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21 Cards in this Set

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Observational learning- bobo doll- vicarious reinforcement
Breland and Breland
Instinctual drift- otter and clam- couldn't put coins in piggy bank.
preparedness- Taste-aversion learning - shock and lights and sugar-water and nausea- some species are prepared to learn connnectiosn between certain stimuli
Kohler, W
Insight in problem solving
Konrad Lorenz
Studied unlearned, instinctual behaviors in natural environment- ethology
premack principle
obvious- eat veg, play videograme. Use more preferred activity to reinforce less preferred.
Temporal link (contiguity) was not whole story with Classical Conditioning, CS must also be uniquely identifying of impending (contingency)
operant conditioning
Edward Thorndike
Law of effect-(you do something more if it provides a favorable outcome) used puzzle boxes to study problem solving in cats. Cats would try anything, what worked, they tried more- gradual slope showed cumulative effect, not insight's drop off.
Edward Tolman
cognitive maps helped rats get out of maze faster the second time
FAP v. classical conditioning
Fixed action pattern- otter with shells. FAp is more complex than CC
sign stimulus
features of a stimuli sufficient to bring about a FAP
a sign stimulus that triggers social behaviors between animals
supernormal stimulus
a trigger more effective at triggering a FAP that the actual sign stimulus found in nature
Innate releasing mechanism (IRM)
A mechanist in the animal's nervous system that connects sign stimuli with the correct FAPS.
Karl von Frisch
Bees talk to each other about distance through dances.
Reproductive v inclusive fitness
Reproductive takes into account the number of offspring that live to be old enough to reproduce- altruism doens't make sense. But inclusive includes relatives, so altruism is not a problem
Ethologist who used experimental lab methods into field studies.
Little albert- acquisition of phobias due to classical conditioning
Wilson, O
Developed sociobiology
Developed method of systematic desnsitization to eliminate phobias