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25 Cards in this Set

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Sitting down to a nice Sunday afternoon dinner.

جالسا لتناول عشاء رائع ظهر يوم الاحد


الوجبة الرئيسية التي يتم تناولها

اما في وسط اليوم او في المساء










الوجبة الرئيسية الظهر




الوجبة الرئيسية الليل

Habitual past

عادة كانت موجودة في الماضي ولم تعد موجودة اليوم

كنت اجري 3 كيلومترات كل يوم

I used to run three kilometers every day

Subject +Used to + الفعل بصورته الرئيسية


She used to play tennis

We used to visit him a lot

I used to read many books

He used to be my friend.

كان لدي مكتب كهذا


اعتدت ان يكون لدي مكتب كهذا

I used to have an office like this.

اعتادت امي ان تعد الطبيخ

My mama used to make staw.


Vegan staw

طبيخ خضار مع لحمة

طبيخ نباتي (خضار بدون لحمة)

كان شريكي


اعتاد ان يكون شريكي

He used to be my partner.

عشت في باريس

لم اعش في باريس

I used to live in Paris.

I didn't use to live in Paris.

She didn't use to believe me

We didn't use to like him.

Frank didn't use to own a dog.

Jack didn't use to go to school.

هل اعتدت ان تفعل كذا؟

Did you use to do....?

هل اعتدت ان تلعب كرة القدم؟

Did you use to play soccer?

هل اعتادت ان يكون لها شعر طويل؟

Did she use to have long hair?

هل عشت في مصر من قبل؟

Did you use to live in Egypt ?

هل كنت تحب مادة الرياضيات؟

Did you use to like math?

هل كنت سائق تاكسي من قبل؟

Did you use to be a taxi driver?

Did you use to watch a lot of TV?

Yes, I used to watch a lot of TV.

Yes, I did.

No, I didn't use to watch a lot of TV.

No, I didn't.

You - play computer games. (yes.....)

Did you use to play computer games?

Yes, I used to play computer games.

George - be in a rock band. (yes /No....)

Did George use to be in a rock band?

Yes,he did.

No,he didn't use to be in a rock band.

Mike and Kate - have a car (yes......)

Did they use to have a car?

Yes, they used to have a car.