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60 Cards in this Set

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bones invloved in the knee
Femur and Tibia Patella is in the area
Femur landmarks
medial condyle,laterial condyle medial epicondyle,laterial epicondyle,troclea,adductor tubercle,popliteal area,linea aspera
wolf law
Bone will remodle according to force put on it
medial and laterial condyle
laterial rocker and the medial rocker on the bottom of femur Medial is the bigger than laterial
medial amd laterial epicondyle
sides of the femur at the knee that stick out
groove in the front that the pattella sits in between the condyles
adductor tubercle
most promiment bump on the on the medial side superior to the epicondyle
popliteal area
behind the knee above the trochlea
linea aspera
rough line up back of shaft of femur
Tibia Landmarks
Plateau, medial and laterial condyle, tibial tuberosity, popliteal area, pes anserinus
top of the tibia
medial condyle and laterial condyle of tibia
the medial half of the plateau edges and the laterial half of the plateau edges
tibial tuberosity
Big bump on front of tibia under knee cap area
Osgood Schatters Disease
Boys more than girls
the tibaila tuberosity gets inflammed by the bone growing faster than the tendon the tendon is stretched so tight that it pulls away from the bone,causes it to get bigger
popliteal area
back of the tibia behind the knee
pes anserinus
"goose foot" medial to tibial tubericle insertion of muscles here
Patella landmarks
pellla shaped like a upside down triangle
base, apex, medial and laterial articular facets
patella base
wide part at the top of the knee cap
patella apex
bottom pointy part
medial and laterial articular facets
underneath surface of patella when it articules with femur it slides up and down in the troclea
Fibula landmarks
styloid process, head , neck
Fibula styloid process
pointy top at the proximal end
fibula head
rounded part at the top
fibula neck
just underneath the fat wide part or the head is the neck
Pelvis landmarks
AIIS ans ASIS and Ischial tuberosity
Anterior Superior Illac Spine
Pelvis landmark pointy part that sticks out front
Anterior Inferior Illac Spine
Pelvis landmark pointy part about pocket hgight below ASIS
Ischial tuberosity
sit down bones or the butt bones
femur to tibia, patella to femur, proximal tibial
Femure to tibia
synovial hinge (diarthrodial) gliding
Movement: modified to lock your knees
Screw Home Mechanism
Purpose: better stablity
end of ext tibia turns out the ability to lock knees
patella to femur
where the oatella glides in the trochlear goove of femur,e embedded in tendon can produce crepitus sondition, indic. wearing out of cart. on the back of patella
proximal tibial-fibula articulation
Synovial gliding of the fibula
Cartilage and Ligaments at Knee
Minuscus, medial minuscus, laterial meniscus
sits on top of tibia C shaped cushions femur and tibia and hold s the femur in place
Medial Meniscus
C shaped sits of the medial side is BIGGER, has beveled edges at top inside edges are tacked but moveable
Laterial Meniscus
SMALLer more O shaped than C shaped beveled edges thicker on outside thinner inside, inside edge is free to move around
Ligaments - Job and located
Job: limit motion and provide stability, attach bones to bone
patella to tibia
a sesimoid bone embedded in quadriceps femoris tendon, attaches to tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament.
anterior cruciate ligament
on anterior Tibia - A C L
cruciate means to cross
Ligaments to knee
Patella to tibia, anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments, laterial and medial collaterial ligaments
posterior cruciate ligament
starts on posterior tibia crosses ...cruciate means to cross
laterial collaterial ligament (Fibular collateral)
femur to fiblua and is NOT attached to laterial miniscus smaller and go side to side
medial collaterial ligament (tibial collaterial)
Bigger and stronger from femur to tiabia ATTACHES to medial miniscus
Unhappy triad
bad ACL, Medial Miniscus, Medial collaterial ligament
joint capsule is?
not including the patella, it cover the femur/ and tibia/ but the patella sits outside it
flat pillow filled with synovial fluid Job- to be a cushion protecting soft tissue from hard tissue
Movements of the knee
extention, flexion, medial internal rotation, laterial (external rotation
Muscles of the Quadriceps
Anterior thigh - major job at knee
rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis, VMO- vastus medialis obliquus
rectus femoris
part of quads, front in thigh
vastus laterslis
lateral quad
vastus intermedius
middle under the rectus femorism part of the quads
wastus medialis
medial quad inside
vastus medialis obliquus
VMO medial side makes a ball at your knee
Hamstring group - Posterior thigh major job is at knee flexor
bicept femoris, semimembranosus,
Other group,
gastroc, plantaris, popliteus, gracilis,sartorius,tensor fascia latae,
1 joint musle only job id to unlock knee from screw home mechanism
most medial hip muscle cross the knee joint
longest strap muscle
tensor fascia latae
short muscle inserts on tibia