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66 Cards in this Set

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In what year was neutrality declared?


Why did Italy’s obligation under the Triple Alliance not apply in WW1?

Because Austria did not consult Italy before going to war with Serbia

Did Salandra want to intervene in WW1?

Yes, he wanted Italy to enter the war

In what year did Salandra and foreign minister Sonnino begin secret negotiations with B+F and Germany?


What date was the Treaty of London ?

26th April 1915

What did the Treaty of London promise?

South Tyrol, Trieste, Dalmatia

In what year did Giolitti denounce the Treaty of London?

May 1915

How many deputies opposed Salandra and when?

300 deputies in 1915

Who did the king call for when Salandra resigned in May 1915?


Why was Salandra reinstated as PM on the 25th May 1915?

Giolitti declines the kings offer as he couldn’t go back on the Treaty of London

What date did Italy declare war on Austria?

25th May 1915

How many Italians did in 1915 in 4 attempted offences which failed?


How many men were conscripted?

5 million (mainly peasants and agricultural workers from south)

How many Italians were court martialled for desertion?


How many death sentences passed for desertion?


In what year did Austria launch an attack in Trentine with the aim of attacking Verona and Bologna?


When was the battle of Caporetto?

October 1917

How many soldiers lost contact with their regiments at battle of caporetto?


Who commit suicide following caporetto?

Francetti - senator

How many died at caporetto?


How many vanished after caporetto?

400,000 (used chaos to return home)

When Boselli reigned as PM following caporetto, who replaced him?


What did the government do to help soldiers after Caporetto?

- increased rations

-trench newspapers to boost moral

-promised land reform for peasant conscripts in 1917

How many vehicles did fiat produce in 1918?


How many planes did the aeronautical industry produce in 1918?


When was the battle of Caporetto?

October 1917

What percent of factory workers were women in the war?


How many soldiers lost contact with their regiments at battle of caporetto?


Who commit suicide following caporetto?

Francetti - senator

How many died at caporetto?


How many vanished after caporetto?

400,000 (used chaos to return home)

When Boselli reigned as PM following caporetto, who replaced him?


What did the government do to help soldiers after Caporetto?

- increased rations

-trench newspapers to boost moral

-promised land reform for peasant conscripts in 1917

How many vehicles did fiat produce in 1918?


How many planes did the aeronautical industry produce in 1918?


How did Dallolio (secretary for arms and munitions) drive success?

-recruitment of women and peasants

- men deemed essential to production not conscripted

-hours of work increase

When was the battle of Caporetto?

October 1917

What percent of factory workers were women in the war?


How did the govt sustain war production ?

Printing money and foreign loans

How many soldiers lost contact with their regiments at battle of caporetto?


Who commit suicide following caporetto?

Francetti - senator

How many died at caporetto?


How many vanished after caporetto?

400,000 (used chaos to return home)

When Boselli reigned as PM following caporetto, who replaced him?


What did the government do to help soldiers after Caporetto?

- increased rations

-trench newspapers to boost moral

-promised land reform for peasant conscripts in 1917

How many vehicles did fiat produce in 1918?


How many planes did the aeronautical industry produce in 1918?


How did Dallolio (secretary for arms and munitions) drive success?

-recruitment of women and peasants

- men deemed essential to production not conscripted

-hours of work increase

When was the battle of Caporetto?

October 1917

What percent of factory workers were women in the war?


How did the govt sustain war production ?

Printing money and foreign loans

How much debt was italy in at end of WW1?

23 billion lira

How many soldiers lost contact with their regiments at battle of caporetto?


Who commit suicide following caporetto?

Francetti - senator

How many died at caporetto?


How many vanished after caporetto?

400,000 (used chaos to return home)

When Boselli reigned as PM following caporetto, who replaced him?


What did the government do to help soldiers after Caporetto?

- increased rations

-trench newspapers to boost moral

-promised land reform for peasant conscripts in 1917

How many vehicles did fiat produce in 1918?


How many planes did the aeronautical industry produce in 1918?


How did Dallolio (secretary for arms and munitions) drive success?

-recruitment of women and peasants

- men deemed essential to production not conscripted

-hours of work increase

By what percent did the North’s economy grow 1911-18?


What year did people protest against food shortages and continuation of war in Turin?


What year was the Battle of Vittorio Veneto?

1918 = split Austrian army so symbolised Italian victory and greatness

What year was the Battle of Vittorio Veneto?

1918 = split Austrian army so symbolised Italian victory and greatness

How many Italian casualties in WW1?
