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40 Cards in this Set

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What is an offer?

An expression of willingness to be bound on specified terms without further negotiation.

What’s an invitation to treat?

An invitation to make offers?

Offered must have intention to be bound?

Harvey v Facey 1893

Other case for offered must have intention to be bound

Carlill v carbolic smokeball co 1893

What’s a bilateral agreement

Promise in exchange for a promise.

What’s a bilateral agreement

Promise in exchange for a promise.

What’s a unilateral agreement?

Consists of a promise in exchange for an act.

What’s a bilateral agreement

Promise in exchange for a promise.

What’s a unilateral agreement?

Consists of a promise in exchange for a promise.

Generally speaking, are displays of goods in a shop window an offer or ITT?

Invitation to treat, established in case fisher v Bell 1961

Displays of good in shop shelves are?

ITT, established in case pharmaceutical society of Great Britain v boots cash chemist 1953

How do you distinguish an offer to an ITT?

If he merely intended to begin or continue negotiations with the other party it is an invitation to treat. - Gibson v Manchester City Council 1979

Does the offer actually have to be communicated to the offeree in order to be effective?

Yes, oferree can not accept an offer she does not know about and she must act in response to an offer.

What is acceptance?

Final and unqualified agreement to all the terms contained in the offer.

What is acceptance?

Final and unqualified agreement to all the terms contained in the offer.

What are the 3 main rules of acceptance?

1.) acceptance must be communicated to the offeree

2.) The terms of acceptance must exactly match the terms of the offer.

3.) The agreement must be certain.

What is acceptance?

Final and unqualified agreement to all the terms contained in the offer.

What are the 3 main rules of acceptance?

1.) acceptance must be communicated to the offeree

2.) The terms of acceptance must exactly match the terms of the offer.

3.) The agreement must be certain.

Case for acceptance must be communicated to offeree?

Entries v miles far eat 1955

What is acceptance?

Final and unqualified agreement to all the terms contained in the offer.

What are the 3 main rules of acceptance?

1.) acceptance must be communicated to the offeree

2.) The terms of acceptance must exactly match the terms of the offer.

3.) The agreement must be certain.

Case for acceptance must be communicated to offeree?

Entries v miles far eat 1955

Does silence mount to acceptance?

No, generally silence does not amount to acceptance. - felthouse v Brindley.

What is acceptance?

Final and unqualified agreement to all the terms contained in the offer.

What are the 3 main rules of acceptance?

1.) acceptance must be communicated to the offeree

2.) The terms of acceptance must exactly match the terms of the offer.

3.) The agreement must be certain.

Case for acceptance must be communicated to offeree?

Entries v miles far eat 1955

Does silence mount to acceptance?

No, generally silence does not amount to acceptance. - felthouse v Brindley.

Can acceptance be done through conduct?

Yes, evident in broaden v metropolitan railway Co (1877)

Case for battle of the forms& last shot rule.

Butler machine Tooke Ex- Cell- O corporation (1979) 1 WLR 401 court of appeal.

Case for battle of the forms& last shot rule.

Butler machine Tooke Ex- Cell- O corporation (1979) 1 WLR 401 court of appeal.

What is the postal rule?

If a letter is addressed properly and stamped acceptance takes place once the letter is placed in the post box.

Case for battle of the forms& last shot rule.

Butler machine Tooke Ex- Cell- O corporation (1979) 1 WLR 401 court of appeal.

What is the postal rule?

If a letter is addressed properly and stamped acceptance takes place once the letter is placed in the post box.

Is it relevant if the letter is lost in the post an never arrives?

Yes, evident in the case Household fire and carriage accident insurance Co (Ltd) v Grant (1879)

Is it stress free for parties to omit the postal rule?

Yes, evident in Holwell securities v Hughes (1974)

Do the terms of acceptance have to match the terms of the offer?

Yes, if terms differ this will amount to a counter offer and no contract will exist. - Hyde v wrench (1840)

Is a request for information rejection or counter offer?

Neither, if a response is insufficiently specific or definite then it will not constitute A counter offer. -Stevenson, Jacques and Co v McLean (1880).

An offer may be terminated by?

1.) death of offeror or offeree.

2.) lapse of time;

3.) revocation

4.) counter offer.

An offer may be terminated by?

1.) death of offeror or offeree.

2.) lapse of time;

3.) revocation

4.) counter offer.

Does an offer terminate after a certain amount of time.

Yes an offer will terminate after a reasonable amount of time. What amounts to a reasonable lapse of time will depend on the circumstances. - ramsgate Victoria Hotel v Montefoire (1866)