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39 Cards in this Set

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What is Pharmacognosy?

The study of the physical, chemical, biochemical and biological properties of drugs, drug substances, or potential drugs or drug substances of natural origin, as well as the search for new drugs from natural sources.

What pools can natural drugs be taken from?

-Plant Kingdom

-Microbial World

-Marine World



Which drugs come from the plant kingdom?

Morphine, Cocaine, Salicin, Quinine and Taxol

Which drugs come from the microbial world?

Penicillin and Statins

Which drug comes from the Marine World?

Curacin A, obtained from a marine cyanobacterium

Which drug comes from animals?

Epibatidine from the skin of the Ecuadorian poison frog

Which drug comes from toxins?

Teprotide, a peptide isolated from the venom of the Brazilian Pit Viper

What is the plant kingdom?

A plentiful, rich supply of complex & varied chemical compounds

How many plant species are on the planet, how many are used in folk medicine, how many are used modern medicine around the world, and how many are used in the UK?





How much of the world's population uses herbal drugs as part of their normal healthcare routine?


What is the definition of a herb?

A crude material containing multiple pharmacologically active compounds

What are the properties of herbs?

-Substance of plant origin

-Contain dozens of different compounds

-Can have its composition verified using HPLC

-May contain some compounds that reinforce others

How do herbal medicines work?

Through synergy- the mixture acts together to generate a beneficial effect.

Why should pharmacists be aware of patients taking herbal preparations?

Any prescribed medication may be inhibited or show a response consistent with an overdose

What happens if you take coumadin (warfarin) and ginkgo biloba extracts at the same time?

Ginkgo affects platelet-activating factor, PAF, which can cause an overdose effect of warfarin, leading to bleeding as a result of excessive blood thinning.

What effects to ginkgo biloba extracts have?

They produce vasodilatory effecrs on both the arterial and venous circulation, which increases both peripheral and cerebral blood flow.

What kind of medicine produced an antimalarial agent?

Chinese herbal medicine

What drug comes from poppy seeds?


Where does reserpine come from?

Indian Snakeroot Plant

What are the properties of Reserpine?

-Indole Nucelus

-Light yellow crystalline alkaloid

-Breaks down in presence of light

-Able to reduce blood pressure

What are the properties of salicin? When was it isolated and synthesised?

-Salicin is a glycoside

-Isolated in 1829

-Synthesised in 1979

Who discovered that salicin is converted in the body to salicylic acid?

Marcellus von Nencki in 1870

Where was quinine found, what does it do, and what is it used to treat?

-Quechua Indians of Peru found quinine in the bark of the Cinchona tree

-It acts a muscle relaxant

-Quinine is now used to treat malaria

Who isolated quinine in 1811?

Bernardino Gomez

Where does salicin come from?

The willow tree

Where does combretastatin come from?

The South African tree, Combretum caffrum

What are the features of Combretastatin?

-A potent cutotoxic against a wide variety of human cancer cells

-Poor water solubility

-Still in clinical trials

What is TAXOL (Paclitaxel)?

A cytotoxic drug found in bark, twigs, leaves and fruit of the pacific yew tree.

What is TAXOL (Paclitaxel) used to treat?

-Ovarian Cancer

-Metastatic Breast Cancer

-Lung Cancer

-Prostate Cancer

What are Alkaloids?

Amines found in plants (eg: seeds, roots, bark and leaves)

What is Taxotere (docetaxel) used to treat?

Advanced breast cancer

What is Galanthamine?

-A tertiary alkaloid

-Beneficial to patients with mils Alzheimer's


How can Galanthamine be prepared?

By a stereospecific reduction of (-)-narwedine

What are Synthetic Drugs?

Drugs originating from the screening of dyes

What did Ehrlich and Guttman discover about methylene blue?

That 5 capsules of 100mg a day cured patients from malaria

What is Chrysoidine?

A powerful antiseptic

What is Phenazopyridine?

A urinary antiseptic

What is Sulfapyridine?

A potent antibacterial sulfonamide

What do natural products have more of than synthetic products?

-More protonated amine and free hyrdoxy functionalities

-More single bonds

-More fused rings containing more chircal centres