thick collagen fibers provides strong support and absorbs compression shock
Intervertebral disks are an example of _______ cartilage.
True or False. Bone is composed of collagen fibers and organic calcium salts?
False; bones are made of collagen fibers but inorganic calcium salts.
What type of connective tissue is the site of blood cell synthesis?
What type of connective tissue is the way that the cardiovascular system transports nutrients?
______________ is united with other connective tissues because it arises from the mesenchyme embryonic layer.
What are the major functions of nervous tissue?
They transmit electrical signals from sensory receptors to effectors (muscles and glands)
What type of tissue is responsible for body movements?
Muscle tissue
What type of muscle tissue is attached to bones and is responsible for external body movements?
Skeletal tissue
What is the main function of cardiac muscle tissue?
lines the walls of the heart and as it contracts it propels blood into circulation; involuntary movement
Where would you find smooth muscle tissue?
Found in the walls of hollow organs; propels substances along internal passageways.
What two tissues types make up the membranes of the body?
stratified squamous and dense irregular connective tissue
True or False. Membranes if the body are organs?
True they are considered simple organs because they contain 2 tissue types.
Where would you find the cutaneous membrane?
Is your skin
What body membrane is considered a dry membrane?
Cutaneous membrane
What body membranes are considered wet membranes?
Mucous membrane and serous membranes
What major body membrane lines the internal body cavities that are open to the environment?
Mucous membrane
What is an example of a mucous membrane?
digestive and respiratory tracts; nasal cavity and esophagus lining
Which group of major body membranes is a double layered membrane and has a lubricating layer between the membranes?
Serous membrane
What major body membrane reduces the friction of organs that move across one another?
Serous membrane