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287 Cards in this Set

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suus, sua, suum
adj (reflexive possessive): his own, her own, its own, their own
solus, sola, solum
adj: alone, only, the only
antiquus, antiqua, antiquum
adj: ancient, old-time
ullus, ulla, ullum
adj: any
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
adj: beautiful, handsome; fine
carus, cara, carum
adj: dear
uter, utra, utrum
adj: either, which
stultus, stulta, stultum
adj: foolish
liber, libera, liberum
adj: free
amicus, amica, amicum
adj: friendly
plenus, plena, plenum
adj: full, adundant, generous
bonus, bona, bonum
adj: good, kind
avarus, avara, avarum
adj: greedy; avaricious
Graecus, Graeca, Graecum
adj: Greek
beatus, beata, beatum
adj: happy, fortunate, blessed
acerbus, acerba, acerbum
adj: harsh, bitter, grievous
magnus, magna, magnum
adj: large, great; important
fortunatus, fortunata, fortunatum
adj: lucky, fortunate, happy
multus, multa, multum
adj: much, many
meus, mea, meum
adj: my
novus, nova, novum
adj: new; strange
nullus, nulla, nullum
adj: not any, no, none
neuter, neutra, neutrum
adj: not either, neither
unus, una, unum
adj: one, single, alone
alius, alia, aliud
adj: other, another
noster, nostra, nostrum
adj: our, ours
perpetuus, perpetua, perpetuum
adj: perpetual, lasting, uninterrupted, continuous
humanus, humana, humanum
adj: pertaining, to man, human; humane, kind; refined, cultivated
pauci, paucae, pauca
adj: pl. few, a few
bellus, bella, bellum
adj: pretty, handsome, charming
Romanus, Romana, Romani
adj: Roman
salvus, salva, salvum
adj: safe, sound
secundus, secunda, secundum
adj: second
sanus, sana, sanum
adj: sound, healthy, sane
doctus, docta, doctum
adj: taught, learned, skilled
iste, ista, istud
adj: that of yours, that
ille, illa, illud
adj: that, those
alter, altera, alterum
adj: the other, second
his, haec, hoc
adj: this; these
verus, vera, verum
adj: true, real, proper
totus, tota, totum
adj: whole, entire
vester, vestra, vestrum
adj: your (pl.)
tuus, tua, tuum
adj: your (sg.)
malus, mala, malum
adj. bad, wicked, evil
parvus, parva, parvum
adj. small, little
adv, conj: where
adv: always
adv: because of which thing; wherefore, why
adv: even, also
adv: long, for a long time
adv: never
adv: nevertheless, still
adv: not
adv: now, at present
adv: often
adv: once, long ago, formerly; some day, in the future
adv: recently
adv: then, at that time; thereupon, in the next place
adv: there
adv: today
adv: tomorrow
nimis or nimium
adv: too, too much, excessively
adv: well, satisfactorily, quite
adv: yesterday
neque, nec
conj: and not, nor
conj: and; even; both...and
conj: because
conj: but
conj: for
conj: for, in fact, truly
conj: however; moreover
conj: if
conj: since, inasmuch as
conj: therefore, consequently
conj: while, as long as, at the same time that
interrog: when
natura, naturae
noun 1st: fem: nature
noun, adv, adj: indec: neut: enough, sufficient
littera, litterae
noun: 1st: fem: a letter of the alphabet
copia, copiae
noun: 1st: fem: abundance, supply
Asia, Asiae
noun: 1st: fem: Asia, Asia Minor
cura, curae
noun: 1st: fem: care, attention, caution, anxiety
filia, filiae, (dat & abl pl. filiabus)
noun: 1st: fem: daughter
terra, terrae
noun: 1st: fem: earth, ground, land, country
patria, patriae
noun: 1st: fem: fatherland, native land
culpa, culpae
noun: 1st: fem: fault, blame
sententia, sententiae
noun: 1st: fem: feeling, thought, opinion, vote, sentence
amica, amicae
noun: 1st: fem: female friend
forma, formae
noun: 1st: fem: form, shape; beauty
fortuna, fortunae
noun: 1st: fem: fortune, luck
amicitia, amicitiae
noun: 1st: fem: friendship
porta, portae
noun: 1st: fem: gate, entrance
puella, puellae
noun: 1st: fem: girl
gloria, gloriae
noun: 1st: fem: glory, fame
dea, deae
noun: 1st: fem: goddess
hora, horae
noun: 1st: fem: hour, time
ira, irae
noun: 1st: fem: ire, anger
vita, vitae
noun: 1st: fem: life; mode of life
pecunia, pecuniae
noun: 1st: fem: money
poena, poenae
noun: 1st: fem: penalty, punishment
philosophia, philosophiae
noun: 1st: fem: philosophy
litterae, litterarum
noun: 1st: fem: pl. a letter, literature
insidiae, insidiarum
noun: 1st: fem: pl. ambush, plot, treachery
divitiae, divitiarum
noun: 1st: fem: pl. riches, wealth
regina, reginae
noun: 1st: fem: queen
Roma, Romae
noun: 1st: fem: Rome
rosa, rosae
noun: 1st: fem: rose
fama, famae
noun: 1st: fem: rumor, report; fame, reputation
magistra, magistrae
noun: 1st: fem: schoolmistress
patientia, patientiae
noun: 1st: fem: suffering; patience, endurance
turba, turbae
noun: 1st: fem: uproar, disturbance; mob, crowd, multitude
victoria, victoriae
noun: 1st: fem: victory
aqua, aquae
noun: 1st: fem: water
via, viae
noun: 1st: fem: way, road, street
sapientia, sapientiae
noun: 1st: fem: wisdom
femina, feminae
noun: 1st: fem: woman
adulescentia, adulescentiae
noun: 1st: fem: youth, young manhood; youthfulness
agricola, agricolae
noun: 1st: masc: farmer
poeta, poetae
noun: 1st: masc: poet
nauta, nautae
noun: 1st: masc: sailor
mora, morae
noun: 2nd: fem: delay
medicus, medici; medica, medicae
noun: 2nd: masc; fem: doctor
stultus, stulti
noun: 2nd: masc: a fool
Graecus, Graeci
noun: 2nd: masc: a Greek
tyrannus, tyranni
noun: 2nd: masc: abolute ruler, tyrant
liber, libri
noun: 2nd: masc: book
puer, pueri
noun: 2nd: masc: boy
morbus, morbi
noun: 2nd: masc: disease, sickness
oculus, oculi
noun: 2nd: masc: eye
ager, agri
noun: 2nd: masc: field, farm
deus, dei
noun: 2nd: masc: god
discipulus, discipuli; discipula, discipulae
noun: 2nd: masc: learner, pupil, student
amicus, amici
noun: 2nd: masc: male friend
vir, viri
noun: 2nd: masc: man, hero
numerus, numeri
noun: 2nd: masc: number
locus, loci
noun: 2nd: masc: place; passage in literature
magister, magistri
noun: 2nd: masc: schoolmaster
filius, filii
noun: 2nd: masc: son
animus, animi
noun: 2nd: masc: soul, spirit, mind
populus, populi
noun: 2nd: masc: the people, a people, a nation
annus, anni
noun: 2nd: masc: year
principium, principii
noun: 2nd: neut: beginning
remedium, remedii
noun: 2nd: neut: cure, remedy
periculum, periculi
noun: 2nd: neut: danger, risk
factum, facti
noun: 2nd: neut: deed, act, achievement
exitium, exitii
noun: 2nd: neut: destruction, ruin
officium, officii
noun: 2nd: neut: duty, service
studium, studii
noun: 2nd: neut: eagerness, zeal, pursuit, study
vitium, vitii
noun: 2nd: neut: fault, abundant, generous
donum, doni
noun: 2nd: neut: gift, present
basium, basii
noun: 2nd: neut: kiss
otium, otii
noun: 2nd: neut: leisure, peace
loca, locorum
noun: 2nd: neut: pl. places, region
consilium, consilii
noun: 2nd: neut: plan, purpose, counsel, advice, judgement, wisdom
signum, signi
noun: 2nd: neut: sign, signal, indication; seal
caelum, caeli
noun: 2nd: neut: sky, heaven
bellum, belli
noun: 2nd: neut: war
verbum, verbi
noun: 2nd: neut: word
ars, artis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): fem: art, skill
urbs, urbis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): fem: city
nubes, nubis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): fem: cloud
mors, mortis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): fem: death
auris, auris
noun: 3rd (i-stem): fem: ear
vis, vis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): fem: force, power, violence
pars, partis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): fem: part, share; direction
civis, civis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): masc and fem: citizen
animal, animalis
noun: 3rd (i-stem): neut: a living creature, animal
mare, maris
noun: 3rd (i-stem): neut: sea
cupiditas, cupiditatis
noun: 3rd: fem: desire, longing, passion; cupidity, avarice
timor, timoris
noun: 3rd: fem: fear
libertas, libertatis
noun: 3rd: fem: liberty
virgo, virginis
noun: 3rd: fem: maiden, virgin
virtus, virtutis
noun: 3rd: fem: manliness, courage; excellence, character, worth, virtue
mater, matris
noun: 3rd: fem: mother
senectus, senectutis
noun: 3rd: fem: old age
pax, pacis
noun: 3rd: fem: peace
voluptas, voluptatis
noun: 3rd: fem: pleasure
laus, laudis
noun: 3rd: fem: praise, glory, fame
ratio, rationis
noun: 3rd: fem: reckoning, account; reason, judgement
soror, sororis
noun: 3rd: fem: sister
civitas, civitatis
noun: 3rd: fem: state, citizenship
veritas, veritatis
noun: 3rd: fem: truth
uxor, uxoris
noun: 3rd: fem: wife
adulescens, adulescentis
noun: 3rd: macs and fem: young man, young woman
frater, fratris
noun: 3rd: masc: brother
Caesar, Caesaris
noun: 3rd: masc: Caesar
Cicero, Ciceronis
noun: 3rd: masc: Cicero
consul, consulis
noun: 3rd: masc: consul
pater, patris
noun: 3rd: masc: father
mos, moris
noun: 3rd: masc: habit, custom, manner
homo, hominis
noun: 3rd: masc: human being, man
rex, regis
noun: 3rd: masc: king
labor, laboris
noun: 3rd: masc: labor, work, toil; a work, production
amor, amoris
noun: 3rd: masc: love
mores, morum
noun: 3rd: masc: pl. habits, morals, chracter
scriptor, scriptoris
noun: 3rd: masc: writer, author
corpus, corporis
noun: 3rd: neut: body
caput, capitis
noun: 3rd: neut: head; leader; beginning; life
os, oris
noun: 3rd: neut: mouth, face
nomen, nominis
noun: 3rd: neut: name
ius, iuris
noun: 3rd: neut: right, justice, law
carmen, carminis
noun: 3rd: neut: song, poem
tempus, temporis
noun: 3rd: neut: time; occasion, opportunity
noun: indec: neut: nothing
nemo, nullius, nemini, neminem, nullo, or nulla
noun: masc or fem: no one, nobody
noun: nothing
prep: +abl (rest) +acc (motion): under, up under, close to; down to/into
a or ab
prep: +abl: away from, from; by
prep: +abl: down from, from; concerning, about
prep: +abl: in front of, before, on behalf of
prep: +abl: in, on
ex or ē
prep: +abl: out of, from, from within; by reason of, on account of
prep: +abl: with
prep: +abl: without
prep: +acc: across
prep: +acc: after, behind
prep: +acc: before
prep: +acc: into, toward; against
prep: +acc: on account of, because of
prep: +acc: through
prep: +acc: to, up to, near to
pron: me, myself
pron: what
quisque, quidque
pronoun (indefinite): each one, each person, each thing
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
pronoun (intensive): myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself
pronoun (reflexive): himself, herself, itself, themselves
ego, mei
pronoun: I
is, ea, id
pronoun: this, that; he, she, it
tu, tui
pronoun: you
idem, eadem, idem
the same
vito, vitare, vitavi
verb: 1st: to avoid, shun
supero, superare, superavi
verb: 1st: to be above, surpass; overcome, conquer
tolero, tolerare, toleravi
verb: 1st: to bear, endure
ceno, cenare, culpavi
verb: 1st: to blame, censure
voco, vocare, vocavi
verb: 1st: to call, summon
muto, multare, mutavi
verb: 1st: to change, alter; exchange
creo, creare, creavi
verb: 1st: to create
do, dare, dedi
verb: 1st: to give, offer
iuvo, iuvare, iuvi
verb: 1st: to help, aid, assist; please
amo, amare, amavi
verb: 1st: to love, like
neco, necare, necavi
verb: 1st: to murder, kill
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi
verb: 1st: to point out, show, demonstrate
laudo, laudare, laudavi
verb: 1st: to praise
conservo, conservare, conservavi
verb: 1st: to preserve, conserve, maintain
servo, servare, servavi
verb: 1st: to preserve, save, keep, guard
satio, satiare, satiavi
verb: 1st: to satisfy, sate
appello, appellare, appellavi
verb: 1st: to speak to, address, call, name
sto, stare, steti
verb: 1st: to stand, stand still or firm
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi
verb: 1st: to think, ponder, consider, plan
erro, errare, erravi
verb: 1st: to wander; err, go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken
valeo, valēre, valui
verb: 2nd: to be strong, have power; be well
salveo, salvēre
verb: 2nd: to be well, be in good health
audeo, audēre
verb: 2nd: to dare
terreo, terrēre, terrui
verb: 2nd: to frighten, terrify
habeo, habēre, habui
verb: 2nd: to have, hold, possess; consider, regard
teneo, tenēre, tenui
verb: 2nd: to hold, keep, possess; restrain
debeo, debēre, debui
verb: 2nd: to owe; ought, must should
maneo, manēre, mansi; remaneo, remanēre, remansi
verb: 2nd: to remain, stay, stay behind, abide, continue
moneo, monēre, monui
verb: 2nd: to remind, advise, warn
video, vidēre, vidi
verb: 2nd: to see; observe, understand
doceo, docēre, docui
verb: 2nd: to teach
fugio, fugere, fugi
verb: 3rd (-io): to flee, hurry away; escape
facio, facere, feci
verb: 3rd (-io): to make, do, accomplish
capio, capere, cepi
verb: 3rd (-io): to take, capture, seize, get
gero, gerere, gessi
verb: 3rd: to carry; carry on, manage, conduct
vinco, vincere, vici
verb: 3rd: to conquer, overcome
traho, trahere, traxi
verb: 3rd: to draw, drag; derive, aquire
ago, agere, egi
verb: 3rd: to drive, lead, do, act; pass, spend
diligo, diligere, dilexi
verb: 3rd: to esteem, love
cado, cadere, cedici
verb: 3rd: to fall
iungo, iungere, iunxi
verb: 3rd: to join
duco, ducere, duxi
verb: 3rd: to lead; consider, regard
disco, discere, didici
verb: 3rd: to learn
vivo, vivere, vixi
verb: 3rd: to live
alo, alere, alui
verb: 3rd: to nourish, support, sustain, increase; cherish
curro, currere, cucurri
verb: 3rd: to run, rush, move quickly
dico, dicere, dixi
verb: 3rd: to say, tell, speak; name, call
amitto, amittere, amisi
verb: 3rd: to send away; lose, let go
mitto, mittere, misi
verb: 3rd: to send, let go
intellego, intellegere, intellexi
verb: 3rd: to understand
scribo, scribere, scripsi
verb: 3rd: to write, compose
venio, venire, veni
verb: 4th: to come
invenio, invenire, inveni
verb: 4th: to come upon, find
sentio, sentire, sensi
verb: 4th: to feel, perceive, think, experience
audio, audire, audivi
verb: 4th: to hear, listen to
possum, posse, potui
verb: irr: to be able, can, could
sum, esse, fui
verb: irr: to be, exist