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37 Cards in this Set

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What was Tokugawa Ieyasu’s destiny

To change Japan forever

How are Europeans different from Japanese

-different cultures

-different way of writing

-different eating habits

How many Japanese converted to Christianity


Why were daimyos concerned about Christianity

It was a threat to their power

Less than 10% of Japanese citizens were samurai

Less than 10% of Japanese citizens were samurai

Why did samurai commit Seppuku

It was an honorable way to die

Who did Tokugawa Ieyasu ally himself with


What class was Hideyoshi from


Why did Tokugawa Ieyasu get rid of the missionaries and Christianity

He felt threatened by the power of the Christian sad

How did Ieyasu trick Hideyori

He sent me a girl warrior to compromise with Hideyori’s mother. And his mother convinced him


Land in return for service/loyalty


Hybrid political system, cross between feudalism and centralized monarchy. Emperor and Shogan

What happened in 1467

Rival branches of the Ashikaga family is involved in a fight about naming the next shogun

Oda Nobunaga

-ended the Ashikaga shogunate in 1573

-killed by his own vassals

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

-was a peasant

-he disarmed presents

Tokugawa Ieyasu

-defeated daimyos in 1600s

-most powerful Vassel forced to be named shogun

What do Daimyos have to do

1. Spend every other year in Yedo

2. Had to leave their families there as hostages

3. Castles cannot be built

What year is sometimes called the great peace of the Tokugawa


What are three main elements of the great peace of the Tokugawa

1. Control over daimyos

2. Disarming of peasants

3. Isolationism

Key elements about trading with the Portuguese

-The musket in Christianity was new to Japan

-musket gave great advantage

-christianity taught loyalty

Why did the shoguns outlaw trade with the Portuguese

Traded with the Dutch because they were more businesslike

Japan and China Confucian social structure





What are four changes that happened in Tokugawa Japan

-cities grew in size and importance

-internal trade expanded

-various regions began to specialize in crops and handicrafts

-New forms of theater literature and art

The treaty of Kanagawa, 1854

The treaty is used so the Japanese would open to ports to the Americans for shelter and trade

-Great Britain, Russia, France, Netherlands


The people that filled these offices, foreign diplomats living in a foreign country


Diplomatic offices headed by consuls


Stronger country takes over a weaker countries

How did imperialism take a different course compared to India

Japanese control and dominate their own affairs

Who held the real power in the Meji government


What was the Meji Restoration a change from

Tokugawa to imperial government

Changes made during the Meiji Restorations

Tokugawa. Meiji

-Born into social classes- free to choose occupation

-Disarmed peasants- own swords


: A National Assembly

-One house of which was elected

-property=right to vote

-Elected house= limited power

-2 houses

What are five things that were a result of Japan’s modernization movement


-The Telegraphs

-The telephones


-Machine made cotton

Japan begin a course of imperialism because they felt threatened by imperialist expansion. They begin in Korea

Japan begin a course of imperialism because they felt threatened by imperialist expansion. They begin in Korea

What happened in 1894

A rebellion in Korea. Japan vs China sent troops. Lead to Sino-Japanese War. Japan won

What year was the treaty of Shimonoseki signed? Conditions?


-China had to recognize independence of Korea

-had to give Japan island of Formosa

-how’s to pay indemnity $150 million to Japan

Effects of the treaty of Shimonoseki

France- 99 yr lease, mineral resources

Russia- lease tax free right of way rail road through Manchuna