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92 Cards in this Set

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12 characters are inputted into a string an 11- character limit. What is the last character known as?

Truncated Character

IPV6 addresses comprise of how many blocks?

8 blocks (each 16-bit)

Floating point decimals with more than 7 digits are known as what?


Which comparisons are typically used in Boolean values?


How many bits in a single ASCII character?

7 or 8 bits

How many bits are in a nibble?

4 bits

How many bits in a float?

32 bits

What measures the amount of cycles a processing unit can perform per second?

Processing Speed/ Clock Speed

What is used to measure the speed at which data travels through endpoints?


A character is equal to how many bytes?

1 byte

Which value evaluates whether a condition is either true or false?


What would be the most likely cause of S.M.A.R.T errors on a drive?

Failure of the drive is imminent

What’s is the formula for ROI?

ROI= profit/cost of investment•100%

What is a subsystem?

The combination of computing components that perform a particular task within a system.

What are the 3 steps of data driven business decisions?

Data capture m and collection, data correlation, and meaningful reporting.

What does a patent do for the patent holder?

Prevents others from using or selling the patented invention without their permission.

How many bits are in a double?

64 bits

Which character set is the modern standard?


In programming, a series of characters is typically known as what?


What technology allows a drive to store more information than what it could normally?


How many bits is MACOS?

64 bit

What’s refers to methods used so that unauthorized users cannot access devices and networks?

Access Control

Which 3 SQL commands are commonly used in data definition?

Create, Alter, Drop

When a computer uses memory to and from disk space to make up for the lack of Ram, what is this memory called?

Virtual Memory

What Linux utility provides a split screen view of file usage?

Disk usage analyzer

What does the “divide and conquer” method try and achieve?

A systematic way of finding a fixing problems with computing components or systems.

How many digits total does a double have?


How many bits in an IPV6 address?

128 bits

What is a trademark?

A method an organization uses to distinguish its own products from others in similar fields.

What are the units of storage between a bit and a petabyte?

Bit, Nibble, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte.

What are the five C’s of turning data into information?

Contextualization, Categorization, calculation, corrections, condensation

A float contains up to how many digits?

7 digits

How is throughout measured?

Bits per second

Which file system was developed for early Macintosh computers, has a TB drive limit, uses 16-bit block addressing?

Hierarchal File System (HFS/HFS Plus)

Which file system was introduced in 2017 to replace HFS Plus?

Apple File System (APFS)

uBlock Origin, Scriptsafe, and NoScripts are all examples of what?

Script Blockers

What is software which is stored in a read only memory chip?


What kind of data uses elements and hierarchies?

Semi structured Data

What part of programming logic involves running code multiple times until a condition is met?


What kind of data structure do XML and JSON use?

Semi structured

What is the maximum speed of Thunderbolt 3 cables?

0.5 m or shorter- 40 Gbps

1m or longer- 20 Gbps 30Gbps

Which principle is based on letting a user have only the minimum amount of access to resources to complete their tasks?

Least privilege model/ Principle of least privilege

What is the maximum speed of the 802.11 B standard?

11 Mbps

What kind of file has a .bat file extension?

PC batch file

Which file system was developed for Windows NT and can support up to 16 GB HDDs?

New Technology File System (NTFS)

What kind of file has a .zip file extension?

PKZip compressed archive

Which file systems support file encryption?

New Technology File System (NTFS), Hierarchical File System Plus (HFS Plus), Fourth Extended files system (ext4) and lastly File allocation Table 32 (FAT32 requires third party utilities)

What needs to be installed to allow hardware to communicate with the operating system?

Device Drivers

What kind of file has a .rtf file extension?

Rich text format

What is proprietary software?

Software that does not make their source code available to the public?

Which file system was introduced in 2017 to replace HFS Plus?

Apple File System (APFS)

What kind of application uses a subscription model and requires an Internet connection to be able to save and access files saved elsewhere?

Cloud-hosted applications

In macOS, activity monitor, console, and terminal are examples of what?

macOS utilities

What program sets up and runs virtual machines (VMs)?

Hypervisor/Virtual machine manager (VMM)

What does the Windows command Regedit do?

It opens the Window Registry Editor to manually edit the registry.

Which file system was developed for older windows versions, supports drives up to 2 TB, and has a default cluster size of 32 KB?

File allocation table 32-bit (FAT32)

What kind of application cannot be run without network access?

Cloud based application

How many layers does n-tier architecture use?

4 or more layers

Which windows command-line program is used for disk cleaning, file system conversions, and other disk management tasks?


Microsoft outlook and Mozilla thunderbird are both examples of what kind of software?

Email clients

A software emulation of hardware working in a computer is known as what?

Virtual Machine (VM)

In windows, what feature prevents standard users from installing apps without administrator permission?

User Account Control (UAC)

Which two Linux console commands show all currently running processes?

ps (for a snapshot), top )for real time)

Processes that launch when a system or a particular task is started are known as what?


Notepad, Microsoft Word, and Wordpad are all examples of what kind of productivity software?

Word processing software

Which file systems do not support individual file permissions?

FaT and FAT32

What feature allows web browsers to display content much faster if the page has already been visited in the past?

Browser Caching

Where are the Windows applications settings stored?

In the Windows Registry

What kind of application does not require network access after installation because the application exists locally on a storage drive and files are saved locally as well?

Locally installed applications

When a file is stored, where is their location in the disk recorded?

In the file allocation table (or master file table)

What captures outbound and inbound internet traffic to filter or protect the traffic??

Proxy Server

Which file system is primarily used by Linux and Android?

Fourth Extended File System (Ext4)

In macOS, what shows all currently running processes?

Activity Monitor

How do you uninstall an app on macOS?

Drag the icon to the trash

Which type of license allows one copy of a piece of software to run on multiple computers at the same time?

Concurrent Software

If a file size is 2 Kilobytes but the cluster size is 4 kilobytes, how much space will the file take when it is saved to the disk?

4 Kilobytes

What file system operation allows for the tracking of pending changes to a volume?


What is the Linux command-line tool used for initial HDD setup?


What kind of scripting is usually written in JavaScript and processes user input?

Client-side scripts

What problem is present if a user receives this error code: ERR_CERT_Authority_Invalid?

The website is using a self signed certificate.

A subroutine/procedure inside a larger program is known as what?

A function

A fiber optic connection between the ISP and the neighborhood is know as what?

Fiber to the cabinet or curb (FTTC), or fiber to the neighborhood (FTTN)

In programming, a collection of the same kind of object with a maximum size is known as what?

An array

What is an array?

Lists of related values.

What color 3.5mm jack is used for a subwoofer?


What is every row in a table known as?

A record

What is the maximum download speed of cable service?

500 Mbps

What are the two major standards of email encryption?

S/MME and OpenPGP

What does openPGP stand for?

Open pretty good privacy.

What are the two wireless frequency bands typically used for Wi-Fi?

2.4 and 2.5ghz

Which of the following characterizes a byte?

A. a zero and a one

B. The string 01000001

C. A measurement in Mbps

D. A measurement in MHz

A. a zero and a one

B. The string 01000001

C. A measurement in Mbps

D. A measurement in MHz

You are calculating the Grosspay amount by multiplying the Hoursworked field x the Hourlyrate field. Which data type would you use for the Grosspay, Hours worked, and hourlyrate field?

A. Boolean


C. Integer


C. integer