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20 Cards in this Set

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What component of language encompasses morphology, syntax and phonology?
Define Morphology?
Morphology is concerned with the internal organization of words.
Skinner and Mowrer were proponents of what language theory?
Behavioral Language Theory
The Theory of Syntax was promoted by who?
True or False. The right hemisphere language-related skills include, comprehension and production of speech prosody, metaphorical language, semantics, non-speech sounds, melody and tones.
True or false. The left hemisphere is specialized for language in all modalities (written, oral, visual), arithmetic calculations and logical thinking
What are the functions of the angular gyrus and supramarginal gyrus?
The angular gyrus and supramarginal gyrus both assist integrating visual, auditory information, and linguistic representation
True or False. Lev Vygostsky stated that cognitive development proceeds language, but in turn, it is influenced by linguistic structures
True or False. Caregivers have an intuitive curriculum.
True or False. In child and caregiver interaction, eye contact and joint reference is of little or no importance.
List 2 benefits of play to young children.
1. Play helps young children learn anticipation.
2. Play helps young children predict what happens next and turn taking skills
List two types of knowledge structures.
1. Event based knowledge: which consists of sequences of events or routines.
2. Taxonomic Knowledge which consists of categories and classes organized hierarchically.
Provide examples to the following relational words in children's single-word utterances.
1. Existence e.g this, here, that
2. Non-existence e.g. gone, no
3. Disappearance e.g all gone, away, bye-bye
4. Recurrence e.g. more, again, another
What is reduplication?
Reduplication is when a child attempts a polysyllabic word (e..g. daddy) but is unable to produce one syllable correctly (e.g. dada)
Define the following terms:
1. Deixis
2. Anaphoric Reference
3. Fast Mapping
1. Deixis means indicating or pointing
2. Anaphoric Reference is referal to what has come before e.g. the boy was watching his television when it caught fire.
3. Fast Mapping enables a child infer a connection between a word and its referent after only one exposure
What is the formula for calculating the mean length utterance (MLU)?
MLU = total number of morphemes divided by the total number of utterances.
How many morphemes were proposed by Brown? List 5 of them.
Brown proposed 14 morphemes
1. Preset progressive -ing
2. Prepositions e.g. in and on
3. Regular plural -s
4. Irregular past
5. Possessive -s
List 3 types of verb phrases
1. Transitive verbs
2. Intransitive verbs
3. Stative verbs
What is the difference between a recount narrative and an eventcast narrative?
The recount narrative tells about a past experience in which the child participated, observed or read, while evencast is an explanation of a current or anticipated event.
List the structural properties of a narrative.
1. Descriptive sequence
2. Action sequence
3. reaction sequence
4. Abbreviated episode
5. Complete episode
6. Complex episode
7. Interactive episode