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9 Cards in this Set

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Define a well-balanced diet

Correct amount of proteins carbs and fats combined with exercise

Define a high protein low carbohydrate ketogenic diet

Emphasized restriction of carbs

Define a semi-starvation diet

Very low calorie diet, requires close supervision

When a diet does not include exercise, what is typically lost in the first week? In the fourth week and beyond?

Water, then eventually fat after the 4th week (85%)

Does the amount of calories needed to lose 1Kg change as a dieting progresses

Yes, dramatically increases until 6 weeks

What is the general exercise guideline for health is recommended by the CDC and ACSM?

30 minutes of moderate exercise everyday (preferably)

What is the fastest growing age group in the USA?


What are the benefits of adding exercise to diet

increase overall energy deficit, facilitates lipid mobilization, preserves fat-free body mass, provide significant health benefits

Respiratory exchange ratio ?

CO2 produced / O2 consumed