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20 Cards in this Set

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Demand for Labour

The labour market is composed of sellers of labour (households) & buyers of labour (firms). Workers supply their labour & firms demand labour. The demand for labour is a derived demand meaning it depends on the demands for goods/services.

Factors that Influence the Demand for Labour

The price of the product being produced, demand for final product, the ability to subsitute capital for labour, the productivity of labour.

Supply of Labour

The number of hours a worker is willing and able to work at a given wage in a period.

Factors Influencing the Supply of Labour

Training period, wages in other occupations, changes in migration policy, income tax levels, working conditions, trade union power, level of welfare benefits , social trends.

Market Failure in Labour Markets

Occurs in the labour market when workers are unable to easily move between jobs.

Factors leading to Market Failure in Labour Markets

Geographical immobility of labour - workers find it difficult to move from one area to another, Occupational mobility of labour - ability of a worker to change occupations when they lose a job.

Labour Market Equilibrium

Occurs where the demand for labour is equal to the supply of labour

Current Labour Market Issues

Skill shortages, youth unemployment, changes to retirement ages, school leaving age (Lower is an issue), Zero-hour contracts.

Maximum Wage

A government imposed price ceiling below the market price & is rarely used.

Minimum Wage

A legally imposed wage level that employers must pay their workers. It is set above the market rate and varies based on age.

National Minimum Wage

The UK government imposes a national minimum wage which incentivises the supply of labour to increase due to higher wages. Facing higher production costs, the demand for labour by firms decreases

Policies to Tackle Labour Market Immobility

Improved education/training, targeting skill shortages, relocation subsidies, reducing asymmetric information, reducing discrimination.

The elasticity of demand for labour

This refers to how responsive a firms demand for labour is to a change in the price of labour (wage rate). If demand is elastic firms will be very responsive to changes in wage rates (rapidly hiring/firing workers when wages fall/rise).

Factors That Influence PED of Labour

The proportion of labour costs to total costs, ease & cost of factor subsitution, PED of the final product, Time period.

The elasticity of supply of labour

This refers to how responsive the supply of labour is to a change in the price of labour (wage rate). In low skilled occupations the quantity of labour supplies is very responsive to a change in wage rates, occupations which require longer training tend to have an inelastic supply of labour.

Cyclical Unemployment

A type of unemployment that is caused by fluctuations in the business cycle or economic cycle.

Structural Unemployment

A form of involuntary unemployment caused by a mismatch between the skills that workers in an economy can offer, and the skills demand by employers.

Seasonal Unemployment

A situation where workers are unemployed at certain times of the year when demand has decreased.

Geographical Immobility of labour

This occurs when workers find it difficult to move from one geographical area to another in order to secure employment e.g family ties, affording accomadation, lack of info about jobs.

Occupational Mobility of labour

This refers to the ability of a worker to change occupations when they lose a job. If their skill base is transferable between different occupations, their occupational mobility is high.