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19 Cards in this Set

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Heart linings

1. Endicardium (lines heart chamber)

2. Myocardium (thick and muscular)

3. Epicardium (thin and protective)

4. Pericardium (protective sac with fluid)

Semilunar values

Ventricles to aorta/pulnonary

Sinus node


Cardiac output

Amount of blood pumped per min

Stoke volume

Amount of blood pumped out of left vertical per heart beat (ml)

Heart rate

Rhythmical contraction of hear walls

Max = 220-age

Intensity of work

Estimated by measuring heart rate via carotid or radial pulse

Increases anaerobic threshold

Caused by endurance training

Increase rate of lactic acid removal by;

1. Increase blood flow in muscles

2. Increase flow of lactic acid to blood

3. Increase metabolism of lactate


Immature RBC (stored in bone marrow)

Arterial venous oxygen differnce

Difference in O2 leaving lungs and returning

Factors affecting O2 delivery

1. O2 extraction (ability of tissues to extract O2)

2. Capillarization (number of capillaries in tissues)

3. Cardiac output

4. Hematocrit

VO2 max

Volume of O2 consumed due to aerobic metabolism

Measure O2 uptake

3 aspects of respiration

1. Ventilation (act of breathing)

2. Gas exchange

3. Oxygen utilization (at tissues)

Altitude effects


Acute mountain sickness (headache, brain and lung swelling)

Increase O2 carrying capacity long term by increase RBC count

Exercise in heat

Increase sweating

Hyperthermia/heat stroke

Increase skin blood flow (increase peripheral vasodilation)

Exercise in cold


Peripheral vasoconstriction

Clothing needs to be layered, not hold water, break wind, cover extremities well


Percent of blood made up of RBC (45%l


Binds up to 4 O2

Transport of CO2

1. CO2 dissolves in plasma (10%)

2. CO2 combineds with hemoglobin (20%)

3. CO2 binds with hemoglobin (causes chloride shift = balancing of acid base/ionic balance in blood)