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27 Cards in this Set

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Nuclear family

A family consisting of two parents and one or more child all in the same house.

Extended Family

A family consisting of a number of adults and children who are related living in the same house. Including relatives.

Reconstituted Family

Some divorced adults choose to remarry or live in a cohabiting relationship. Mix of step parents and step children.

Single parent family.

Where one parent raises children alone.

Childless Family

Where a married or cohabiting couple are either unable to have children naturally or decide not to.

Christian beliefs on family

Children are a gift from God

Children are part of God's plan

Go forth and multiply

Buddhism beliefs on family

5 things

No clear family modle

Focus on your journey to enlightenment

Bring up your family to follow the 5 precepts

Families go to temples together

The Buddha left his fam ill y to search for life meaning


Physical activity between people involving sexual organs

Christian attitudes partners

Many believe that God will guide them to a partner.

Evangelicals won't kiss until they are married.

How might Christians avoid difficult situations

Where a silver ring until they get married l.

Buddhist beliefs on sex

3rd precept

Do Not Miss Use Sex

Sex is a distraction from enlightenment

What are the 4 primary precepts of natural law?

Self preservation for the person

Continuation of the human race

Education of children

To worship God

Catholic interpretation of natural law

Artifical contraception is wrong even though some pregnancy's are fatal or dangerous to the mum, dad and family.

Other Christian interpretation of natural law

God gave us intelligence and creativity to do what is right in a situation. Considering the population size and see this as a way to control it. Also concerned about stds

CofE on natural law

Sex isn't a sin or goes against God's perpous

The opinions on coil and the pill

Some Christians belive it to be wrong as they destroy fertilzed eggs- a life

Christians on homosexuality


"every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall give praise to God"

Not to pass judgment

Gay marriage Christians

Quakers - yes

Catholics and protestants - No

No longer 2, but 1 as flesh.

Buddhists on gay marriage

There are no teachings but It could be a temptation awya from enlightenment

Law of the land

Catholics on devorce


Marriage is a sacrament that cannot be dissolved.

"what God has joined together, let no one separate"

Anglicans on divorce

Accept it as the law allows it.

Buddhists on devorse

First precept - do not harm


Don't abuse your partner.

Un happiness may cause suffering.

Cohabition. Catholics

No - devalues the sacred nature of sex.

Other Christians on cohabitation

Some feel it is acceptable if a loving and committed relationship.

Buddhists on cohabitation

No obligation to get married

A relationship should show metta and follow the dharma marriage is not essential for this.

Gender equality Christians

Adam avd eve

Eve was made from Adams rib to be his helper.

"women are simple souls who like simple things"

Bishop James pike 1968

Buddhism gender equality

Traditional, how a husband should minister to a wife in 5 ways.

"the wife who has been treated in this way by her husband will show her compassion to her husband in five ways.