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31 Cards in this Set

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tubular epithelial necrosis with skip "PATHCY" areas, rupture of BM, occlusion of tubular lumen by casts; cell swelling vacuolization, sloughing of non necrotic tubular cells into tubule lumen.
- EOSINOPHILIC hyaline casts sp in dista tubules and CD. : mostly Tamm Horsfall protein.
- Also evidence of epithelial regeneration: flat epithelial cells w hyperchromatic nucleus and mitotic figures.
Acute Tubular Necrosis: ISHCEMIC
ethylene glycol shows marked ballooning and vacuolar degeneration of PCT. it usually has a DIFFUSE tubular involvement.
Acute Tubular Necrosis: TOXINS
No. 1 microorganism that causes UTI.
gram - rod: E.Coli #1 others:
- proteus, klebsiella, enterobacter.
2 routes how bacteria can reach the kidney
- ascening from lower UT
- via bloodstream, less common
acute pyelonephritis shows what type od casts
WBC casts
this nephropathy occurs early childhood from superimposition of UTI on congenital vesicoureteral reflux.
it involves calyces and pelvis
- shows dilated tubules w flattened epithelium filled w colloid casts which make them look like thyroid: "thyroidization" also chronic interstitial inflammation and fibrosis.
chronic obstructive pyelonephritis
reflux nephropathy
affects small arteries and arterioles of kidney, results is focal ischemia
MEDIAL and intimal thickening: glassy thickening, hyalinization of walls , due to age as response to hemodynamic changes, aging, genetics.
hyaline deposition d/t extravasation of plasma proteins through injures endothelium.
due to the effects of BENIGN hypertension under control
- fine granular cortical surface- subcapsular scars w sclerotic glomeruli and tubular dropout.
benign nephrosclerosis
damage to the interlobular arteries of the kidne: INTIMAL thickening, proliferation of elongated, concentrically arranged smooth muscle cells and fine concentric layering of collagen; ONION SKIN aka; hyperplastic arteriolitis
- PMN infiltrate
- fibrinoid necrosis
malignant neprosclerosis
most renal infarts are due to embolism, though severe atherosclerosis of the renal arteries may lead to occlusion via thrombosis.
most infarcts are white or anemic (not hemorrhagic) by 24h the infarcts are well demarcated and have a ringed zone of hyperemia. infarcts are usually wedge shaped with base at the cortex and the apex pointing toward the medulla.
ischemic coagulative necrosis
what is the major source of emboli?
mural thrombosis in the left atrium and ventricles resulting from myocardial infarction.
dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces associated w progressive atrophy of the kidney due to obstructio of urine flow.
if chronic- cortical tubular atrophy and diffuse interstitial fibrosis
kidney disease a/w mutations in genes located in chromosome 16p(PKD1) and 4q (PKD2), these abnormalities arise from TUBULES
a/w LIVER cysts and BERRY aneurisms. they might not know they have it until they develop ARF
Adult Polycystic Disease
this autosomal recessive disease p/w mutations on the PKDHD1, chromosome 6p21-23
- kidney enlarged
SPONGE like dilated channels to cortical surface; micro shows saccular dilation of collecting ducts
- hepatic periportal fibrosis, bile duct proliferation
Autosomal recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease
tumor of the kidney present in up to 50% of patients w tuberous sclerosis
epithelial tumor thought to arise from intercalated cells of CD, considered bening, rare report of mets. particular "mahogany brown" appearance and it often has a intermediate scar
- nuclei have large nucleoli
-EM shows many mitochondria in cytoplasm, thus eosinophilic cells
bright yellow tumor (lipid) to grey white mass which distorts the kidney.
- areas of necrosis and hemorrhage are common
renal cell carcinoma
70-80 % of renal cell carcinoma are this type
clear cell carcinoma
cells w clear or granular cytoplasm, non papillary, loss of sequences on short arm of chromosome 3 (95%) familial or a/w VHL gene.
this renal cancer arises frrom PROXIMAL TUBULE epithelium, solitary, unilateral, usually upper pole.
-round polygonal cells with clear granular cytoplasm (lipid and glycogen)
- delicate branching vasculature "CHICKEN WIRE"
clear cell carcinoma
renal cancer that arises from DCT, often multifocal, hemorrhagic, cystic
- most common tumor in patients who develop DIALYSIS associated cystic disease
- cuboidal or low columnar cells in papillary formations
- foamy macrophages within papillary cores
papillary cell carcinoma
renal carcinoma with pale eosinophilic cells, perinuclear halo, solid sheets usually w largest cells around blood vessels "VEGETABLE CELL WALL APPEARANCE"
chromophobe cell carcinoma,
tumor classification used to predict survival and recurrence free in patients w localized conventional renal cell carcinona. it uses nuclear features for classification
FUHRMAN grading system
3 histological patterns of Wilms tumors
blastematous tissue w some differentiated glomerular structures associated w mesenchymal tissue and tubules.
- Blastemal
- Stromal
this condition is most common is women, painful chronic.
- punctate hemorrhage and fissures in later stages, HUNNER ULCERS, chronic mucosal ulcers. histo may show MAST CELLS. you biopsy to rule out carcinoma in situ.
-micro doesnt show bacteria even symps are of chronic painful dysuria
interstitial cystitis
this class of urothelial carcinoma:
orderly architecture, cyto w minimal/mild nuclear atypia, some hyperchromatic nuclei and some variation in nuclear size and shape. less than 10% invade
LOW GRADE papillary urothelial carcinoma
this urothelial carcinoma p/w large hyperchromatic, dyscohesive cells w atypia and anaplasia. Mitoses are seen. there is architectural disarray and loss of polarity. 80% show invasion
HIGH grade papillary urothelial carcinoma
thus grade of papillary urothelial carcinoma is high grade by definition, may be multifocal can shed into urine. it doesnt stick out of the lesion, incact basement membrane.
IN SITU urothelial carcinoma
once a urothelial high grade carcinoma has become inflitrating pT3a, what tissue has it invaded and whats the mortality rate
it has invaded all the way to the muscularis propia, and now it has a 50% 5m year mortality rate.
classification of bladder cancer pT1 has invade what structure
lamina propia
this type of bladder carcinoma is rare in the US but is common in countries endemic for urinary schistosomiasis (S.hematobium)
squamous cell carcinoma
hyperplastic arteriolitis is a/w
malignant hypertension
problem a/w ADPKD
liver cyst
hepatic periportal fibrosis