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189 Cards in this Set

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Muscles of the anterior thigh

Iliosopas, sartorious, and quadriceps


Psoas major, psoas minor, and iliacus


Rectus femoris and vasti (lateralis, intermedius, and medialis)

Psoas major origin

Transverse process of L1 - 5, bodies of T12 - L5, and intervertebral discs below bodies of T12 - L4

Psoas major insertion

Lesser trochanter

Psoas major action

Flexes hip; side bends trunk

Psoas minor origin

Side bodies of T12 and L1 and intervertebral disc between

Psoas minor insertion

Iliopectineal eminence, arcuate line of ilium and iliac fascia

Psoas minor action

Flexes hip on lumbar spine and lumbar spine on hip

Iliacus origin

Iliac crest & fossa; sacral ala; iliolumbar & anterior SIJ ligaments

Iliacus insertion

Tendon of psoas major, lesser trochanter & shaft inferior to it

Iliacus action

Flexes hip

Sartorius origin


Sartorius insertion

Proximal part of medial surface of tibia at pes anserine

Sartorius action

Hip flex, abduction, and lateral rotation

Knee flex and IR (when the knee is flexed)

Rectus femoris origin


Rectus femoris insertion

Proximal border (base) of patella and tibial tuberosity

Rectus femoris action

Hip flexion, knee extension

Vastus lateralis origin

Greater trochanter; intertrochanteric line; lateral lip of gluteal tuberosity & lateral linea aspera

Vastus lateralis insertion

Proximal border (base) of patella and tibial tuberosity

Vastus lateralis action

Knee extension

Vastus intermedius origin

Anterior and later surface of proximal 2/3 of femur; distal 1/2 of linea aspera

Vastus intermedius insertion

Proximal border of patella and tibial tuberosity

Vastus intermedius action

Knee extension

Vastus medialis origin

Distal 1/2 of intertrochanteric line; medial linea aspera

Vastus intermedius insertion

Proximal border (base) of patella and tibial tuberosity

Vastus intermedius action

Knee extension

Articularis genu origin

Anterior surface distal femur

Articularis genu insertion

Proximal part of suprapatellar bursa & proximal anterior joint capsule

Articularis genu action

Elevates join capsule & synovial membrane

Patellar retinaculum

Formed as medial and later portions of quadricep tendon pass on either side of the patella merging into the knee capsule

Adductor group

Pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, and gracilis

Pectineus origin

Pectineal line of pubis and narrow area of superior pubic ramus below it

Pectineus insertion

Pectineal line

Pectineus action

Flexes, adducts, and medially rotates hip

Adductor longus origin

Body of pubis inferior to pubic crest

Adductor longus insertion

Middle 2/3 of medial linea aspera

Adductor longus action

Adducts and flexes hip

Adductor brevis origin

Outer surface of inferior ramus and body of pubis

Adductor brevis insertion

Distal 2/3 of pectineal line & proximal 1/2 of medial lip of linea aspera

Adductor brevis action

Adducts and flexes hip

Adductor magnus origin

Adductor portion: Inferior ramus of pubis & ramus of ischium

Hamstring portion: Ischial tuberosity

Adductor magnus insertion

Adductor portion: Lower gluteal tuberosity, middle linea aspera & medial supracondylar line

Hamstring portion: Adductor tubercle of femur

Adductor magnus action

Adductor portion: adducts thigh & flexes hip

Hamstring portion: adducts thing and extends hip

Gracilis origin

Inferior 1/2 of pubic symphisis

Gracilis insertion

Medial surface of tibia and pes anserine

Gracilis action

Hip adduction, knee flexion, medial rotation

Femoral triangle

Superior: inguinal ligament

Medial: lateral border of adductor longus

Lateral: sartorius

Floor: iliopsoas laterally & pectineus medially

Adductor canal

Laterally: Vastus medialis

Anteriorly: Vastus medialis

Posteriorly: Adductor longus & adductor magnus

Medially: Sartorius

Deep: Sartorius

Adductor hiatus

Located just lateral & superior to the adductor femoral tube. Created by an opening between the aponeurotic distal attachment of adductor attachment & tendinous distal attachment of hamstring portions of adductor magnus.

Superficial gluteal layer

(1) Glutei group (maximus, medius, minimus), (2) tensor fascia latae

Deep gluteal layer

(1) piriformis, (2) obrutortors, (3) gemelli, (4) quadratus femoris

Gluteus maximus origin

Outer surface of ilium posterior to posterior line, lumbar fascia, lateral sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament, coccyx

Gluteus maximus insertion

Gluteal tuberosity of femur; iliotibial tract

Gluteus maximus action

Extends, abducts, and laterally rotates hip

Gluteus medius origin

Outer surface of ilium between posterior and anterior gluteal lines

Gluteus medius insertion

Posterolateral surface of greater trochanter of femur

Gluteus medius action

Abducts the hip. Anterior fibres medially rotate & may flex hip. Posterior fibres externally rotate and may extended hip.

Gluteus minimus origin

Outer surface of ilium between anterior and inferior gluteal lines

Gluteus minimus insertion

Anterior surface of greater trochanter

Gluteus minimus action

Abducts and medially rotates hip

Tensor fascia latae (TFL) origin

ASIS, anterior portion of iliac crest & deep surface of fascia lata

Tensor fascia latae (TFL) insertion

IT band at junction of proximal and middle 1/3 of thigh to Gerdy's tubercle

Tensor fascia latae (TFL) action

Abducts (weakly), flexes & medially rotates hip & thigh. May assist with knee extension.

Iliotibial tract

A thickening and reinforcing band of fascia located on the lateral thigh. Attached to femur via lateral intermuscular septum. Extends from iliac tubercle to Gerdy's tubercle.

Piriformis origin

Anterior sacrum, few fibres from superior border of greater sciatic notch, sacrotuberous ligament

Piriformis insertion

Superior aspect of greater trochanter

Piriformis action

Laterally rotates the extended thigh & abducts the flexed thigh; stabalizes hip. May also be able to extend the hip.

Obturator internus origin

Internal surface of obturator membrane and margin of obturator foramen; pelvic surface of ischium

Obturator internus insertion

Medial surface of greater trochanter

Obturator internus action

Laterally rotates the extended thigh & abducts the flexed thigh; stabilizes hip

Obturator externus origin

Rami of pubis and ischium; extern surface of obturator membrane

Obturator externus insertion

Trochanteric fossa of femur

Obturator externus action

External rotation of hip. May assist with hip adduction.

Gemelli superior origin

External surface of ischial spine

Gemelli superior insertion

Medial surface of greater trochanter

Gemelli superior action

Laterally rotates extended thigh & abducts flexed thigh; stabilizes hip

Gemelli inferior origin

Proximal part of the ischial tuberosity

Gemelli inferior insertion

Medial surface of greater trochanter

Gemelli inferior action

Laterally rotates extended thigh & abducts flexed thigh; stabilizes hip

Quadratus femoris origin

Proximal part of lateral border of ischial tuberosity

Quadratus femoris insertion

Proximal part of quadrate line/tubercle extending distally from intertrochanteric crest

Quadratus femoris action

Laterally rotates extended thigh & abducts flexed thigh; stabilizes hip

Hamstring group

(1) Semitendinosus, (2) semimembranous, (3) biceps femoris

Semitendinosus origin

Ischial tuberosity

Semitendinosus insertion

Proximal medial surface of tibial body at pes anserine

Semitendinosus action

Extends and assists in medial rotation of hip. Flexes and assists in medial rotation of the knee.

Semimembranous origin

Ischial tuberosity

Semimembranous insertion

Posteromedial aspect of condyle of tibia. Tendon divides into (a) direct condylar attachment, (b) portion that blends with popliteal fascia, (c) capsualr reinforcement which forms popliteal ligament

Semimembranous action

Extends and assists in medial hip rotation. Flexes and assists in medial knee rotation.

Biceps femoris origin

Long head: Sacrotuberous ligament & posterior ischsical tuberosity

Short head: Linea aspera

Biceps femoris insertion

Long head: Lateral fibula and tibia

Short head: Lateral fib head, lateral tib condyle

Biceps femoris action

Long head: Extends and assists in lateral rotation of hip. Flexes and assists in lateral rotation of knee.

Short head: Knee flexion and ER when the knee is flexed to 90.

Pes Anserine

"Goose foot". Conjoined tendinous insertion of sartorius, gracicilis, and semitendinosus (say grace before tea)

Popliteal fossa

Diamond shaped, fat filled depression in posterior knee.

Superolateral: biceps femoris

Superomedial: semimembranosus tendon & tendinosus

Inferomedially & laterally: heads of gastrocnemius

Posterior: skin & popliteal fascia

4 compartments of in the leg

(1) Anterior, (2) lateral, (3) posterior superficial, (4) posterior deep

Anterior compartment muscles

(1) Anterior tibialis, (2) Extensor hallicus longus, (3) Extensor digitorum longus, (4) Peroneus tertius

Lateral compartment muscles

(1) Peroneus longus, (2) Peroneus brevis

Posterior superficial compartment muscles

(1) Gastrocnemius, (2) soleus, (3) plantaris

Posterior deep compartment muscles

(1) Popliteus m., (2) flexor hallicus longus, (3) flexor digitorum longus, (4) posterior tibialis

Anterior tibialis origin

Inferior lateral tibial condyle; upper 2/3 lateral tibial shaft

Anterior tibialis insertion

Medial cuneiform; base of 1st metatarsal

Anterior tibialis action

Ankle dorsiflexion

Extensor hallicus longus origin

Middle 1/2 fibular shaft

Extensor hallicus longus insertion

Base of distal phalanx of hallux

Extensor hallicus longus action

Hallux extension; assists in ankle dorisflexion

Extensor digitorum longus origin

Inferior aspect of lateral tibial condyle; medial aspect of fibula; IOM

Extensor digitorum longus insertion

Dorsal aspect of middle and distal phalanges 2 - 5

Extensor digitorum longus action

Toe extension (@IP and MTP jt); ankle dorsiflexion

Peroneus teritus origin

Distal 1/3 of fib shaft

Peroneus teritus insertion

Dorsal surface of base of 5th metatarsal

Peroneus teritus action

Ankle dorsiflexion; foot eversion

Retinacula of the anterior compartment

Superior: passes from fib to tib proximal to malleoli

Inferior: Y shaped, secures peroneus & EDL, attaches laterally to anterosuperio surface of calcenus

Tendon sheaths of ankle

Tube-like modified bursae, protects all sides of tendon from friction, occures in confined areas especially retinacula

Peroneus longus origin

Lat condyle of tib; upper 2/3 of lat fib shaft & fib head

Peroneus longus insertion

Lat surface of base of 1st metatarsal; lat surface of medial cuneiform

Peroneus longus action

Foot eversion; ankle plantarflexion

Peroneus brevis origin

Distal 2/3 of lat fib shaft

Peroneus brevis insertion

Base of 5th metatarsal

Peroneus brevis action

Foot eversion; stabilizes subtalar & metatarsal joints for propulsion

Retinacula of the lateral leg

Superior: Distal tip of lat malleolus to calcaneus

Inferior: Continuous with inferior extensor retinaculum, passing obliquely to insert on calcaneous

Sends projection through the lat compartment, creating two canals.

Gastrocnemius origin

Post aspects of med & lat femoral condyles

Gastrocnemius insertion

Post surface of calcaneus via achilles tendon

Gastrocnemius action

Knee flexion; ankle plantar flexion

Soleus origin

Head & upper 1/3 of fib; soleal line of tib

Soleus insertion

Post surface of calcaneous via achillies tendon

Soleus action

Ankle platarflexion

Plantaris origin

Inferior end of lat supracondylar line of femur; oblique popliteal ligament

Plantaris insertion

Post surface of calcaneus via achilles tendon or med aspect of calcaneal tuberosity

Plantaris action

Ankle plantarflexion; subtalar inversion

Achilles tendon

(1) thickest & strongest, (2) approx 15 cm long, (3) Expands as it inserts on the calcaneal tubersotiy, (4) Spirals 90 degrees during the decent to the insertion - results in gastroc fibers inserting laterally & soleal fibers inserting medially.

Subcutaneous bursa of calcaneal tendon

Located between the skin and the tendon

Subtendinous (or retrocalcaneal) bursa of calcaneal tendon

Located between the tendon and the calcaneous

Popliteus m. origin

Lat condyle of femur

Popliteus m. insertion

Post surface of tib

Popliteus m. action

(NWB) IR tib on femur & knew flex; (WB) ER femur on tib & knee flex

Flexor hallicus longus origin

Lower 2/3 of dist fib surface

Flexor hallicus longus insertion

Base of distal phalanx of hallux

Flexor hallicus longus action

Hallux flexion; assists in ankle plantarflexion

Flexor digitorum longus origin

Middle 1/2 tib (posterior)

Flexor digitorum longus insertion

Plantar surface of distal phalanx digits 2-5

Flexor digitorum longus action

Ankle plantarflexion; toe flexion

Posterior tibialis origin

Lat poriton of post tib & prox 2/3 of med surface of fib shaft

Posterior tibialis insertion

Tuberosity of navicular

Posterior tibialis action

Foot inversion; assists in plantarflexion

Tom, Dick & Harry

(1) Tibialis posterior, (2) Flexor digitorum longus, (3) Flexor hallucis longus

Medially to laterally

Retinacula of the posterior leg

Medial malleolus to calcaneous; converts bony grooves into canals for passage of each deep flexor tendon, the posterior tibial vessels & tibial nerve to sole of foot. (Tibial tunnel)

Dorsal compartment

Between dorsal fascia, tarsal bones, dorsal interosseous fascia of the mid and forefoot.

Dorsal compartment muscles

(1) Extensor digitorum brevis, Extensor hallicus brevis

Extensor digitorum brevis origin

Superior surface of anterior calcaneous; anchored by inferior extensor retinaculum

Extensor digitorum brevis insertion

Tendons of EDL on 2-4

Extensor digitorum brevis action

Extends toes 2-4 @ MTP, PIP & DIP joints

Extensor hallicus brevis origin

Superior surface of calcaneous

Extensor hallicus brevis insertion

Prox phalanx of hallux

Extensor hallicus brevis action

Extends the 1st MTP

1st layer of plantar foot muscles

(1) Abductor digiti minimi, (2) flexor digitorum brevis, (3) Abductor hallucis

Abductor digiti minimi pedis origin

Calcaneal tuberosity; plantar fascia

Abductor digiti minimi pedis insertion

Lat plantar side of base of prox phalanx of 5th toe

Abductor digiti minimi pedis action

Abducts & flexes little toe @ MTP

Flexor digitorum brevis origin

Calcaneal tuberosity; plantar fascia

Flexor digitorum brevis insertion

Med & lat sides of middle phalanges of toes 2-5

Flexor digitorum brevis action

Flexes toes 2-5 @ MTP & PIP joints

Abductor hallucis origin

Calcaneal tuberosity; flexor retinaculum; plantar fascia

Abductor hallucis insertion

Med plantar side of base of 1st prox phalanx

Abductor hallucis action

Abducts big toe @ MTP joint

2nd layer of plantar foot muscles

(1) Qudratus plantae, (2) lumbricals pedis

Tendon of flexor hallucis longus & tendon of flexor digitorum longus

Qudratus plantae origin

Med & lat calcaneus

Qudratus plantae insertion

Lat margin of distal tendon of flexor digitorum longus muscle

Qudratus plantae action

Flexes toes 2-5 @ MTP, PIP, & DIP joint

Lumbricals pedis origin

From distal tendons of flexor digitorum longus muscle. (1) med bord of tendon to toe 2, (2) adjacent sides of tendons to toes 2 & 3, (3) adj sides of tendons to toes 3 & 4, (4) adj sides of tendons to toes 4 & 5,

Lumbricals pedis insertion

Med sides of extensor digitorum longus tendons merging into dorsal digital expansion of toes 2-5

Lumbricals pedis action

Flexes toes 2-5 @ MTP, PIP, & DIP joint

3rd layer of plantar foot muscles

(1) Flexor digiti minimi, (2) adductor hallucis, (3) Flexor hallucis brevis

Flexor digiti minimi pedis origin

Plantar surface of base of 5th MT & distal tendon of peroneus longus

Flexor digiti minimi pedis insertion

Plantar surface of the prox phalanx of the 5th toe

Flexor digiti minimi pedis action

Flexes toe 5 @ MTP joint

Adductor hallucis origin

Oblique head: base of MT 205 & distal tendon of peroneous longus

Transverse head: plantar MTP ligs

Adductor hallucis insertion

Lat side of base of 1st prox phalanx

Adductor hallucis action

Adducts & flexes big toe @ MTP joint

Flexor hallucis brevis origin

Cuboid; lat cuneiform; med side of 1st MT

Flexor hallucis brevis insertion

Med & lat side of plantar surface of base of 1st prox phalanx

Flexor hallucis brevis action

Flexes big toe @ MTP joint

4ht layer of plantar foot muscles

(1) Plantar interossei (x3), (2) Dorsal interossei (x4)

Tendons for peroneous longus & tibialis posterior

Plantar interossei (x3) origin

Med side of MTs 3 - 5

Plantar interossei (x3) insertion

Med side of prox phalanx of toes 3-5 & dorsal distal expansion

Plantar interossei (x3) action

Adducts & flexes toes 3-5 @ MTP joint; Extends toes 3-5 @ PIP & DIP joints

Dorsal interossei pedis (x4) origin

Each arrises from adjacent sides of MTs 1-5

Dorsal interossei pedis (x4) insertion

Bases of prox phalanx & dorsal distal expansion of toes 2-4

Dorsal interossei pedis (x4) action

Abducts & flexes toes 2-4 @ MTP joint; Extends toes 2-4 @ PIP & DIP joints