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46 Cards in this Set

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En cuanto acaba el himno
AS SOON AS the anthem ends
to handcuff
thick. In this case, it will be gruesas alfombras – thick carpets
Los seres queridos
the loved ones
El regazo
the lap (like what you get when you sit down)
Hace cosa de un año
about a year or so ago
probably. Yes, I know you thought it meant certainly, which it can. It can mean certainly, but it can also mean probably. Here it means probably.
El canje
the exchange, trade
No me molesto en sugerir
I don’t bother to suggest
El combustible
the fuel
El comercio
the trading
No pude evitar lo que . . .
I couldn’t help what . . .
Tendrás que evitarlo . . .
you will have to help it (as in, I can’t help it, yes you can help it).
Da igual lo que pase
it doesn’t matter what happens
Whatever you see on the screen
da igual lo que veas (note: subjunctive) en pantalla
La competición está mucho más allá de mis habilidades
the competition is far beyond my abilities
kid, boy, girl, young person
we’ve seen this before. To surrender, to yield, to give up, exhaust, tire out. Conjugates like this in the present tense: me rindo  I give up. Note the ei.
Además, no es propio de mí
besides, it’s not in my nature (remember: propio means own, as in “my own, his own”). It’s an adjective, not a verb. It’s not “to own,” but “my own car.”
Me da igual que seamos ricos
I don’t care if we’re rich
Lo intentarás de verdad de la buena?
You’ll really, really try? This idiom isn’t found anywhere else that I can find, except on a blog which tells this same story, in Spanish, from Prim’s point of view, and it repeats this sentence. I can’t find this phrasing in any dictionary, though.
El cojín
the cushion, the sofa pillow
Al fin y al cabo
this idiom means “after all,” or “in the end,”
A lo largo de
over the course of, or along
Un trato
a trade, a deal
Guardar silencio
to keep quiet
No perderé de vista a
I’ll keep my eye on . . .
to oppress, to press, to squeeze
En pleno vuelo
in flight
La insignia
the pin, badge, distinctive button or insignia, mark of honor
Okay? Alright?
Puede que
there might be
Hacerte con
idiom: to get your hands on
Una maza
a mace, like the old weapon
Con pinzos
Hasta un arco endeble
EVEN a weak bow. Note how HASTA= even. Endeble means weak, fleeble, and flimsy. Fragile. Flaccid. Forceless.
Un paraje
a place, a spot
Cantos rodados
Una mordedura
a bite, una mordedura de serpiente = snake bite
Hacerse un ovillo
idiom meaning: to curl up into a ball
Una hoguera
a bonfire. Any blaze produced by burning things heaped together
disappointing; anticlimactic
Empiezo a asustarme
I begin to panic
to move, to displace, to take the place of, to replace. NOTE: reflexively, desplazarse=to travel. This is how it’s used in this chapter.