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11 Cards in this Set

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Cognitions as behavior

covert behavior private events self-talk or imaginal behavio

Cognition in Clinical probs

broadly can be characterized by excessive or deficits of cognitive behavior

Cognitive behavior excess

obsessions rumination worry depression

Cognitive behavior deficits

- impulsivity

- poor decision making

- poor problem solving

How can a cognition be a CS?

A thought that is associated with something negative in the past

How can cognitions be a motivating operation?

If you are on a diet and have been thinking about junk food, that would make the cookie a more potent reinforcer

How can cognitions be an SD (discriminative stimulus) for other operant behavior?

Someone who is depressed and anxious at a party might think no one here will like me- they won’t talk to you, thought

How can a cognition be a reinforcer or punisher?

you go to talk to someone you dont know and it doesn’t go well, you tell yourself “you suck at conversations” → decreases the likelihood that you will engage in the behavior of talking to someone again

Cognitive Restructuring

Replacing distressing thoughts with more desirable thoughts Procedure:

1. Identify the distressing thoughts and the situations where they occur

2. Identify the emotional response and the behavioral response that follows

3. Help client to replace distressing thoughts with more rational thoughts

Challenging Cognitive Distortions

- Look for evidence to support/refute the thought

- Use the evidence to create a more rational thought

Self Instructional Training

1. Identify the prob situation and desirable behavior

2. Identify the self-instructions to use in the situation

3. Teach self-instructions using behavioral skills training:Therapist models the self-instructions and behavior Together recite self-instructions then perform the behavior Overtly say the self-instructions - then perform the behavior covertly say the self-instructions and then perform the behavior

4.) Use self-instructions in the problem situation to guide desirable behavior