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28 Cards in this Set

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Average heart rate for non-athletes and athletes

75 beat/min non

58 beat/min athlete

What is normal systolic blood pressure

115-120 mmHg

What is normal diastolic pressure


What is a normal pulse pressure


What is the equation for MAP


What is a normal PP


How can SV be measured

ONLY directly measured with an aortas cannula

How do we calculate SV


What is the equation for CO


What is a normal CO

around 5,250 mL/min at rest

What do we assume changes for the heart rate with exercise

increases by 50%

How do we measure TPR


Where does the superior mesenteric take blood to

small intestines

Renal Artery takes blood to where


Where does the inferior mesenteric Artery take blood

large intestine and colon

What vein drains blood from the neck, shoulders, and head

superior vena cava

What aorta is above the diaphragm


What aorta is below the diaphragm


Where does the left gastric artery take blood to


Where does the hepatic artery take blood to


What is the path of blood through the anterior portion to the intercostals arteries

Aorta, Aortic Arch, Brachiocephalic truck, R Subclavin, R. Thorastic Anterior Aorta, Anterior Intercostals

What is the path of blood to the posterior intercostal arteries

Ascending aorta, thoracic aorta, posterior intercostal Artery

What is the path from the posterior intercostals (left and right)

Left: Hemiazygos Vein & Accessory Hemiazygos vein, Azygos Vein, superior vena cava

Right: Azygos vein to superior vena cava

Difference between left and right gonadal

left gonadal to left renal to inferior vena cava

Right gonadal to inferior vena cava

Heart to ribs

ascending aorta, brachiocephalic trunk to right subclavian to right internal thoracic artery

Ribs to heart

Anterior intercostal Vein, thoracic vein, brachiocephlic vein, superior vena cava

Abdominal order arteries

abdominal descending aorta

celiac truck (common hepatic, splenic artery, gastric)

superior mesenteric, renal, gonadal, inferior mesenteric

Veins of abdomen

Inferior mesenteric, splenic vein, superior mesenteric vein, hepatic portal vein, liver