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194 Cards in this Set

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*what is regulated to maintain adequate tissue perfusion in response to diff enviro stimuli?


volume homeostasis & Vascular tone regulated to maintain adequate tissue perfusion in response to diff enviro stimuli

trani tracks at disneyland maintained

what involves inapropriate vol regulation causing edema?

first park

volume homeostasis-part 1 involves inapropriate vol regulation causing edema

the first park of disneyland has faulty water dam causing flooding

what is pathological accumulation of fluid in extracellular space?


edema is pathological accumulation of fluid in extracellular space

flooding spreads water to outside moat

*what is degree of contration of VSM?

degree of turbulence on smooth train ride

vascular tone-part 2: is degree of contraction of vascular smooth muscles

degree of turbulence on smooth train ride

*what determines if tissues esp heart recieves sufficient oxygen and nutrients?

treese at disneyland

vascular tone determines if tissues(esp heart) receive sufficient O2 and nutrients

green treese ensure disney land never runs out of O2 and nutrients

what is volume regulation?

secret service men

volume reguation is rightly regulated set of mechanisms that sense, signal & modulate changes in plasma vol

disneylands pools are regulated by SSM Disneys secret service men

what do volume sensors include?

A Koala Van

Volume Sensors includes: Atria, Kidneys, Vasculature (AKV)

secret service men keep there sensors in A Koala Van (AKV) in the forrestry

what volume constitutes small proportion of body's water?

indoor pools

intravascular volume constitutes small proportion of body's water

indoor pools constitute small part of disneyland

what is the ratio distribution of body water?

distribution of disneylands water

distribution of body's water includes: total body water divided into two branches: 2/3 intracellular, 1/3 extracellular: 3/4 interstitial space, 1/4 plasma

distribution of disneylands water is mostly inside coming from the sea, with a smaller percentage outside which makes up the smaller pools and water slides

what is the fluid exchange equation?

Minny's Frilly Frock

Fluid Exchange equation: FF=Kf(Pc–Pif) –(Πc–Πif)

minny mouse's Frilly Frocks (FF) Kame from (Kf) ad on her Pc (Pc) which was in picture in a Pif form(Pif), so she bought aswas Nice(Πc) and looked nifty(Πif)

what is the defenition of Kf?


Kf: capillary permeability

suns shines through curtains of disney castle

defenition fo Pc?

tight shoes

Pc : caplillary hydrostatic pressure

walking at disneyland with tight shoes causes pressure

defenition fo Pif?

water bottle tree

Pif: interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure

water bottle tree at dysneyland has inside pressure

defenition for Πc?

cop at disney door

Πc: capillary oncotic pressure

cop applying pressure to door at dysneyland

defenition for Πif?

fluid filled beehive

Πif: interstitial fluid oncotic pressure

fluid in beehive at disneyland

what is determined by junctions between endothelial cells lining vascular space?

gaps in certains

Capillary permeability: determined by junctions b/w individual endothelial cells lining a vascular space

sunshining through curtains of disney caste determined by gaps of curtains

what is determined by molecular solute components of fluid spaces differentially partitioned between adjacent compartments?

Old Park at dysneyland

Oncotic pressure(OP): determined by molecular solute components of a fluid space differentially partitioned b/w adjacent compartments

the Old park with dignosaurs have different kinds of water spaces differently partitioned between adjacent compartments of grass and sand

what is another force for water movement?

water feature

Hydrostatic pressure gradient: across capillary barrier b/w compartment is another force for water movement

hydrostatic pressure graduent across the ground battier causes water movement forming water feature

what does fluid exchange involve?

exchange of water between sea and lakes

Fluid echange involves arterial end and venous end

Fluid echange involves arterial end and venous end

the water at dysney land exchanges between the blue sea to the inner lakes of the resort, the artistic end in the theme park and the big blue sea end

what is plasma filtration from capillary to interstitial space?

bigger lake to inner lakes

arterial end: plasma filtration from capilarry to interstiatial space

water filters from thebigger lake Into the inner lakes

what is hydrostatic fluid filtration and oncotic fluid absorption nearly balanced?

balanced waves

Venous end: hydrostatic fluid filtration & oncotic fluid absorption nearly balanced

waves balanced in sea end of disneyland

what is the balance of driving forces between fluids of intravascular and interstitial compartments?

outside water depends on forces between inner puddles and lakes

extracellular fluid: is the balance of driving forces between fluids of intracvascular & interstitial compartments

outside water level depends on balance of water force between inner puddle compartments and inner lake compartments

what are volume regulators, how are they controlled?

secret service men with walky talkies

volume regulators are a neurohormonal response to volume echanges controlled by: Responders to reduced intravascular volume and responders to increased intravascular volume

disney water regulators are the secret service men who have walky talkies that respond to a high or low water volume, letting know if needs filling or cleaning up

what are responders to reduced intravascular vol?

Ross and Aden have a Reason to be low

Responders to reduced intravascular volume: Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system(RAAS), ADH (Antidiuretic hormone), Renal Sympathetic Nerves (RSN)

Ross and Aden are the two secret service men who have a ReaSoN to to walky talky letting walt disney know when there is low water in disneyland

what are responders to increased intravascular vol?

secret park ranger high

Responders to increased intravascular volume include Natriureticpeptides (NP)

secet service park ranger man response in disneys Nature Park when park is fludding

describe where renin comes from and who converts it and how?

Angelo grows up after meeting Jack and Lary

renin by kidneys stimulates AI secreted by liver, ACE by lungs then converts AI to AII

renin by kidneys stimulates AI secreted by liver, ACE by lungs then converts AI to AII

Angelo eats a red kidney bean fed to her by jack the kid with beans which makes him grow up to be taller when he meets larry the gambler who then throws ace cards at him

what is the net effect of RAAS activation?

net effect of ross 's job at dysneyland

net effect of RAAS activation is to maintain tissue perfusion, increase extracellular fluid volume

Ross maintains and manages the fiilling of the outside water supply

what does the modulation of renin release, what wchanges does it involve?

A thick Jell

Modulation of Renin release involves 3 changes in the following: afferent arteriol, juxtaglomerular cells with β1 adrenergic receptors and in tubuloglomerular feedback (AJT)

A Thick Jell (ATJ) comes out of a squisked kidney bean at dysney land when Angelo eats it

describe change one by renin

sun hits water feature pipe

change 1: decreased pressure in afferent arteriole

sun hits ball water feature, decreasing the pressure in its piping as it melts

descibe change two by renin

clown with funny shoe playing juke box

change 2: Juctaglomerular cells expressing β1-adrenergic receptors secrete renin

a cloun with a funny shoe playing a juke box n B sharp causes Aden to salivate A Thick Jell

descibe change three by renin

tubor above trees gives feedback sound

change 3: tubuloglomerular feedback is an autoregulatory mechanism that senses distal nephron Na+/Cl- release & modulates renin release

tubor nearby row of treese sends a feedback message after receiving a message to release and mediate Adens saliva, when it should come and when it should go

describe the effects of Angiotensin II on the Adrenal cortex

Many Distant Cars

effects of Angiotensin II on: Adrenal cortex: Aldosterone secretion, increases NaCl absoprtion, which acts on MDC(Medullary thick ascending limb of henle, Distal Tubule, Collecting duct

effects of Angiotensin II on: Adrenal cortex: Aldosterone secretion, increases NaCl absoprtion, which acts on MDC(Medullary thick ascending limb of henle, Distal Tubule, Collecting duct

tall grown up angellique sing out to Al to help bring in some more salt for food and chlorine for pools, so Al does this at sites of Many Distant Car (MDC) where there is no water and thus no salt

what are the effect of Angiotensin II on renal proximal tubule?

angelliques effect on proximal slides

effect of Angiotensin II on renal proximal tubule: increased NaCl absorption

the nearby water slide workers adds more salt and chlorine into there pool after angelica sings out to them

what are the effect of Angiotensin II on Renal effent arterioles?

angellique maintains water slide

effect of Angiotensin II on Renal effent arterioles (vasoconstriction maintains GFR

angellique calls out to the people in charge of the slide nearby of al, and she maintains its filtration rate, making sure its cleaned regularily by kinking the hoze on and off to keep a momentum

what are the effect of Angiotensin II on hypothalamus?

everyone thirsty

effect of Angiotensin II on hypothalamus: thirst, increased ADH secretion (Antidiretic hormone)

angellique makes everyone at park thirsty as she gets aden to keep adding salt and chlorine to the pools at disneyland

when are Natriuretic peptides released ?

nature park cleaners

Natriuretic peptides: are released in response to high intravascular volume

Natriuretic peptides: are released in response to high intravascular volume

nature park cleaners sent out when park is flooded inside disney park

wha are the three types of natriuretic peptides?

three nature park cleaners

"3 types natriuretic peptides

•A-type natriureticpeptide (ANP): released mainly by atria

•BNP:released mainly by ventricles

•CNP:vascular endothelial cells"

three nature park cleaners which inclue an apple, banana and a carrot

where is ANP released mainly by?

apple from heart of disneyland

ANP released mainly by atria

apple nature park cleaner sent from the heart of disneyland, from inside the disney castle

where is BNP released mainly by?

banana in front of gate of disney castle

BNP released from heart ventricles

banana nature park cleaner sent form outside the disney castle, at the front fence

where is CNP released mainly by?

carrot in side shed

CNP released from vascular endothelial cells

carrot nature park cleaner sent from the round side shed next to the disney castle

what does ANP do?

apple pulls leaver in disney castle

what ANP does: reduces blood pressure by: vascular smooth muscle relaxation, increased capillary endothelioal permeability

the apple reduces the water pressure from inside the disneycastle by pulling the leaver that opens any areaqs of water, such as train track gutters, so water that is flooded inside can exit back into the sea

what is ANPs effect on the kidneys?

apple soacks jack the kids kidney beans

ANP effect on Kidneys: increases GFR, natriuresis

Apple the nature park cleaner increases their edibility of jacks beans by soaking them

what is ANPs effect on the CNS?

apple tells men in back to stop feeling sympathetic for aden and water

ANP effect in CNS: decreases fluid intake, decreaes ADH (Antidiuretic hormone), decreases sympathetic tone

apple the forrest cleaner then effects central security intelligence by telling men in black to decrease the water they bring in and stop aden entering and stop feeling sympathetic for not letting them in


net effect of nature park cleaners


the net effect of these park cleaners and there signals is to decrease the flooding in disneyland nature reserve area

what does ADH do to peripheral vessels and renal collecting duct?

Aden works as groundskeeper

ADH: constricts peripheral vessels and promotes water reabsorption in renal collecting duct

ADH: constricts peripheral vessels and promotes water reabsorption in renal collecting duct

Aden works for disneyland as a groundskeeper who constricts hozes and promotes water to be reussed from all gutters, parks, etc

how dpes ADH constricts peripheral vessels?

aden constricts gutter pipes at train track

how ADH constricts peripheral vessels: via V1receptors on vascular smooth muscle cells

Aden constricts the pipes leading from gutters on sunny smooth train tracks so no water can leave

how does ADH promotes water reabsorption in renal collecting ducts?

aden takes shoe out of collecting gutters

how ADH promotes water reabsorption in renal collecting ducts: Via V2receptor expressed in collecting duct principal cells

aden promotes recycling at collecting gutters at train tracks by unblocking it by taking out a shoe that clogs it
where do the Renal sympathetic nerves innervate?

empty piping is the reason the secret service men Ross and Aden can walky talky
Renal sympathetic nerves: innervate both Afferent and Efferent arterioles
"empty piping from inside and outside disney land" is the ReaSoN Ross and Aden the two secret service men can walky talky letting walt disney know when there is low water in disneyland

RSN does what?

outside piping contricted, limiting jack the kid to boil kidney beans

RSN decrease intravascular volume, leads to contriction of afferent arteriole, lowers GFR, lowers natriuresis

RSN decrease intravascular volume, leads to contriction of afferent arteriole, lowers GFR, lowers natriuresis

this empty piping leads to the outside piping to become constricted, which leads to jack the kid not able to boil kidney beans as no water

describe the renal control of sodiume excretion

Little Pinch During Cooking

"Renal control of Sodium excretion: kidneys with there nephrons filter ~180L of fluid per day via 4 things: 1. Proximal convoluted tubule (PCT)2. Loop of Henle: 3. Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)4. Collecting duct"

(PLDC) Jack with his two kidney beans controls how much salt he puts on them after cooking them by putting a "Little Pinch During Cooking"(LPDC)

what is the Proximal convoluted Tubule cell (PCTC), what does it mediate?

Parting rocks from Kidney beans before cooking

"Proximal convoluted Tubule cell (PCTC): is the first reabsorptive site in nephron: it mediates:2/3 Na+ reabsorption60% Cl-reabsorption85-90% bicarbonate reabsorption"

(P) Parting the rocks from the kidney beans before cooking is the first process for jack when cooking beans

what does the fluid entering the Loop of Henle Cell have?

beans in jacks ladle have a lot of salt

Fluid entering the Loop of Henle Cell has high Na+

(L) Beans jacks cooking Ladle have a lot of salt

Fluid entering the Loop of Henle Cell has high?

beans in jacks ladle have a lot of salt

Fluid entering the Loop of Henle Cell has high Na+

(L) Beans jacks cooking Ladle have a lot of salt

how does the loop of henle reabsorb NaCl?

ladel reabsorb salty flavours from beans without water

loop of henle reabsorb NaCl without water: Dilutes tubular fluid. Maintains appropriate solute concentration in kidney

ladle reabsorb the salty flavours in beans without any water

what does NKCC2 co-transporter reabsorb?

jack reuses salty flavoured water by Not Caring

NKCC2 co-transporter reabsorbs 25-30% of the filtered NaCl in kidney

jack reuses ~30% of the salty flavoured water used to boil his kidney beans by Not Caring

what does CLC-K2 pumps out?

Jacks cuttlery

CLC-K2: pumps out imported Cl

Jacks Cuttlery drains out juice from boiled kidney beans

what does ROMK do?

jacks side romb steak in recycled pot

ROMK: recycles back to lumen imported K+

as a side of kidney beans, is a romp steak in a recycled pot

what does CLC-K2 & ROMK: lumen positive transepithelial potential difference- Drive?

more salt added to Jacks cuttlery and Rumb steak

CLC-K2 & ROMK: lumen positive transepithelial potential difference- Drives reabsorption of additional Na+from lumen to interstitium

Jacks Cutlery and Rumb steak gets more salt added to it

what does the distal Convoluted Tubule Cell (DCTC): reabsorb?

During cooking

Distal Convoluted Tubule Cell (DCTC): reabsorbs 2-10% of filtered NaCl

During Cooking kidney beans reabsorb 2-10% salty flavoured water

DCTC is still impermeable to?

during cooking no water added

DCTC is still impermeable to luminal H2O

during cooking water cant be added to beans

in DCTC Na+ exits via?

salt drainer on the pot

in DCTC Na+ exits via Na+/K+-ATPase

during cooking, the salkt is drained by a salt drainder on the pot

in DCTC TRPV5 transporter mediates reabsorption of what?

jack trips while cooking

in DCTC TRPV5 transporter mediates reabsorptionof luminal Ca2+

during cooking jack trips and spills milk in beans

in DCTC Reabsorbed Ca2+ crosses basolateral membrane via?

Neat cut X shape

in DCTC Reabsorbed Ca2+ crosses basolateral membrane via NCX (Na+/Ca2+ exchanger)

During cooking beans the reabsorbed milk crosses the bean outer husk by a Neat Cut X shape

where is the collecting duct?

golf holes

Collecting Duct (CORTICAL COLLECTING DUCT PRINCIPAL CELL): in the terminal portion of nephron

golf holes collect golf balls in terminal portion of disneyland

CCD abd OMCD have principle cells which allows them to do what?

intercalated golf holes reabsorb 1-5 gold balls

CCD abd OMCD have principle cells which allows them to reabsorb 1-5% of filtered Na+ as they have intercalated cells in them

the gold ball holes suck up 1-5 gold balls as they have intercollated holes

In Collecting ducts, Na+ enters throughwhat transporter?

nackererd sweating out salt after golf round

In Collecting ducts, Na+ enters through ENaC transporter

after a full round of gold, everyone is nackered and swearing out salt

in collecting ducts Na+ exits through what?

golf pot

in collecting ducts Na+ exits through Na+/K+-ATPase

someone comes and collects the gold balls at disneyland using a special golf pot

*what is the pathophysiology of edema formation?

clear or muddy water

Pathophysiologyof Edema Formation: Edema is the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space: can be transudative or Exudative

flooding inside disneyland can be clear or muuddy water

describe transudative edema

clear water

transudative edema:

its involves pathological retention of Na+ with low protein content

clear water inside disneyland has salt water but clean

what is exudative edemas protein state?

muddy water

Exudative Edema: high protein content

muddy water at disneyland has high amounts of dirt in it

*what leads to edema formation?

Having No care

(HCN)heart failure, Cirrhosis, Nephrotic Syndrome:

Leads to edema formation

"HNC:Having No Care" of water systems at dysneyland leads to flooding

*Pharmacological Classes & Agents effecting Kidneys include what kinds of agents?

disneylands cheff agents

Pharmacological Classes & Agents effecting Kidneys include:

Agents that modify neurohormonal volume regulators &

Agents altering renal Na+ handling

cooking agents at DL that modify the fluid vol and salt handling while cooking kidney beans

Agents that modify neurohormonal volume regulators include?

ross blocking cheffs, altering nature park ranges, interupting adens signalling

Agents that modify neurohormonal volume regulators include: RAAS inhibitors, Alter circulating levels of natriureticpeptides, Interrupt ADH signaling

Ross blocking cheffs, altering nature park ranges and interupting Adens signalling all effect the fluid vol while cooking kidney beans

what are the RAAs inhibitors?

raam inhibits ross

"RAAS inhibitors include:


•Angiotensinconverting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors•AngiotensinII type 1 receptor (AT1R) inhibitors•Mineralocorticoidreceptor antagonists"

a RAAM inhibits Ross

what are agents that alter renal Na+ handling?

Di handles the salt

Agents that alter renal Na+ handling includes: Diuretics

Di handles the salt when cooking kidney beans

what are renin inhibitors?

alis in wonderfland

Renin inhibitors: Aliskerin

alis in wonderland doesn’t like kidney beans at DL

what are ACE inhibitors?

Cerl doesn’t like gambling at DL

ACE inhibitors: Captopril, enalapril, ramipril, lisinopril

Carl from simsons at disneyland doesn’t like Gambling at DL

what is captopril?

sea captain in simpsons

Captopril: active as given, but also converted to active metabolite

sea captain in simpsons is always active walking around ship, but also can become active if needed

enalapril, ramipril: prodrugs, converted where to active metabolite?

ena and her pet ram

enalapril, ramipril: prodrugs, converted in plasma to active metabolite

ena and her ram at DL are athletes that take of their tracksuits and become active in the water

explain how Lisinopril is given and excreted from kidnets?

lisa simpson plays her sax

Lisinopril: given in active form, excreted unchanged from kidneys

lisa simpson at dysneyland actively plays her saxc, has remained unchanged

are ACE inhibitors tolerated?

gambling stoppers (simpsons) police at DL

ACE inhibitors Generally well tolerated

gambling stoppers at DL torated by gamblers like Phat toni

what are the side effects of ACE inhibitors?

simpsons police cause side effects

"ACE inhibitors: Side effects: cough & swelling (bradykininaccumulation)caused byHypotension, acute renal failure, hyperkalemia"

simpsons police cause side effects are shooting

*what conditions are ACE inhibitors used for>

Simpsons police prevent injury by Carrying Hot Heavy Armour

ACE inhibitors Used to treat hypertension, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, acute MI

simpsons police treat and prevent injury by (HHCA) Carrying Hot Heavy Armour

what do AT1R inhibitors include?

Las Vegas

AT1R inhibitors include: Losartan and Valsartan

Las Vegas inhibits peoples ATAR scores by making them party at Disneyland

Losartan and Valsartan better at blocking Ang II compared to what inhibitor?

Las vegas better than simpsons police

Losartan and Valsartan better at blocking Ang II compared to ACE inhibitors

Las vagus does a better job at stopping grown up Angello in his tracks

what effect does Losartan and Valsartan (AT1R inhibitors) have on bradykinin?

las vagus has no effect on bradybunch family

Losartan and Valsartan (AT1R inhibitors) have no effect on bradykinin

las vagus has no effect on bradybunch goody family

*what are Losartan and Valsartan used in treating?

Las Vegus for relaxation

Losartan and Valsartan used to treat hypertension, beneficial in stroke, and combined with ACEI in heart failure

Las vegus helps people relax sometimes simpsons police go there

what do natriuretic peptides include?

Ned the Nature Park cleaner

Natriuretic peptides includes: Nesiritide

Nature Park agent is Ned flanders

Nesurutude is recombinant human sequence....?

Neds mostache

Nesurutude is recombinant human sequence BNP

Neds mostache looks lie a curly sequence

*is nesiritide effective orally? when is it used?

Ned doest talk much, works short term managing waste in Nature Parks

Nesiritide is ineffective orally, is used for short term management of decompensated heart failure

Ned doesnt talk at disneyland as it doesnt help, just works short term managing decomposed waste

what are the side effects of nesirtide?

Ned gets allergies working at Disneys Nature parks

Nesirtide has side effects: Hypotension(exacerbated when co-administered with ACE inhibitor, also causes increased risk of renal function

Ned gets allergy side effects working in disneys nature parks when working together with simpsons chief police who stresses him

"•Agents that modify neurohormonal volume regulators: Interrupt what kind of signalling?

Aden bumps into Agon and ants as he is about to make a call and gets interuppted

"•Agents that modify neurohormonal volume regulators: Interrupt ADH signaling: include Vasopressin (Antidiretic Hormone ADH) receptor agonists and antagonists"

Aden bumps into Aden and ants who preoccupy him so he doesnt call out on his cell phone

what are vasopressin receptor agonists and antagonists

Agons friends, Demi, Coni, Toll gate man, Teri at Dysneyland bump into Aden

vasopressin receptor agonists and antagonists include: DEMECLOCYCLINE, CONIVAPTAN, TOLVAPTAN, TERLIPRESSIN

Agons friends include: Demi lavado, Coni real estate, Toll gate man and Teri leventhal, all with him at dysneyland and alter the way Aden makes his call on cell phone

what does Demeclocycline treat?

Demi lovado cleans excess spills at DL

"•Demeclocycline: treats ADH excess; unknown mechanism"

Demi lovado cleans up excess spills at DL by an unknwon mechanism

what is conivaptan used to treat?

coni wearing ant outfit holding iv needle, treats visitors of DL unfortunately while seated on hot sunny train gutter

"•Conivaptan: used to treat euvolemic hyponatremias–Vasopressin receptor antagonist–Disadvantages: must be given i.v., antagonist at V1 receptor"

coni mayfield real estate treats people at dysneyland with euvolemic hyonatremias while dressed in an ant outfit but the disadvantage is she has to do it holding an iv needle while sitting on the train track gutters with sun shining on it

what is tolvaptan selevtive for, is it orally bioavailable, what is it used in treating?

toll bridge ant in train gutter shoe with oral B fixes innapropriate flooding

"•Tolvaptan: selective V2 receptor antagonist, orally bioavailable–Used to treat inappropriate ADH-induced water retention"

a toll bridge ant selectively lives inside shoes in train gutter with oral B toothpaste to live off, he does however treat innapropriate flooding caused by Aden

what is terlipressin, whats it used in treating?

terry under investigation for traveling a portal and copying aden , a friend of agons who sits on DL sunny train gutter

"•Terlipressin: vasopressin analog–V1 receptor agonist–under investigation for treating portal hypertension"

terry leventhal a copy cat of Aden is agons friend who sits on the sunny gutter on disneylands train gutter and is under investigation for treating portal hypertension while at a portal

what agents reducing renal Na+ reabsorption?

di, 4 nephews, group of kids drinking concentrated cordial squeeze blue dye into tube that enters water

Agents reducing renal Na+ reabsorption: Diuretics target Na+ reabsorption, 4 nephron segments, Kidney concentrates & secretes diuretics into tubule lumen

people at dysneyland reducing the salt in the water live in a spotlight house next to a boat at DL, which include Di, her 4 nephews and a group of kids that sqeuuze blue die into a tube to alter water at dl

what do diuretics target? what do they include?

Di has a COLT to help her keep a look out for salt reabsorbing into DL water

"•Diuretics target Na+ reabsorption–Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors–Osmotic diuretics–Loop diuretics–thiazides"

di targets salt reabsorbing into dl water supply, with the help of a colt (COLT)

what are the 4 nephron segments?

Collect Many Distant Peices

"•4 nephron segments–Proximal tubule–Medullary thick ascending limb–Distal convoluted tubule–Collecting duct"

the 4 nephews in regards to collecting salt in the disneyland water, (CMDP) Collect Many Distant Pieces

what does the kidnet concentrate and secrete?

kids with concentrated cordial and dye filled tubes

"•Kidney concentrates & secretes diuretics into tubule lumen–achieves higher concs. in tubule compared to blood–Minimises extra-renal side effects"

kids with concentrated cordial and the dye in tubes

what is th name of a Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor?

Ace is a cardboard box ruiner

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Acetazolamide

cardboar box wreckers include Ace

what are the two things acetazolamide does?

ace doesnt let anything or anyone into his cardboard box on roof at dl

•Inhibits Na+ reabsorption
•Inhibits CAII and CAIV"

"•Acetazolamide•Inhibits Na+ reabsorption•Inhibits CAII and CAIV"

ace stops salt reabsobring into the cardboar boxes at disneyland, and he stops cat with shoes and a cat at building door from entering the box at DL

what is acetazolamide used for?

ace gets rid of water resulting in cleaning floors with acid at DL

"Acetazolamide usage:

•Excess NaHCO3 initially excreted

•Leads to low plasma volume

•Associated with acidosis"

ace cleans the floors with acid and gets rid of water

what else is acetazolamide used in treating?

ace treats himself with guacamole on disneyland mountain

Acetazolamide: Also used to treat glaucoma & acute mountain sickness

ace treats himself with guacamole on a mountain at Disneyland

what is the name of an ozmotic diuretic?

Old dude at dl pool is the man

Osmotic diuretics: Mannitol

Old dude by pool is the Man as he pust mannitol in the pool

what is mannitol?

manitol chlorine small molecules filtered at globe feature and not reabsorbed by piping creating osmotic force limiting reabsorption back into piping it came from

"Mannitol:Small molecules are filtered @ glomerulus, not subsequently reabsorbed in nephron, which Creates osmotic force that limits water reabsorption across water permeable nephron segments"

the old dude puts manitol chlorine in the pool which are small molecules, filtered at globe feature and subsequently not reabsobred into the piping at DL. Creating osmotic force limiting water reabsorption across piping

what is expected when taling mannitol in regards to the patient?

monitoring after putting chlorine in DL pools

when taking mannitol Careful monitoring of fluid & electrolyte levels necessary

when putting chlorin in pools at DL monitoring necessary

what is mannotol used in traeting?

managing pools and topping with chlorine to avoid diving on empty

Mannitol used to treat elevated intracranial pressure that cause Head trauma, brain hemorrhage

the man manages the pools to avoid anyone jumping in on an empty pool which can cause intracrial pressure that causes head trauma, brain hemorhage

what do loop diuretics target?

Large dishes target using a Thick Ladle

Loop Diuretics target thick ascending limb loop of henle cell

Large Dishes of kidney beans target using a Thick Ladle for beans

what do thiazides target?

Diagnasoars Thighs seen from distance at dl

Thiazides target the distal convoluted tubule cell (DCC)

diagnasoars thighs seen from a distance at DL

what do Potassium-diuretics sparing(collecting duct)target?

di holding pot targets principle on excersion at dysneyland

Potassium-diuretics sparing(collecting duct) target the cortical collecting duct prioncipal cell (CCDPC)

Di holding a pot without collecting anything targets school principle on school excertion to disneyland

what do loop diuretics target?

furry bum with torso makes large dishes


a furry bum with a torso makes Large dishes

what is the most potent loop diuretic?

are they well toreated? what is toxic to the ear?

large dishes bum makes is most potent though tolerated is toxic to ear

loop diuretics: bumetanide is most potent, all generally well toreated, ototoxicity (toxic to ear)

the large dishes that the bum makes is the most potent, though tolerated is toxic to ear

what do loop diuretics inhibit and where?

large Dishes with thick Ladle stop Nick Cage preventing him absorbing salty milky foods instead

"Loop diureticsInhibit NKCC2 in thick ascending limb loop of henle cell, thus reduce Na+reabsorption which also inhibits Ca2+, Mg2+ reabsorption"

Large dishes with a thick Ladle stop Nick cage in his tracks, reducing him eating salty milky greens

what is the first line of therapy for pulmonary & peripheral edema?

first dish served are swollen beans in large dishes

Loop diuretcs are 1st line therapy: pulmonary & peripheral edema

swollen beans in Large dishes are the first dish served

where are loop iduretics also found?

Heavy Hot Apples in Large dish

"Loop diuretics are Also used in:HypercalcemiaHyperkalemiaAcute renal failure"

Large dishes are also used to cook Heavy Hot Apples

what do thiazides include?

dignasoar thies hydrated with thyme from chlorine

thiazides include hydrochlorothiazide, thiazide diuretics, chlorthalidone

dignasoar thies are hydrated with thyme from chlorine

what do thiazides effect?

dignasoar thighs look nice from disntance

thiazides effect NCC receptor in distal convoluted tubile cell

dignasoar thighs look nbice from a distance at dysneyland

*describe thiazides, kind of antagonists are they to what and what kind of transporter are they?

dignasoar thighs compete with ants to see who is nicer

Thiazides: Competitive antagonists of NCC, Na+Cl-cotransporter

dignasoar thighs look nice from disntance

what do thizides cause?

dignasoars thighs modest but drops when in water due to peer pressure

thiazides cause modest Natriuresisis

Significant enough drop in intravascular volumedrop in blood pressure

dignasoars thighs modest but drops when in water due to peer pressure

what is the name of the thiazide you take several times daily?

hydrate thighs several times day

Thiazides: hydrochlorothiazide Take several times daily

dignasoars hydrate there legs several times daily at dysneyland

*what can the thiazide hydrochlorothiazide do to glucose tolerance?

hydrating thigh cream reduces vein tolerance and unmasks varogous veins

thiazides: hydrochlorothiazide Can reduce glucose tolerance, unmask diabetes

the hydrating thigh cream for dignasoar can reduce vein tolerance and unmask varogus veins

*what can this thiazide cause? is there a caution?

thigh cream can cause hyperpigmentation in orange dignasoar

thiazides: hydrochlorothiazide Can cause hypokalemia, caution if taking antiarrhythmic agents

thigh cream can cause hyperpigmentation in the dignasoar hence why he is orange

*what is the 1st line treatment in hypertension,what is it often used with?

thyme often given in a large dish for the dignasoar with hypertension

"Thiazide diuretics:1st line treatment in hypertensionOften used with loop diuretics in heart failure"

thyme is first treatment for dignasoar with hypertension often given in a large dish

what abou the thuiazide chlorthalidone? how many times do you take it?

dignasoars go thigh deep into chlorine daily

"thiazides: ChlorthalidoneTake daily"

dignasoars thighs touch chlorine daily at dysneyland

what do Potassium(K+)-Diuretics include?

di increases the market for pots at dysneyland

Potassium(K+)-Diuretics include: Spironolactone & eplerenone, Amiloride & triamterine

di targeting the principle at dysneyland increases the market for pots

what do Spironolactone& eplerenone inhibit?

spiro and the elephant stop salt being made in school grounds by Al

Spironolactone& eplerenone: inhibit new Na+channel synthesis in principal cells; also inhibit aldosterone action

spiro and the elephant stop any salt being made in the waters at dysneyland where principle of school is and also fly and stop al from doing anythign

what do Amiloride & triamterine block?

ami on a tricycle blocks salt coming through water channels into dl

Amiloride & triamterine: block Na+channel activation

Ami on a tricycle at dysneyland bloacks the salt coming through the gate channel

describe the clinical condition for acute heart failure

70 year old man at disneyland taken to emergency

Case Study –Golan p.333

"Clinical condition: 70year-old male•Taken to emergency dept. @ 1amSymptoms:•Shortness of breaths 4 consecutive nights•“felt tight in the chest”•“couldn’t get a breath”Symptoms partially relieved by sitting up in bed•Also, shortness of breath climbing stairs"

a 70 year old man at dysneyland finding it hard to climb stairs and breath was taken to emergency

what do the physical exam results show of acute heart failure?

disneyland hospital explained he steped on tack causing him to trip over a mild chilly and land on a bike pedal cracking bone over old infection on left side without venting his anger

"Physical exam results
•Tachycardia, mild hypertension, pedal edema
•Bilateral pulmonary crackles on inspiration
•ECG: evidence of old myocardial infarction
•Echocardiography: left ventricular ejection fraction without ventricular dil...

"Physical exam results•Tachycardia, mild hypertension, pedal edema•Bilateral pulmonary crackles on inspiration•ECG: evidence of old myocardial infarction•Echocardiography: left ventricular ejection fraction without ventricular dilatation"

physical exam results at the hospital showed he stepped on a tack and tripped over a bike pedal mildly cracking his bone over an old infection on his left side without venting anger

*describe the diagnosis and treatment, and follow up for acute heart failure

old man in hospital with a cute heart treated with a large dish of dilated food given by simpsons police, the large dish was taken after 3 days and a follow up visit by his friend stan came to his left and later spiro and police gave him a balloon and was discharged

"Diagnosis & treatment:

•Acute heart failureBased on cardiac output, pulmonary congestion, peripheral edema

•PharmacotherapyPositive inotropeCoronary vasodilatorAntihypertensive (ACE inhibitor)Loop diureticOutcome:

condition stabilizes, loop diuretic discontinued after 3 days

•Follow up–Coronary angiography

•Stenosis of left anterior descending artery

•Outcome after follow upBalloon angioplasty, stent replacementDischarged, treated with ACE inhibitor & spironolactone"

the old man was found to have a cute heart treated with a large dish dilated food given by simpsons police who stop gambling to keep his health positive, the large dish was discontinued after 3 days and a follow up included giving him a stenosis and then a balloon given by the police and spiro

Vascular Resistance & Capicitance

describe the major determinants of myocardial O2 demand

round shaped ball at disneyland

"Major determinants of myocardial O2 demand

•Heart rate (HR)

•Contractility•Ventricular wall stress"

the round O shaped ball demands O2 causing stress and high heart rate

Arterial & venous tone have Distinct roles in what?

toned artist and venus distinctly control demands of round ball at DL

Arterial & venous tone have Distinct roles in modulating myocardial O2 demand

the toned artist and venus williams have distinct roles to control the demands of this round ball at dysneyland

what is Systolic & diastolic ventricular wall stress influenced by?

influencial toned artist and venus

Systolic & diastolic ventricular wall stress influenced by arteriolar & venous tone

toned artist and venus williams are influencial on the wall stress of the ball

what is the equation for ventricular wall stress?

inside blue ball is PR getting VieWS as she wears a bun with a skirt and two heels

"Ventricular wall stress (VWS)σ = (P * r) / 2hσ wall stress; P ventricular pressure;r ventricular chamber radius; h ventricular wall thickness the equation is: (ventricular pressure times ventricular chamber radius)/ 2 times ventricular wall thickness"

inside the blue ball at dysneyland is a wall stress test that gives VieWS, which looks like a PR with a hair bun and a skirt wearing two pairs of heels

what is the equation for Arterial blood pressure

"Arterial blood pressure MAP= SVR * CO (HR * SV)MAP:mean arterial pressureSVR:systemic vascular resistanceCO:cardiac outputSV:stroke volume"

MAP= diastolic (systolic-diastolic) /3 or MAP = [ (2 x diastolic) + systolic ] divided by 3.

what is the afterload?

"Aferload: systolic ventricular wall stress–= resistance ventricle must overcome to eject its contents–"

what does systolic blood pressure have to do with afterload?

Systolic blood pressure (ie.arteriolartone) thus approximates (determines)afterload

*what does venous capacitance regulate?

venus's capacity regulates amount of blue raquets in red room to be painted red a determinant of red end dye

"Venous capacitance: regulates the volume of blood returning to the heart–Determinant of end diastolic volume of heart"

venus williams capacity to regulate the number of blue raquets returning to the red painting room

what is preload?

red end dye over raquet strgs involves stretch of string fibres before contracting them

"Preload: end-diastolic ventricular wall stress–= stretch on ventricular fibres just before contraction–Approximated by end-diastolic pressure or volume–"

the red end dye for the raquets over the strongs involves a stretch on string fibres before contracting them by hitting them with a ball

what does venous tone regulate?

venus serves

Venous tone thus determines preload

venus williams toned legs determines preload she puts on while serving

*Vascular Smooth Muscle Contraction & Relaxation

what do regulators of cascular tone regulate?

toned legs determines actors interactions

Regulators of vascular tone influence actin-myosin interaction

toned legs influences who acters interact with

what does actin and mysosin interaction lead to?

acters interacting with myers leads to contracts signed outside milk bar

"Actin-mysoin interaction leads to contraction–Regulated by intracellular [Ca2+]"

acters interacting with myers lead to contracts outside milk bar

what does vasoconstriction involve?

train tracks constrict into one track

Vasoconstriction: contraction of vascular smooth muscle

train tracts at dysneyland constrict into one track

what does vasoconstriction often initiate?

L shaped lever milk color

Vasoconstriction often initiated by L-type Ca2+channels

train tracks constrict often by an L shaped leaver millk color

what does vasodilation involve?

myers closed

"Vasodilation: relaxation of vascular smooth muscle–Occurs when myosin-LC is dephosphorylated–In response to NO-cGMP pathway"

train tracks relax into two tracks when myers is closed at dysneyland in response to no visitors at dysneyland

*Regulation of vascular tone –Endothelium-derived nitric oxide

what do endothelial cells line?

mushroom fence lines whitehouse

Endothelial cells (EC’s) line the luminal surface of blood vessels

mushroom fence lines inside surface whitehouse


when was NO first identified?

mushroom gas first identified as sleeping gas

Nitric oxide (NO)first identified as endothelium-derived relaxing factor

mushroom gas identified as a relaxer, sleeping gas

when is NO released in response to?

when the mushrooms release gas

NO released in response to: shear stress, acetylcholine, bradykininetc.

when the mushrooms release gas

what is responsible for the synthesis of NO?

nose of the mushroom

Endothelial has NO synthase(eNOS) responsible for NO synthesis

the nose of the mushroom is responsible for releasing the gas

where does the released NO diffuse into?

gas diffuses into water to smooth train tracks sometimes via green case

NO released from EC’s and diffuses to vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC), NO-guanylyl cyclase primary mechanism, Guanylylcyclase-independent mechanisms.

then the gas diffuses to the smooth train tracks via the water stream, sometimes in a green case, sometimes not

*Regulation of vascular tone –Endothelium-derived endothelin

what is endothelin and what is its isoformes, which one is produced by ECs?

ET lives in mushroom with three of siblings

"Endothelin(ET):21 amino acid vasoconstrictor peptide3 isoforms(ET-1, ET-2, ET-3)ET-1 produced by EC’s"

ET phone home sits lives inside the mushroom with three of his siblings

what does ET act on?

ET plays golf

"ET acts on 2 receptorsETA and ETB: "

ET acts on two gold holes, one with an apple one with a banana

what does ETA mediate contraction on?

apple relaxing in golf hole

ETA: mediates contraction on VSMC’s(vascular smooth muscle contractions)

the apple inside the golf hole contracts

what does ETB mediate?

banana relaxing in golf hole

ETB: mediates relaxation on EC’s

banana inside the second golf hole is relaxing


what are the 2 steps endothelin is synthesid?

how ET becomes groomed inside the mushroom

"Syntheisis of Endothelin (ET) done by 2 steps:

1. Preproendothelin cleaved into big endothelin

2. Big endothelin cleaved by endothelin converting enzyme (ECE) into endothelin"

ET is made in the mushroom in a shoe, where his umbilical cord is cleaved and he becomes big, then after he is big his hair is cleaved by a hair dressed until he becomes groomed ET


what does regulation of vascular tone include?

locan neurologist ants regulate the tone of the train ride from inside mushroom

Regulation of vascular tone includes: Autonomic nervous system(ANS), Neurohormonal mechanisms, Local mechanisms

local neurologist ants regulate the tone of the train ride at disneyland


what does the autonomic nervous system involve?

sympathetic ants working for train track send out Nora to anny and betty on smooth train track control points

"Autonomic nervous system

–Sympathetic nervous system

• Norepinephrine release from nerve terminals–Vasoconstriction: α1-adrenergic receptors on VSM–Vasoconstriction: β2-adrenergic receptors on VSM"

these ants work for the train system and are sympathetic for the passangers and release Nora at the train terminals and send her to fix any problems with anny and betty who are under control of adian, and are on the smooth train tracks control points

describe the Neurohormonal mechanisms

all cats at dysneyland from amy cox home travel to anny and betty who work for adrian on smooth tracks cause track constriction into one

"Neurohormonal mechanisms

–Circulating catecholamines (eg. epinephrine) from adrenal gland (also called adrenal cortex)–act on α1-and β2-adrenergic receptors on VSM–Angiotensin II, aldosterone, natriureticpeptides, vasopressin"

all the cats at dysneyland such as epic cat from smurphs from Amy Coxes small home go to anny and betty working for adrien on smooth train tracks, which results in the train contrsricting its tracks into one track from two with the help of other workers working for the RAAS business at dysneyland

what do local mechanisms depend on?

tissue factory

"Local mechanisms–Depend on tissue–Eg. autoregulation: homeostatic mechanism in which VSM respond to increase or decrease in perfusion pressure by constricting or dilating, thus preserving blood flow"

locals at dysneyland work in the tissue factory prodcuing the tissues for all the happy disneyland visitors


what do Pharmacological Classes & Agents include?

classy pharmacists with there agents give disneyland visitors a shab poke

"Pharmacological Classes & Agents include: Organic Nitrates & Sodium NitroprussidePhosphodiesterase InhibitorsCa2+channel blockersK+channel openersEndothelin receptor antagonistsHydralazineα1-adrenergic antagonistsβ-adrenergic antagonistsRAAS blockers"

(OSPCKEHAB) classy pharmacists with there agents give disneyland visitors a shab poke

what do organic nitrates do?

dilated organic food decreases problems in body

"Organic nitrates
–     Predominantly dilates veins @ therapeutic doses
–     Thus↓ preload = ↓  myocardial O2 demand
–     Arterial dilation = ↓  systemic vascular resistance = ↓afterload   =  ↓ myocardial O2 demand

"Organic nitrates– Predominantly dilates veins @ therapeutic doses– Thus↓ preload = ↓ myocardial O2 demand– Arterial dilation = ↓ systemic vascular resistance = ↓afterload = ↓ myocardial O2 demand"

organic foods are mainly water so dilated food that decrease the health problems


what are the organic nitrates available>?

what are there routes of admin and pharmacokineticts?

what are there side effects?

organic nuts, iceburg lettice, indian corn at the DLR station

"•Several organic nitrates available:

– Nitroglycerin (NTG), isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN), isosorbide 5-mononitrate

• Different routes of admin. & pharmacokinetics

– Side effects: dizziness, lightheadedness, reflextachycardia"

(NII) different types of organic food which includes Nuts, Iceburg lettice, indian corn, which all are experiencing dizzyness, lightheadedness and reflex tachycardia at the DLR station

what does inhaled NO do?

hyper babynewborns visit mushrooms at disneyland and there eyes dilate

"Inhaled NO–Selectively dilates pulmonary vasculature(lungs)–Used to treat pulmonary hypertension in newborns"

hyper baby newborns visit the mushrooms at disneyland and there eyes dilate as they smell the gas

*what does sodium nitroprusside do?

in an emergency veiny artists are watered down by some nitrogen after breathing in mushroom gas

"Sodium Nitroprusside

•Dilates both arteries & veins
•Dilates by NO release 
•Given i.v. in emergencies (severe heart failure, severe hypertension) 
–Careful monitoring essential 
•Spontaneously decomposes to release NO & cyanide"

"Sodium Nitroprusside

•Dilates both arteries & veins•Dilates by NO release

•Given i.v. in emergencies (severe heart failure, severe hypertension)

–Careful monitoring essential

•Spontaneously decomposes to release NO & cyanide"

veiny artists get watered down at disneyland by some nitrogen(SN) in an emergency after breathing in mushroom gas, the nitrogen decomposes to release more gas and almond seeds

*Pharmacokinetics, tolerance & contraindications of nitrates

what drugs avoid metabolism in the liver?

nuts and iceburg lettice avoid being made into a salad at angellos brown home

Nitroglycerin (NTG), isosorbide dinitrate (ISDN) sublingiuallyto avoid metabolism in liver

nuts and iceburg lettice avoid being made into a salad in angellos brown home where he was born

*what is NTG, and what is it used in the reatment of, what does it do?

organic nuts crushed and given intravenously in dl hospital

"NTG: (Nitroglycerin)

–i.v. in treatment of acute heart failure

–Slow release Transdermal, buccalfor angina prevention"

organic nuts are crushed and given intravenously to cute patients in disneylands hospital, the mixture is slowly released to prevent angina

iceburg lettice more effectively digested than nuts

NTG (Nitroglycerin):

t1/2~5 mins; metabolites t1/2~40 mins ISDN ( isosorbide dinitrate): t1/2~1 hour, more effective; metabolites t1/2~2-4 hours

iceburg lettice more effective than nuts at being digested


indian corn more effectively absorbed than painful iceburg lettuce

"Isosorbide5-mononitrate–Not susceptible to liver metabolism, nearly 100% oral bioavailability–More effective that ISDN"

indian corn eaten 100% orally is better absorbed than iceburg lettice which gives a stomach ache

what does tolerance to anti anginal effects diminish?

"Tolerance to anti anginal effects diminishes clinical efficacy

–Not dependent on admin. Route–Minimize using “nitrate free” intervals"

*what is contraindiciations?


–Patients with hypotension, diastolic heart failure, elevated intracranial pressure, phosphodiesterase inhibitors"

what do Phosphodiesterase(PDE) inhibitors include?

a tadpole holding silver in a hammock stops pedestrians crossing roads in disneyland

Phosphodiesterase(PDE) inhibitors include: Sildenafil, Vardenafil, tadalafil

a tadpole holding silver in a hamock stops a pedestrian (PDEi)

what do "Phosphodiesterase(PDE) inhibitors prevent?

tadpol holding silver in hammock prevents passanger burning camp

"Phosphodiesterase(PDE) inhibitors

•Prevent hydrolysis of cAMP, cGMPto their monophosphateforms"

the tadpole holding silver in a hammock prevents the passangers burning down a camp

what is Sildenafil, what is it selective for?

silver bar at dysneyland targets passangers with beehives, used to strengthen smooth muscle in erectile dysfunction


– Prototype, selective for cGMP PDE type V (PDE5)– Used mainly in erectile dysfunction• PDE5 mainly expressed in corpus cavernosum smooth muscle"

silver bar used to help erectile dysfunction by making smooth muscle stronger by targeting pedestrians with beehive

what does verdenafil and tadalafil inhibit?

hammick and tadpole also targets beehive passanger

Vardenafil, tadalafil also inhibit PDE5

hammick and tadpole also targets the passanger with beehive

where else is PDE5 also expreased?

why do you think so?

pedestrians with hives found sitting on chairs at smooth track and in pot vessels at disneyland

"PDE5 also expressed in smooth muscle in systemic & pulmonary vessels,

–Clinically relevant dilation in pulmonary hypertension"

pedestrians with hives are also found in smooth tracks and pot vessels

what aer the side effects of "Phosphodiesterase (PDE)inhibitors?

pedestrians with hives suffer side effects from too many slides

"Phosphodiesterase (PDE)inhibitors

Side effects: headache, flushing"

pedestrianswith hives suffer side effects after going on slides at dreamworld and so have headache while suffering headache

name a calcium channel blocker, what kinf of vasodilator is it?

pine treese block milk man, two other walking ones chase him down

"Ca2+channel blockers:

– Dihydropyridines (nidedipine, amlodipine)

• Most potent vasodilators• Minimal effect in heart– Benzothiazepines (diltiazem)

– Phenylalkylamines (verapamil)"

pine trees block milk man, pine trees include an n shaped one and an a shaped one, these are the most potent kinds of vasodilators as there bunyanut falls and causes bleeding, it minimally touches someones heart. Two walking pine treese include one that looks like a B with a dint, and one that looks like a V shaped pen

what do these Ca2+ channel blocers do, wher do they act, what is there function, when are they used?

why the pine treese are situated behind dysneyland hospital

"Ca2+channel blockers•Act on heart and blood vessels

•Predominantly dilate arteries•Used to treat hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, angina•Inhibit Ca2+entry through L-type channels"

pine treese have no heart or blood vessels as they dilate artists who try and draw them, they are situated at the back of the disneyland hospital as they are used to treat patients and stop the milk man pulling the l type lever for the train, that actually gives visitiros hypertension, arrhythmias and angina

where do both diltiazem and verapamil act?

who B shaped pine tree with dint and V shaped pen tree target

Diltiazem and verapamil (benz.. & phenyl..) act on both arteries, and heart

the B shaped pine tree with a dint and theV shaped Pen tree target artists and there hearts

how are Ca2+ channle blockers administered?

drink milk orally

Ca2+channel blockers Orally administered

disneyland visitors drink milk orally

*what are the side effects of CCB?

pine treese have "Horrible Bad Crappy Feeling" after weed poisoning

Ca2+channel blockers Side effects: flushing, constipation, bradycardia, heart failure

pine treese have side effects of weed poison which are (FCBH) Horrible Bad Crapy Feeling

what are the names of K+ channel blockers?

minoxidil open in a crome pot next to a pin and nicotine patch

K+channel openers inc Minoxidil, cromakalim, pinacidil, nicorandil

minoxidil for hair open in a crome pot next to a pin and a nicorette patch in disneyland bathroom

what are ATP sensitive K+(KATP) channel openers?

spill of minoxidil in pot when on hair depolarises hair up, wetting artists hair, diminishing his stress

"ATP-sensitive K+(KATP) channel openers•Hyperpolarize the plasma membrane•Cause direct arterial vasodilation–Decrease blood pressure"

the bottle of minoxidil and others when mixed after spill polarizes the hair up causing it to wet the artist hair and decrease his blood pressure as he watches it grow. His stress diminishes

wha are the sdie effects of K+ channel openers?

artist gets side effects after using spilled minoxidil

K+channel openers Side effects: headache, flushing

artist gests headache while flushing toilet after using spilled minoxidil

*what do Endothelin(ET) receptor antagonists include?

ET's ant enemies at dysneyland

Endothelin(ET) receptor antagonists include: Bosentan and Ambrisentan

ET's enemy ants includes his boss and Alessandra Ambrosio

*what is bosentan? where is it? what is it used to treat? what are its side effects?

ET's Boss who works at disneyland hospital competes with him at golf


competitive antagonist at ETA & ETB receptors

–Clinically approved in treatment of pulmonary hypertension

–Major side effect: increased serum transaminase levels"

ET's ant boss is competitive ant that competes with him in his first and second golf hole with an apple and banana in it, his boss works at hospital treating pulomonary hypertension patients by taking them golfing

what is ambristentan?

allessandra ambrosio selectively eats the apples in first golf holes

"Ambrisentan: relatively selective for ETA receptors

–Less hepatotoxicitythan bosentan?"

allessandra ambrosio is selective for eating apples

*what are other modulators of vascular tone?

anny hydrates to keep toned while working at train line

Other Modulators of Vascular Tone include: Hydralazine and α1-adrenergic antagonists

anny hydrates herself to be toned

*what is htdralazine? how are they administered, used?

what else are they used with?

"• Hydralazine: arterial vasodilator– Orally administered– Used to treat hypertension– Used to treat heart failure in combination with ISDN– Mechanism unclear?– Low bioavailability"

*what inhibits vasconstriction by epinephrione and norepinephrione? what does it o to bp? what are tjhe side effects?

"– Inhibit vasoconstriction by epinephrine & norepinephrine– Prazosin: greater effect in arterioles compared to venules– Can significantly reduce arterial pressure– Side effects: orthostatic hypertension, salt & water retention"

*what are the symptoms indicative of?

63 old man that mows the lawn at dysneyland

Case Study –Golan p.354

"Background & clinical condition• 63 year-old male– Hypertension, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia– Chest pain on exertion• Chest pain while mowing lawn– Within 20 mins of pain, takes 2 sublingual nitroglycerin tablets• Helps greatly• Takes viagra– Flushing, headache, heart racing– Upon standing, feels lightheaded & faints• Taken to emergency dept– Severe hypotension"

63 year old mowing lawn at disneyland has hypertension , diabetes from too many sweets, hypercholesterolemia from too many deep fried hotdogs from stand, he gets chest pain on exertion so eats some organic nuts which helps him, then he takes viagra which causes him side effect headache when he flushes toilet, his heart starts racing, he tries standing and feels lightheaded and faints, landing face first in the toilet, he gets taken to emergency hospital with severe hypotension(low bp)

wghat is the treatment for severe hyportension?

"Treatment• Placed in supine position, legs raised– Regains consciousness• Pharmacotherapy not needed due to rapid reversal of hypotension– If not, would administer α-adrenergic agonist (eg. phenylephrine)• Patient counselled– Coadministration of organic nitrates & sildenafil (viagra) CAN BE DANGEROUS– Dangerous to take medications WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION"

the 63 year old who mows lawn at dysneyland after getting taken to hospital gets treated by being put in the sitting position with raised legs until he becomes concious again and his hypotension reverses, if it didn’t though, anny would have to come in the room with a pen...*eyebrows up and down movement* he gets councelling after this, he then gets told eating organic foods together while using silver bar is dangerous