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58 Cards in this Set

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Kidney consists of two zones known as;

Cortex and Medulla

Another word for a renal column


What can be found within the medulla and what is the tip of this structure known as

Medullary pyramid and papilla

Parenchymal unit of the kidney


Describe the kidney vasculature

Renal artery

Interlobar artery

Arcuate artery

Interlobular artery

Afferent arteriole

Glomerular capilaries

Efferent arteriole

Interlobular vein

Arcuate vein

Interlobar vein

Renal vein

Where can the arcuate arteries be found in the kidney

Corticomeduallary junction

No anastomoses with neighbouring arteries

Interlobular arteries

Renal microcirculation consists of _ capilary systems


What can be found directly after the afferent arteriole

Glomerular tuft

What is the function of the glomerular tuft?

Filtration of waste products

NB to know of the glomerular tuft

Does not take up or exchange O2 or CO2

What can be found directly after the glomerular tuft

Efferent arteriole

What can be found directly after the efferent arteriole

A complex cappilary system that runs between the tubules

Efferent arterioles devide into ____ that is ___ vessels that run into the ____.

Vasa recta ; long thin-walled ; medulla

What is the function of vasa recta

Ionic and fluid exchange

Functional component of the kidney

The nephron

What is the two main components of the nephron

Glomerulus & Cortical and Medullary tubular systems

With what cappilary system is the glomerulus assossiated


With what capillary system is the cotical and meduallry ubular systems assossiated


Where does the afferent arteriole enter the glomerulus

Vascular pole

How many branches do the afferent arteriole split into at the vascualr pole

5 branches

Where does the single efferent arteriole leave the glomerulus

Vascular pole

What covers the glomerular cappilaries

Bowman's capsule

Describe the cells of bowman's capsule

Flat simple, near opening more cuboidal

What lines the cappilaries internally

Endothelial cells

Cells that coat the glomerular cappilary tuft inside bowman's capsule


What can be found between the cells of cappilary and bowman's capsule

Urinary space

Explain the steps of filtration

Blood enters via the afferent arteriole

Ultrafiltration of blood at the capillary network

Filtrate pass into urinary space and then pass down te tubules

Blood leaves viathe efferent arteriole and flows on to provide O2 blood to tubular systems

Glomerular filtration barrier consists of

1. Cappilary endothelial layer

2. Glomerular capillary basement membrane

3. Podocytes

Describe the three zones of the glomerular basement membrane

1. Central electron dense lamina densa

2. Electron- lucent lamina rara interna (Endothelial layer)

3. Electron-lucent lamina rara externa (Urinary space)

Podocytes are ____ ____.

Spesialised epithelium

Podocytes send down ____ extensions which make contact with the ______.

Cytoplasmic ; Basement membrane

What do podocytes create with their foot like processes?

Filtration slits

Where is mesangium present

Where podocytes cannot reach

Name the four important functions of mesangium:

1. Support the loop system

2.Control blood flow in the loop system

3. Phagocytic function

4. Maintain the BM

What is caracteristic in cells of the proximal convoluted tubule

Columnar with many mitochondria ----> Cuboidal with less mitochondria (NB also contain microvilli)

What cell types are found in the thin limbs of the loop of Henle

Flat epithelium

How do cells of the distal convoluted tubule look

Cuboidal with less microvilli

What hormone acts on the distal convoluted tubule

ADH (Aldosterone)

Name the two cell types that line the collecting tubules

Clear cells and intercallated dark cells

What is themost important function of the Juxtaglomerular apparatus?

Maintain the blood pressure and volume by renin production

Name the three components of the Juxtaglomerular apparatus

1. Renin-producing cells in the walls of the efferent and afferent arterioles

2.Lacis cells

3.Macula densa

Describe a renin producing cell and name two fnctions thereof

It resembles myoepithelium and contains neuroendocrine granules (1&2), also produce renin

What is the lacis cells a network of

interwowen processes

What tubule does the macula densa form part of

Distal convoluted tubule

Descibe the macula densa cells

Tall tightly packed epithelial cells

What is the function of the macula densa cells?

Sensoring the bp

Briefly discuss the Renin-Angiotensin aldosterone system

Renin converts Angiotensin to Angiotensin 1

Angiotensin 1 is converted to Angiotensin 2, which stimulates the release of aldosterone

What is the functional entity of the lower urinary tract

Reservoir for the urine

Name the 5 components of the lower urinary tract

1. Collecting tubule

2. Renal pelvis

3. Ureter

4. Bladder

5. Urethra

What is the name of the spesialized epithelium lining the lower urinary tract


How does the urothelium look in a distended and non-distended bladder?

Distended - 2-3 flat layered cells

Non-distended - Compact cuboidal basal layer, polygonal middle layer and umbrella cell top layer

What cells are present in the ureter?

Smooth muscle cells

Describe the three muscle layers of the bladder

Inner layer - continous with longitudinal ureter layer

Middle layer - Circular ureter layer

Additional outer layer - Longitudinal layer

How long is the urethra in females?


Cells found in the urethra of women?

Stratified sqaumous epithelium with few mucus glands

How long is the urethra in the male?

20 - 25 cm

With what is the urethra in males lined?

Proximal with urothelium

Then non-spesialised pseudo-stratified columnar epithelium

Distal with stratified sqaumous