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51 Cards in this Set

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Which reinforcement schedule is most vulnerable to extinction?

The smallest ratio, 1-10. (This is because with smaller ratios, the subjects more rapidly recognizes that reinforcement has stopped.)

A therapist reinforces a child's reduction of theta amplitude by playing music whenever a training goal is met. How does the music aid EEG biofeedback training?

Increasing motivation to perform. (Reinforcement is not required to learn a self-regulation skill. Secondary reinforcers like music aid learning by increasing impatience motivation to perform skills already acquired.)

Steven reduce the number of cigarettes he smokes a day after developing a painful cough he attributed to smoking this illustrates the operant principle of

Punishment. (Since the consequence is a "painful cough" that followed in operant behavior "smoking" decreased its frequency.)

In both avoidance learning and escaping learning, coping behaviors are ________.

Negatively reinforced. (These behaviors become more likely because they allow an individual to either avoid or escape an aversive event.)

A process through which individuals learn to repeat behaviors that you a positive outcomes or permits them to avoid or Escape behaviors that yield negative outcomes.

Operant conditioning

Clients are awarded for closer and closer approximations of the target behavior. This is called _______.


If the interaction with the stimulus object does not provide sufficient reward, _______occurs.


This concept means that the reinforcement is not worth the effort.

Ratio strain

What reinforcement occurs when clients receive feedback in the form of the sound light or both when they exceed a given threshold?

Dichotomous reinforcement

Superior to proportional when eyes open.

Constant reinforcement of light and sound, it is ongoing in nature and informs the client of their performance based on pitch variance.

Proportional reinforcement.

Proportional reinforcement Superior to dichotomous with eyes closed.

Optimal training of alpha is_______.

10 minutes.

Optimal training of theta is______?

20 to 30 minutes

Subcortical system is responsible for and located where?

Experience and memory of fearful stimuli that is independent of the cortical acquisition. And is driven by the amygdala.

Systematic desensitization and alpha training

Alpha training reduces arousal levels, when a fearful stimulus is internally present IE I thought image memory feeling it will be experienced as less fearful during Alpha training.

When graduate is praised by the staff for his sobriety and success in increasing Alpha Theta amplitude. If the new patient increases efforts to learn to modify his own activity this is called _______.

Vicarious reinforcement

A skill like increasing beta amplitude is considered voluntary when it can be elicited by ___________.


An active placebo is ____________________.

A placebo coupled with an ingredient that produces benign side effects.

This increases the placebos credibility and results in a higher success rate than observed with a standard placebo.

If a patients reports of anxiety results in desired attention from family members, this could ____________ this symptom.

Positively reinforce

Positive reinforcement occurs when a positive consequences (attention) of an operant behavior (anxiety complaints increases the frequency of that behavior

When Susan increases SMR activity and decreases Theta activity following a prodrome to prevent a generalized seizure, this illustrates _________.

Avoidance learning

In both avoidance learning and Escape learning, coping behaviors are __________.

Negatively reinforced

These behaviors become more likely because they allow an individual to either avoid or escape an aversive event.

A dyslexic child increasingly reports stomach pain since this previously permitted escape from frustrating reading assignments. Which process is involved here?

Negative reinforcement

Operant behaviors (pain complaints) that allow Escape or avoidance of aversive stimuli (reading homework) are negatively reinforced.

Seligman's concept of learned helplessness, where patients stop trying to cope due to lack of success, can be best explained by the operant conditioning principles of ___________.


Successful self-regulation of EEG is negatively reinforced by anxiety reduction illustrates _______.

Escape learning

Bob's muscle relaxation practice has progressed so that he can reduce muscle bracing at both the computer keyboard and when he is driving in rush-hour traffic. This illustrates the principle of ________.


What is the learning process underlying the placebo response?

Classical conditioning

You have not complied with your patients attempt to schedule sessions in the evening when your office is closed. After two months of no rescheduling request, your patient repeatedly raises the issue. This pattern illustrates the phenomenon of __________.

Spontaneous recovery

Don practices healthy Computing exercises 15 minutes a day, five times a week. This pattern represents ___________practice.


This is recommended for skill acquisition.

Steven reduce the number of cigarettes he smokes a day after developing a painful cough he attributed to smoking. This illustrates the principle of ______________?


___________ is the reinforcement of successive approximations of a Target Behavior such as increased Theta amplitude.


When we reduce the frequency of feedback a biofeedback patient receives, this is analogous to the operant conditioning procedure of _____________?


A computer-based EEG biofeedback training system reveals increasing segments of a Scenic picture as a patient increases beta amplitude. The visual display provides ______________ reinforcement.


A patient stops practicing visualization at home because her chronic anxiety has not improved. This best illustrates the concept of _____________.


According to the Premack principle, is it possible to train an animal to drink more water by giving it food as reinforcement for drinking?

Yes, but only possible when the animal would spend more time eating and drinking.

The premack principle requires that you reinforce one Behavior with a more reinforcing behavior. For example, a parent might allow one hour of online gaming for every 4 hours of studying.

Suppose your alarm made a slight clicking sound just before the alarm goes off. Even though you didn't wake up to the clicking sound in itialy, now you do, due to classical conditioning. In this example the unconditioned response is ___________.

Waking up to your alarm

Alarm (US) waking up to the alarm (UR) clicks (CS) waking up in response to the clicks (CAR)

_________ _________ is an increase in responding after a delay following extinction.

Spontaneous recovery

A dog drools saliva whenever he hears the doggy snacks covered open. Which is the CS and UCS?

The sound of the cupboard is the CS. The doggy snacks are the UCS. The CS predicts the UCS, resulting in the CR of drooling.

You can teach ___________ by delivering reinforcement after one stimulus (tone), but not after another.


Behaviorists believe that ______________.

Every behavior is caused or determined through processes that can be scientifically studied.

Classical condition applies primarily to _________ responses; operant conditioning applies primarily to __________responses.

Visceral; skeletal

Hey slow but steady rate of responding is most characteristic of behavior reinforced on a _____________schedule.

Variable interval

A professor gives unannounced quizzes at unpredictable times. Students must study equally every night. Which type of schedule of reinforcement is this?

Variable interval

A group of people has learned to blink their eyes whenever they see a flashing blue light, because for the last hour that flashing blue light has always been followed by a puff of air to their eyes. If we want to test for the possibility of stimulus generalization, what procedure should we follow?

Present a flashing green light

The flashing green light test whether a different hue CS will elicit the CR. If this happens, then there is stimulus generalization.

In operant conditioning, unlike classical conditioning the ______________________.

Individual's response controls the outcome (reinforcement or punishment).

In classical conditioning, the individual reflexively response to a stimulus.

Pavlov believed that presenting the Cs at nearly the same time as the UCS caused a connection in the brain to form so that the animal treated the see us as if it were the UCS. Psychologist today believe that the animal ________________.

Uses the Cs as a predictor that the UCS is coming.

A secondary reinforcer _____________________.

Gains its value from association with a primary reinforcer

For example, a grandmother's smile may be a secondary reinforcer because it is associated with freshly baked cookies (primary reinforcer).

Punishment is most likely to produce a long-lasting suppression of a behavior if ______________________.

The individual has an alternative response available to produce the reinforcement.

You were once stung by a bee and now you are somewhat frightened by all insects. You are displaying ____________.

Stimulus generalization.

After a subject has developed a classically conditioned response, an investigator begins presenting a conditioned stimulus by itself. Which of the following is likely to occur?


Extinction of a CR occurs when it is no longer followed by a UCS. When this happens, the CS no longer predicts the UCS.

In Pavlov's experiments he paired the presentation of food with a buzzer and measured salivation to each. In this experiment the buzzer was the _________.

Conditioned stimulus.

Neurophysiological Arousal Model

Barry Sterman. Joe Lubar. Margaret Ayers.

Regrading the context

Operant conditioning is not as simple with humans due to expectations.